1969 Race Dart w/ 426 Hemi- garaged for 45+ years

I think our A body Hemi cars are similarly equipped.....except I have A/C and P/S. Both stick cars but I bet mine is slightly heavier and a bit more streetable......so to even things out, I'll leave my A/C off.


BTW...the carpet looks great.
A/C don't need none of that........................ :rofl:
Just found this thread while out of town. Had my wife drive home some of the way so I had time to read the whole thread lol. What a cool story. Glad you went the route you did on this thing. Enjoy it!
Received an email from Carlisle yesterday. My car didn't make the cut for inside one of the buildings for the show in July, lots of applications and competition.

All good though I am just proud to have the car finished and be at the show to tell the story. I registered for the show field last July and my goal was to be there. What I love the most is talking to people and telling them the story of my FIL and this great car. :thumbsup:
I look forward to seeing you car there this July.
Whoa, didn’t expect that. WELCOME BACK first of all, and please do share.
Like Scott said, this will NOT be a "restoration" it's going to be more of go through the engine, transmission, brakes/suspension ect, make everything thing safe, and fresh. Put it back to its somewhat "day 2" status. This car cannot be duplicated by any amount of money, and I cannot wait to be part of it!
I guess this thought of a year ago certainly changed. Sad to hear, but if you weren't paid appropriately the car should still be in your shop. Sounds like another 3 sided story...
No, the idea didn't change, it's just when I told him the total for the turn key job he didn't think it was fair. I got WELL under fair market value, after spending hundreds of hours in text/conversations and providing a quality product in under a year.
Not my place to say anything but from the pictures and one video I've seen you did a hell of a good job sir.
If anyone wants the side of the story from the guy who actually rebuilt this thing, ask away. Scott is a really good dude, but he had no idea the amount of work it takes to build one of these cars, and especially when it was so poorly executed the first time. I nearly shut my shop down after I couldn't get fairly compensated for the work done. I'm not trying to disparage him, but the story isn't complete till all sides are heard.
Car should not have been released until you were paid for work done. You should have held car until you were paid your due. Was a written agreement sign ahead of time? Did you keep a detailed list of time and materials?

And unless someone has actually done the work you did, which was extensive, and in very short time, and of high quality, requiring extensive skill knowledge, a customer is not going to have a clue. Should not be a surprise customer doesn't have a clue, thats a given, and should be assumed.

The admin over on autobody101 he bills monthly for time materials. And when customers don't pay its a stop work. So strategies to manage risk, minimize losses, and manage customers expectations need to be done.
If anyone wants the side of the story from the guy who actually rebuilt this thing, ask away. Scott is a really good dude, but he had no idea the amount of work it takes to build one of these cars, and especially when it was so poorly executed the first time. I nearly shut my shop down after I couldn't get fairly compensated for the work done. I'm not trying to disparage him, but the story isn't complete till all sides are heard.
I'm confused by the opening volley and the intent.. seems this goes nowhere but negative.

I don't know replicaracer43, but, I can certainly attest to people being surprised at a bill. It's happened more than once to me. Customer brings in a project. Wants A, B, C, done. Then there's the "while you're at its". Those are what adds up. "Quick a Minute" stuff. Not to mention, today's dollars are not five years ago dollars. Parts are more expensive. Labor rates have to go up to cover costs. It's a frickin mess. I hope everything turns out for both parties. The customer has a kick *** Hemi Dart that could have easily been fucked over by many incompetent shops. Hopefully replicar comes out alright.
So, I have heard nothing but praise of the work Sean has done. Obviously I don't know the details, but let's let Scott also chime in.

I wish this was between Scott and Sean, not in this thread.

Agreed Chris...sad really
So, I have heard nothing but praise of the work Sean has done. Obviously I don't know the details, but let's let Scott also chime in.

I wish this was between Scott and Sean, not in this thread.

Agreed Chris...sad really
Agree, nothing but praise and positive words.

This is a conversation between two parties that I have no business in being part of, and definitely not the public. Unclear on the intent. I hope all this goes private.
Ok. Well, I got paid less than the lowest estimate anyone on here gave, I supplied a whole molnar rotating assembly, fully machined and built the engine , took it to the dyno, replaced a ton of structural damage, reassembled everything, including rewiring and re plumbing the car, rebuilding the whole suspension, welding up the k frame seams, fabricating the entire brake line layout, re wiring, replacing the entire transmission tunnel, and making the car turn key, for LESS than 21k. I figured it up and I made LESS than 14 dollars a hour. Just putting the facts out there. And I will NEVER build another engine or car for anyone associated with this site after this.
Wow. Just wow...... I can certainly understand how you contemplated closing shop. People just don't get it. I feel for you. That frickin Hemi-Roid build is all of half that 21k.....
Just wanted to explain my side of the story, as the builder, did it for pennies on the dollar, and I have nothing to say negative about the car owner, other than he was naive, and I got the short end of the financial stick.
I’ve been a similar situation although MUCH smaller scale. Where I had a guy build an engine with mostly my supplied parts. I didn’t ask him his rate, how much he thought it would cost or anything like time ect. I knew I could trust him and this was at the top of my list. Like they say priceless.
Well, 6-8 months later plus or minus, I didn’t keep track, the engine was ready to be picked up and already dynoed with paperwork.
When he sent me the bill( he is out of state 12hrs drive ) I couldn’t believe how little he charged me.
The check I sent him was several hundred more than required because I was grateful for his honesty and integrity.
Long story short, maybe the op will have an opportunity to pay fair market value. Maybe payments over time as funds are available? I don’t know.
You both seem to be great people and I hope it works out for both.
Just wanted to explain my side of the story, as the builder, did it for pennies on the dollar, and I have nothing to say negative about the car owner, other than he was naive, and I got the short end of the financial stick.
I empathize, seriously, it sucks. But going public sniffs of extortion.

They mob is a useful tool, until it comes for you

Good luck Sir
If anyone wants the side of the story from the guy who actually rebuilt this thing, ask away. Scott is a really good dude, but he had no idea the amount of work it takes to build one of these cars, and especially when it was so poorly executed the first time. I nearly shut my shop down after I couldn't get fairly compensated for the work done. I'm not trying to disparage him, but the story isn't complete till all sides are heard.
Why not pull the plug? afraid of being put under Max Custody? :rolleyes:
I got a local one person body shop guy who has painted 3 non-mopar project cars for me. Guy has 30 years experience he is the best. I ALWAYS give him couple extra hundred above his asking price. Now he shut shop down cause tired of dealing with *** hole customers. But guess what? When I called and asked can he paint my last project car guy said for me yes. Other people he says no tells them shop closed.

Good shops are scarce nearly impossible to find. Take care of the shops, feed them good, and they will move you to the front of the line if/when the need arises. Screw them over, short change, burn bridge your screwed cause you can't find the good shops anymore.