4 Headlights or 2 Headlights; opinions needed.

My turn signals and brake lights don't hardly work on my '61 D100 Utilne so I use hand signals which is totally legal.
How many of the people you're in traffic with do you guess might know you're doing something other than stickin' your hand out the window? Legal, maybe, but it sure does raise the likelihood of getting hit.

Me, I'd rather put whatever effort it takes into making sure my lights and signals work than find myself standing on the roadside (assuming I'm still alive/conscious) looking at my damaged vehicle and going "But hand signals are totally legal!".
…don't really wanna be standing on the roadside (assuming I'm still alive/conscious) looking at my damaged vehicle and going "I don't care what the government says", either.
How many of the people you're in traffic with do you guess might know you're doing something other than stickin' your hand out the window? Legal, maybe, but it sure does raise the likelihood of getting hit.

Me, I'd rather put whatever effort it takes into making sure my lights and signals work than find myself standing on the roadside (assuming I'm still alive/conscious) looking at my damaged vehicle and going "But hand signals are totally legal!".
I’d have to see the statistics, cuz I don’t buy it.
Yeah, hand signals are legal. We all get it. Now once more, and try to follow along this time. What's NOT LEGAL is inoperative motor vehicle equipment and you can and probably will be ticketed for it.
Yeah, hand signals are legal. We all get it. Now once more, and try to follow along this time. What's NOT LEGAL is inoperative motor vehicle equipment and you can and probably will be ticketed for it.
Not so fast. Here in Cali follow these rules, other states may vary of course.
Yeah, hand signals are legal. We all get it. Now once more, and try to follow along this time. What's NOT LEGAL is inoperative motor vehicle equipment and you can and probably will be ticketed for it.
Hey everybody, no speeding or burnouts either .
You're so obtuse you'll never understand what I said.
Obtuse ? That seems a bit harsh.
If you know a signal is not working or even present on a vehicle and your following the law as written I doubt in Cali you'd be pulled over.
Flicking an ash out the window is a different story.
Sorry for the disagreement.
Obtuse ? That seems a bit harsh.
If you know a signal is not working or even present on a vehicle and your following the law as written I doubt in Cali you'd be pulled over.
Flicking an ash out the window is a different story.
Sorry for the disagreement.
Using hand signals is fine. What you're not grasping is, inoperative vehicle equipment IS a ticketable offense. Let's say you were in something a lot older that didn't come with turn signals. Then, you're likely completely in the clear. But to have original equipment like turn signals that don't work is ticketable. I guess it would depend on the officer's mood as to whether you get a ticket, but he'd be perfectly correct in his element to do it. If you cannot understand that, then I cannot help you.
Been ticketed before for exhibition of speed on motorcycles in the past but never for using hand signals.
Who said anything about being ticketed for using hand signals? I think obtuse was right on the mark.
Who said anything about being ticketed for using hand signals? I think obtuse was right on the mark.
No you
Who said anything about being ticketed for usinghand signals? I think obtuse was right on the mark.
I give, guilty as charged. Damn judge would probably call me the same.
Using hand signals is fine. What you're not grasping is, inoperative vehicle equipment IS a ticketable offense. Let's say you were in something a lot older that didn't come with turn signals. Then, you're likely completely in the clear. But to have original equipment like turn signals that don't work is ticketable. I guess it would depend on the officer's mood as to whether you get a ticket, but he'd be perfectly correct in his element to do it. If you cannot understand that, then I cannot help you.
Rusty, I don't want to poke the bear, pick a scab etc. As I have great respect for all your wisdom and common sense.
All state laws are different and we must obey the laws where applicable.

Here in Cali the rules may differ from other jurisdictions. Call has not required vehicle inspections for decades.

My 61 and 64 Mopars did not come equipped with seat belts therfore they're exempt.

I understand the Safety aspect of working lights etc. The 61 D100 is used 95 % of time for dump runs during daylight hours in a rural area where LEO is mostly focusing on Meth heads, women beaters, husband beaters, burglaries, assaults and on and on.

I again apologize and would hope you realize my position with the laws as I interpret them here.

I'd also going play the cantankerous old man syndrome card as . . .

Thanks again for the spirited debate.
My argument really hasn't a thing to do with hand signals. That's what you are not grasping. But it's all good. Carry on.