340 gone! Performance shop shut down! Help!

Are you playing dumb or are you one of the dozen or so people in the country who actually DOES NOT KNOW who the WBC is?

Yeah right I'm playing dumb....... I forgot more than you will ever learn apparently.
I chose not to go there cause I never said I hated anyone. YOU pulled that out of your bag of trixxx.
Damn, what happened in here! It looks like things are getting out of control! I really have no updates right now for you guys. It is the weekend so I am not expecting to hear anything until Monday at the earliest. I did get a letter from CalBar today in the mail though. They contacted me a few days ago and I already updated you guys on that conversation so that is the latest. I will keep the updates coming as I get them. I think that CalBar is my best hope right now as they are the only ones who have called me back with an action plan. OK, I am off to watch a movie with the kiddos. You all behave in here! LOL!


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Glad CALBAR is going to do some investigating for you! Sorry it went sideways, I just didnt think the term "faggot" by another member was appropriate here, and I let it be known. I apologize
CalBAR, I hope they swing the same size bat as CARB/AQMD....I told a smog referee about a smog station that I paid for a diagnostic and they told me my car wouldnt pass smog due to a bad convertor. I replaced the convertor and the car didnt get any closer to passing. I called the referee and talked with him and he said he knew the station that I went to. 2 weeks later the station was under new ownership!

Is a bit mmmm __ "down the food chain" .
update when possible,
If someone is an asshole then call him an asshole. I do...LOL

Oh, did you call me??? I wasn't home.... :glasses7:

A guy walked into a bar and yells, "All lawyers are a-holes!"

He looks around, everyone is quiet.

Finally a voice from the back says, "You better take that back!"

The first man asks, "Are you a lawyer?"

The second man replies, "No, I'm an a-hole...."

oh, did you call me??? I wasn't home.... :glasses7:

A guy walkd into a bar and yells, "all lawyers are a-holes!"

he looks around, everyone is quiet.

Finally a voice from the back says, "you better take that back!"

the first man asks, "are you a lawyer?"

the second man replies, "no, i'm an a-hole...."
I think you missunderstood the way I was trying to use the word. I was attempting to use it as "*** hole"..
I am sorry if I offended any one I did not mean to come off as any slurs of any kind.

So, how do you feel about the rectum as a whole???
Now that's some funny sh*t!

Oh, did you call me??? I wasn't home.... :glasses7:

A guy walked into a bar and yells, "All lawyers are a-holes!"

He looks around, everyone is quiet.

Finally a voice from the back says, "You better take that back!"

The first man asks, "Are you a lawyer?"

The second man replies, "No, I'm an a-hole...."
I hate to play the devil's advocate here, and you do need to jump on this before these people file for bankruptcy, BUT

in many places this is not legally fraud or theft until it can be proven, and bankruptcy will not be, either

No legal entity is going to let you, or escort you somewhere to get "stuff" that you say is yours. So unless you have some pretty good proof that your engine is "your engine," it's not gonna leave.

A pair of heads on a bench might be tough, unless you have previously marked them!!!

Crank, other misc engine parts will be impossible to prove.

THIS is the very reason a former neighbor used to have his name on everything that was at the machine shop. Not so much in case of theft but because the place had a dozen or so motors going at once.

Was a pain in the butt to engrave/stamp his name on everything but in 30 or so years of racing he never had anything go MIA or get someone elses stuff in exchange.

If the shop has a LLC or any derivative of it good luck in any type of suit or police action......
Damn, what happened in here! It looks like things are getting out of control! I really have no updates right now for you guys. It is the weekend so I am not expecting to hear anything until Monday at the earliest. I did get a letter from CalBar today in the mail though. They contacted me a few days ago and I already updated you guys on that conversation so that is the latest. I will keep the updates coming as I get them. I think that CalBar is my best hope right now as they are the only ones who have called me back with an action plan. OK, I am off to watch a movie with the kiddos. You all behave in here! LOL!

Looks like your standard form letter to me......
Good luck with this, hope you eventually get your motor back. I was stationed at NAS Lemoore with VFA-14, Us and VFA-41 were the 1st sea going squadrons to transition for the tomcat to the super hornet. Loved those tomcats but damn the F/A-18E was super easy to work on !!
WOW!!! I checked in to see the update about a motor and now my head is spinning. Amazing how things get blown out and sidetracked. Still got my fingers crossed for a happy ending.
I have one other suggestion if your going to be down there Monday....
I am sure there was a business licence pulled to do business in Fresno. Maybe stop by the local City licencing department and ask them to pull who the owner's info is for you so you can file a lean against the company/owner. At least if the company go's bankrupt you will have your hat in the ring for getting your money back if and when the assets are sold of the company. Make sure you file for the replacement value of the Motor.
Make sure you make people understand. If you dont get this motor back the replacement value will not be a small clams court item. It will cost you allot more to replace that motor Assembly...

Good Luck
My Kids are stationed up there where you are at..... I feel for you...I hope the outcome gets better !!!
Thanks for the info, I will look into that if this goes south this week. I am hoping to hear something this week. I am at NAS Lemoore with VFA-192. We are in the process of transitioning into Super Hornets now. We are currently flying the baby (Legacy) Hornets.

