5.0 Front Servo Spring

The 727 acc spring won’t work as the coils are to close together and will coil bind. I wouldn’t use it. The other 727 springs are way too big. The 904 acc spring is the best. Kim
The 727 acc spring won’t work as the coils are to close together and will coil bind. I wouldn’t use it. The other 727 springs are way too big. The 904 acc spring is the best. Kim

That's what I was thinking, I was just trying to see if I had something laying around that way Tony wasnt doing all the leg work haha.
Just in case- I made some bends in my spring lol



That should work. That is the spring that was in there right? Kim

Yes it was the spring in there that is actually for a 71+ front servo. I took the bottom and bent it in so it would fit in the space. Only problem is it isnt very tight in the space, I'll have to do a little more bending.
photos of two different front servo for 904....took two out of older 904 ...they have the smaller servo with that single spring....the other one is later model 72+ and has the larger servo like a 727 and you can see the large spring that goes with it....

photo 1 and 3 are the larger servo....photo 2 is of the two smaller ones

my opinion.....i would not use any spring in that servo except the one that came out of it.....but...



With the -2/-3 kits u need to have lots of spring pressure in the front servo or u will bind up when shifting to 3rd gear. When putting in the front it should be all u can do to push it in against the spring pressure with ur 2 thumbs. I use a C clamp type valve spring compressor now for installing the front servo. Kim
you have a whatever was available on the floor at the time the previous owner built it car,,,,,,,,
I got the correct front servo spring for the a904 today at the transmission store. I forgot to take a picture for everyone and I checked my receipt there is no part # sorry guys. It all went together perfectly though. Thanks for all of the help everyone!


What is the correct spring? What was it’s original application?Kim

I just asked for a front servo spring for an a904 transmission and the guy came back 5 minutes later with a spring that fit. It's a little more narrow and a little shorter than this spring. When I look at my receipt it says "miscellaneous springs" without any part #'s and I didnt take a picture.

I believe the outside diameter was roughly 1.8in
