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  1. 6

    General Motors CEO said WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I can't believe he said that. "In a two hour interview last week, General Motors CEO Dan Akerson told the Detroit News that he wanted to see the tax on gas raised by a dollar per gallon in order to pressure consumers to purchase more fuel efficient vehicles."
  2. 6

    Turkey w/bacon in the smoker

    Threw the bird in after 24 hrs of brining. And a little bacon for flavor. Pecan wood for smoking.
  3. 6

    Latest Photos of the 7.4 earthquake from down under

    Friends from down under sent these photos of the 7.4 earthquake from last week.
  4. 6

    Hot in SoCal

    I'm about 3 miles from the fires and that's all you can think about. I can see it from my house. Humidity 7% that's dry.
  5. 6

    Happy 4th

    Happy 4th from BBQ Central Smoked peanuts & beef ribs. Ribs will be coverd with butter, honey & cider, covered w/foil and placed back in the smoker for a couple of hours. Peanuts are good, hot and smokey. Chicken was smoked for 4.5 hrs, gilled and then covered & placed in the oven...
  6. 6

    Mopar shifter P/N - Please help

    Could someone please tell me what part number this shifter is? I what to get a handle for it. It's this sick! I had to share, it was so bad.