I have one other suggestion if your going to be down there Monday....
I am sure there was a business licence pulled to do business in Fresno. Maybe stop by the local City licencing department and ask them to pull who the owner's info is for you so you can file a lean against the company/owner. At least if the company go's bankrupt you will have your hat in the ring for getting your money back if and when the assets are sold of the company. Make sure you file for the replacement value of the Motor.
Make sure you make people understand. If you dont get this motor back the replacement value will not be a small clams court item. It will cost you allot more to replace that motor Assembly...

Good Luck
My Kids are stationed up there where you are at..... I feel for you...I hope the outcome gets better !!!
OK, here is the latest. I received a phone call from Brooks Performance today. They were very apologetic and stated that they have been in court all last week which was why they were not around. They are having mutiple legal issues with customers. Hmmmm, I wonder why. They stated that my engine is completed and was at the owners house being built since they do not have a machinist anymore. She was unable to get a hold of him today, however, they said tomorrow they will try again to get it delivered to the shop for me to pick up. I told her that I would go there personally to get it tonight, but said it was out of her hands so once again I am playing the waiting game. I am supposed to call her in the morning for updates. This could turn out to be good news after all. I am really hoping this is true! Man, my nerves are shot!
I would ask for dated pictures of the engine being assembled before accepting it.
For all you know it could be put together with used parts.
OK, here is the latest. I received a phone call from Brooks Performance today. They were very apologetic and stated that they have been in court all last week which was why they were not around. They are having mutiple legal issues with customers. Hmmmm, I wonder why. They stated that my engine is completed and was at the owners house being built since they do not have a machinist anymore. She was unable to get a hold of him today, however, they said tomorrow they will try again to get it delivered to the shop for me to pick up. I told her that I would go there personally to get it tonight, but said it was out of her hands so once again I am playing the waiting game. I am supposed to call her in the morning for updates. This could turn out to be good news after all. I am really hoping this is true! Man, my nerves are shot!

You have made head way since they have contacted you so that is a positive thing. Lust be sure and check the vin on the block.
OK, here is the latest. I received a phone call from Brooks Performance today. They were very apologetic and stated that they have been in court all last week which was why they were not around. They are having mutiple legal issues with customers. Hmmmm, I wonder why. They stated that my engine is completed and was at the owners house being built since they do not have a machinist anymore. She was unable to get a hold of him today, however, they said tomorrow they will try again to get it delivered to the shop for me to pick up. I told her that I would go there personally to get it tonight, but said it was out of her hands so once again I am playing the waiting game. I am supposed to call her in the morning for updates. This could turn out to be good news after all. I am really hoping this is true! Man, my nerves are shot!

I would go through the engine and make sure it is put together properly before installing it.
I plan to do just that. The intake will come off to verify a roller setup was installed. I am also borrowing a borescope to inspect the pistons. I will pull the oil pan to verify torques, etc prior to installing. The guys from the car club here are already at the ready to help me out with that.

I would go through the engine and make sure it is put together properly before installing it.
Well I have made some huge progress today. I called the shop this morning to follow up with them as they requested. Of course, they tell me that they are on the other line with the machine shop and would call me back in ten minutes. I waited an hour and yes...you guessed it...no call back. I tried to call them back and I got an instant message that said this number is no longer in service. I immediately grabbed some of my friends from work and we headed to the shop. Yes, they were open and the lady told me that they said it would be another week before it would be ready. I immediately said, I don't think so and asked them for an address to the machine shop. She would not give it to me and I insisted that I was not leaving until they did. Meanwhile, other workers were removing cables from the walls and computers were being loaded into trucks. Cars were also being towed out on trailers (all signs of closing up shop). As I was poking around the place, I happened to see my intake manifold sitting in the corner. I new that was an issue and I new it was mine because of how it was taped off with blue tape and the thermostat housing that was on it. As we were over in that corner, a lady handed me a piece of paper that had an address to the machine shop so we immediately left to head that way. I also snatched my intake! Once we arrived at the machine shop, the machinist walked up to the truck and I told him that I was there to pick up my 340 engine. I told him what the shop was telling me and he said that he had not heard from that shop in over a month. He said my block and pieces have been sitting in the corner for a year now waiting on the new parts. He grabbed everything and loaded my block, heads, and internals into the truck for me with no questions asked. He also gave me his business card and told me if he wanted me to build it still after the issues are worked out to bring it back. I told him that I was not going to be doing that as I trust no one anymore. So yes, I have my engine back now, but unfortunately it is in pieces. The only thing that I did not recover was the flywheel and some misc hardware which is all replaceable. Once I got back home, I called CalBar and brought him up to speed. He told me that the shop lied to him, because he was there yesterday and they told him it was done as well and gave him all the build contracts. He is coming out to the base tomorrow to have me fill out a declaration and he also wants the business card from the machine shop that I picked my motor up from. He said I hit a gold mine as they have been looking for that machine shop for some time in order to recoup other customers engines. He said he is going to do his best to help me get my money back now which is why he is coming to see me tomorrow. I want to give a much deserved "Thank You" to all of you involved with helping me recover this engine. This has been a very stressful time and you all came through in numbers! Thank you all once again! Here are some pictures for you all.


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