63 Dodge Dart, now let me see;)

I have to agree with "Rusty" DNE even if he can't wait for a guy to finish a post...LOL. I like to have freeze plugs that are just about as deep as the thickness of the block...more sealing surface area...no leaky leaky. You are doing a fine job. Trial and error are one of the best teachers. "gee I sure won't ever do that again"
:lol: :thankyou::thankyou:

I have to agree with "Rusty" DNE even if he can't wait for a guy to finish a post...LOL. I like to have freeze plugs that are just about as deep as the thickness of the block...more sealing surface area...no leaky leaky. You are doing a fine job. Trial and error are one of the best teachers. "gee I sure won't ever do that again"
I have to agree with "Rusty" DNE even if he can't wait for a guy to finish a post...LOL. I like to have freeze plugs that are just about as deep as the thickness of the block...more sealing surface area...no leaky leaky. You are doing a fine job. Trial and error are one of the best teachers. "gee I sure won't ever do that again"
Sorry just tryin to help. I'll stop.
Don't worry DNE he won't stop. I heard he once saw a road sign that said GOSLOW...he thought it was a town, but it was really GO SLOW and he didn't even slow down! LOL "Rusty"
That's funny.....you won't believe this, but the road we take into town when we go is named "Cumslo" Road. The story behind it is, it was supposed to be named "Slocum" but they messed it up and just decided to leave it. I don't know how true that story is, but Cumslo is indeed the road's name. lol

That's funny.....you won't believe this, but the road we take into town when we go is named "Cumslo" Road. The story behind it is, it was supposed to be named "Slocum" but they messed it up and just decided to leave it. I don't know how true that story is, but Cumslo is indeed the road's name. lol
I would suggest flushing that rust crap out while it's apart. That doesn't even look like coolant.
lol,. when I bought antifreeze at NAPA, there is a variety of colors, it was orange~ dumb me, but I can change that out when I re-flush the system;)

I would suggest flushing that rust crap out while it's apart. That doesn't even look like coolant.
I hope you guys don't think I'm incapable of doing things, just need the confidence boost sometimes especially on something I don't want to have to repeat AGAIN!
I saw somewhere were the rear main was "offset"? like 3/16" up on one side and recessed on the other side, then the rear main seal bracket seal is offset the same way? This make sense?

Anyway, the sad part is don't actually know where the driplet was coming from other than it was on the passenger side. Tightening the pan bolts didn't do anything unless not sealed well enough where rubber gasket meets the cork(why does that sound funny!")

I should have the seals tomorrow and will clean these parts spic n span.

Gotta get making hamburgers;) brb

rear main leak.jpg
Here is where I put RTV on. The red dot on each end of the seal and then all the way out to the pan gasket on both sides.
rear main leak.jpg
I'm so glad you posted that!!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
I also put RTV on the sides of the seal retainer instead of using the seals there. Because the seals eventually dry out, but RTV will be there until you take it back apart.

Like this, but where the red line goes up vertically to the pan rail, I put that part on the retainer.
rear main leak.jpg