67/68/69 cuda dilemma

I am wanting to start back up with this project at some point in the near future, but life is still getting in the way of that currently. I hope the mods dont truncate this thread, as theres a lot of fab work here on these pages that other people can follow/copy on their own projects. As an aircraft sheetmetal fabricator, I try to get this stuff right enough that it appears factory but is a bit above and beyond. I have used ideas from here too and incorporated them into this build. The crossmember mod for the 42RH for example. I used many different what I felt were the best ideas from different people to make what I felt was the best design to use. If possible, I would like this thread to stay open in its entirety so other folks can follow the trail I left for them.

I am wanting to start back up with this project at some point in the near future, but life is still getting in the way of that currently. I hope the mods dont truncate this thread, as theres a lot of fab work here on these pages that other people can follow/copy on their own projects. As an aircraft sheetmetal fabricator, I try to get this stuff right enough that it appears factory but is a bit above and beyond. I have used ideas from here too and incorporated them into this build. The crossmember mod for the 42RH for example. I used many different what I felt were the best ideas from different people to make what I felt was the best design to use. If possible, I would like this thread to stay open in its entirety so other folks can follow the trail I left for them.

I agree!
I think the only threads that time out are For Sale ads and such. Normal posts stay forever. I've seen threads from the year 1626 brought back up to tell Leroy the Lion Hearted in East Elbonia that he put the wrong yoke on his A body Oxcart! Your thread here has been very interesting and informative, so I doubt it would ever get swept away even if there were some kind of cleansing of the board. This one didn't get to 41 pages because it was boring.....lol. Hang in there Matt and pick it back up when you can. Be well.

:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
I am wanting to start back up with this project at some point in the near future, but life is still getting in the way of that currently. I hope the mods dont truncate this thread, as theres a lot of fab work here on these pages that other people can follow/copy on their own projects. As an aircraft sheetmetal fabricator, I try to get this stuff right enough that it appears factory but is a bit above and beyond. I have used ideas from here too and incorporated them into this build. The crossmember mod for the 42RH for example. I used many different what I felt were the best ideas from different people to make what I felt was the best design to use. If possible, I would like this thread to stay open in its entirety so other folks can follow the trail I left for them.

You keep on keepin on Matt.

We the members will make sure your thread and the information you were gracious enough to take the time to post carry's on.

We can't get enough true craftsmen and women on here and you are truly one of those...

Cheers buddy.

:canada: :canada:
I did a bit of research on mental health lately. All the boxes check off for what's referred to as "functional freeze". Yes apparently that is a real thing. On the surface everything appears normal to everybody around me. I go to work, am punctual, and function, but underneath I am mentally frozen. Nothing brings any enjoyment. **** that i want to get done at home, does not, and piles up. That just drives depression further. Every so often I push myself to get stuff done I want. Often times it gets half done, I find no enjoyment in it and I say **** it.

I work 8 days to get 6 days off. Most would love that schedule, but I dread it. The 6 days off I am or seem catatonic. I do the stuff that has to get done to "function" pay bills, maintenance on my house, daily drivers etc. The rest of the time I surf the net on my phone as an escape. Then I dread the 8 days on shift since I am like an adult babysitter to 9 people. Anything that screws up on my watch I have to unFuck.

That's functional freeze apparently. You function on the surface and everybody thinks you got it really going on, got your **** together, but underneath it, you see your life speeding along to the end, and you cannot seem to be able jump back in and at least try to enjoy the ride, or have the wherewithal to even take care of your physical self. Wife told me I have a choice to be miserable or not. After that comment I just dont talk to her about it. I smile, and put on my mask i use for her so she thinks that its all ok.

I get that most people dont get it. On the surface I seem to have a successful life. Lots of people dont have what I do. It's not about things though. It's about being genuinely happy in your life.

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^^ I had an ex wife years ago, that caused me to be like that! If I was not working, I was depressed. I changed wives, cured. Sad to say, but was the truth.
I did a bit of research on mental health lately. All the boxes check off for what's referred to as "functional freeze". Yes apparently that is a real thing. On the surface everything appears normal to everybody around me. I go to work, am punctual, and function, but underneath I am mentally frozen. Nothing brings any enjoyment. **** that want to get done at home, does not, and piles up. That just drives depression further. Every so often I push myself to get stuff done I want. Often times it gets half done, I find no enjoyment in it and I say **** it.

I work 8 days to get 6 days off. Most would love that schedule, but I dread it. The 6 days off I am or seem catatonic. I do the stuff that has to get done to "function" pay bills, maintenance on my house, daily drivers etc. The rest of the time I surf the net on my phone as an escape. Then I dread the 8 days on shift since I am like an adult babysitter to 9 people. Anything that screws up on my watch I have to unFuck.

That's functional freeze apparently. You function on the surface and everybody thinks you got it really going on, got your **** together, but underneath it, you see your life speeding along to the end, and you cannot seem to be able jump back in and at least try to enjoy the ride, or have the wherewithal to even take care of your physical self. Wife told me I have a choice to be miserable or not. After that comment I just dont talk to her about it. I smile, and put on my mask i use for her so she thinks that its all ok.

I get that most people dont get it. On the surface I seem to have a successful life. Lots of people dont have what I do. It's not about things though. It's about being genuinely happy in your life.

Interesting.......I always thought that was what was considered being in a rut. I feel the same way.....No happy place anymore. Thought I was just in a rut. :(
^^ I had an ex wife years ago, that caused me to be like that! If I was not working, I was depressed. I changed wives, cured. Sad to say, but was the truth.
Heres the back story to all this. Most of this has to do with one of my children. The last 10 years have been rough. She has bad mental health issues. Now at 18 years old, my 3 month old grand baby is living in our home temporarily the last 2 months pending CPS. CPS has been in and out of our lives over the last 10 years in regards to her. The amount of broken **** in our home, and broken car windshields is epic. She even stole and wrecked my wifes new Impala twice. I had her arrested for that.

As a matter of fact CPS was just here this morning. They were talking about temporary custody here for the next 12 months. My job is to be a grand parent, not a parent. I told CPS I have done my penance, I raised 4 kids. My youngest just turned 12. I will be 63 when he is 18. At that point I want my damn life back. If I raise my grandbaby I will be 75 years old when he is 18, if I am lucky to live that long without any debilitating ailments. And my wife will be 67 years old. I will be too old to be dealing with a teenager on the daily. I told her, my job is supposed to be a grandparent to this child, not a parent. Expecting me to be a parent is going to create some serious resentment issues, especially after all the B.S. my kid has put myself and my family through over the last 10 years.

So yeah, the constant bullshit from this 18 year old narcissistic little ***** has taken its toll on my mental health. Although CPS did tell me I can put a restraining order on her if I want to. This will make her have to go to the CPS office for visits with her baby. I am now seriously considering this for my own health and well being. If she wants to act like a criminal, she can go to the CPS office to visit with her baby.

She is going to use this child as a pawn, and ruin his mental health. He really needs to be with a young couple who really wants him, rather than where he is. My wife and I want him as a grand baby, but his mother is going to ruin him. I have a feeling that like any other gubmint run agency, that CPS will make the wrong decisions regarding him, and that adds to what weighs my mind down.
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Thanks for sharing Matt, we are in a very similar situation in regards to grandkids and both Lori and my mental health. Not trying to take anything away from your situation. As brutal as your daughter currently is, she is still only 18 years old. Not that 18 excludes her from responsibility, but I think back to what I did but didn't get caught doing.
Be well bud, and like I said you aren't alone and THANK YOU for sharing! :thumbsup:
It takes guts to share your feelings and expose yourself. We took nights for 2 years caring for for our sons twins. He was 24 she was 34 both working nights. My wife would leave in tears as we drove home. All I want to do is be a grandparent. Sounds so familiar. In our case the girls are soon to be 18 and the oldest of our 10 grandchildren. It worked out thank God. He was the solid person in their lives. My inside person was telling me yesterday that she had her daughter arrested for stealing and she was pregnant and on ******. She was able to get her over the hump but still blames her mom for ruining her life. I hope one day she will acknowledge the struggles that a single mom went through to try and get her functioning in life. Unfortunately, some kids just don’t get it. You can only do so much.
It takes guts to share your feelings and expose yourself. We took nights for 2 years caring for for our sons twins. He was 24 she was 34 both working nights. My wife would leave in tears as we drove home. All I want to do is be a grandparent. Sounds so familiar. In our case the girls are soon to be 18 and the oldest of our 10 grandchildren. It worked out thank God. He was the solid person in their lives. My inside person was telling me yesterday that she had her daughter arrested for stealing and she was pregnant and on ******. She was able to get her over the hump but still blames her mom for ruining her life. I hope one day she will acknowledge the struggles that a single mom went through to try and get her functioning in life. Unfortunately, some kids just don’t get it. You can only do so much.
I dunno about guts to share what I'm going through, more like I'm numb to it all by now, and honestly dont care who knows what anymore. I'm too old for this ****.
Wow! I can so relate, but from the perspective of the child (grandchild). I spent quite a bit of my childhood with my grandmother (Grandpa passed in '73). Mom had issues she was dealing with.

Aside, I dedicate at least a couple hours per week to work on something meaningful to me. This often ends up being Sunday when nobody wants my attention for other things. I find those couple hours more rewarding than the 50+ hours I devote to "the daily grind". There is a scriptural concept universal across almost every religion called a Sabbath. It's a day off. I interpret that in my own way to mean I get to do what helps me unwind and get ready for another week. Gotta reward yourself meaningfully regularly or you wind up in a situation like you're describing. Grandchild aside, you need just a little of your own personal time. You couldn't possibly believe how much difference it makes until you try it.