Unfortunately,you don't know how close we all came to simply scrounging around the
salvage yards for those manifolds!When the same engineers that gave us the won-
derful slanty were working on the "new" 2.2/2.5 4cyl. eng.,they also were running a
parallel upgrade of the/6,including an al. head w/double squish bathtub chambers
& a complete turbo setup identical to that used on the 4cyls.!Apparently,they must
have decided FWD was the future,and didn't consider it feasible for light truck use.
A quick trip to the .org site and you should be able to find the article,pics and all!
Chrysler could have marketed ecoboost well before it's current promoter,sigh.Oh
well,obviously the type of construction you chose depends on your budget,output
goals,and driveability tolerence.As far as FI vs. carb,,it is absolutely true that you
can make just as much power w/carbs,BUT!Superior driveability,better fuel efficiency,
and greater engine longevity WILL all come w/EFI.So will higher initial cost and the
tuning complexities associated w/ those systems,but if you can,it is definitely the
way to go!The biggest drawback to injecting the slanty is the distant location you'll
have to mount them in relation to the intake valve if you go port inj.
Power-wise, the stock valve sizes/cyl.displ. are close to the same 198/2.2,and
better 225 vs.2.5, a stock 2.2 TII makes 175HP w/11psi & modest intercooler.
That's a 257HP 198,and a 292HP 225 w/the common O/S valves keeping par.:happy1: