BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, top of the fenders and back to the quarters.^ I'm thinking just the hood and cowl in black satin. It certainly will be easier this way.

BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, top of the fenders and back to the quarters.^ I'm thinking just the hood and cowl in black satin. It certainly will be easier this way.
Yea it would definitely be easier. I've seen cars both ways and both can look really good^ I'm thinking just the hood and cowl in black satin. It certainly will be easier this way.
But think of the finished productOK ok, I hear ya. Just makes it more involved. So, I would have to shoot it in green/clear....let it dry, hang doors....then tape off the fender/door tops and around the pop out windows....then shoot the satin black. That is what I wanted to begin with, but seems like a lot more work.
I can't wait to see you smearing some color on parts!
Yeah, yeah, yeah...^ Well certainly if you want an Earl Schibe or Macco paint job. Call me slow, its all good. Lots of reasons why its not done yet. We sold our house (the one I was finishing the basement) and last week the 10th was when we started the big move. Took 5 days of moving stuff...21 years of in the heck did I accumulate so much stuff?? Also....someone in our shop building (another business) complained that I was "fuming them out", so....I can only paint after hours or on the weekend, which limits my time for spraying.