A-Bodies...Big Motors / New Hemi Duster - FINAL ASSEMBLY

John...don't ya have any more pics...I'm gettin bored w/ all this text and I know you took over a thousand or two pictures....dig somethin' up already

You gotta have something laying around.... LOL I forget what the inside of my hot rod shop looks like...........
How about some more vintage stuff. Maybe Denny in 70's disco suit going out in the GTX on date, that could lead to some spicy dialog. Course if Denny would finish the car then we could have one final roast. Sorry Denny it's tough to be the one everybody else is aspiering to be.
that "disco suite" was powderblue...thank you very much in advance for your snickers!

once again...it's hard to be humble...when your the best!
I guess great minds think alike mine was powder blue also and I had the stacked shoes to go with it.
actually it was called a "leisure suite" back in the day...didn't spring for the elevator shoes though....I friggin' hated it and only wore the polyester piece of crap one time...one date...the girl lasted as long as that funky clothing did!....
Some odds and ends.......








Again, looking great Denny. I can't wait to be at that point, it's all about the details and your look spot on.
Denny what did you do rubber coat all your wrenchs and sockets I can't find a flaw even on the bolts just awsome.

I didn't want to scratch anything...so I just put it together "finger-tight"......

think it will hold?

OK...the bolts/washers (with thin rubber washers underneath) are zinc coated to match the silver paint...wha-la!!...no paint chips on the bolts...pays to thunk ahead..right?
Hey as long as you filled the gaps with locktite it's all good.
your too fast...couldn't get my reply (edited) fast enough
Looks like quite a bit of progress over the last few pages.
Undercarriage looks great.
I'd like to see that interior when it is together.
Any holdups besides time?
Today, I picked up the rest of the freshly (ceramic) coated exhaust (minus already installed headers) for installation....then I'll be all over the interior

should be ???? all together shortly...(whats that mean..right?)

the only hold up IS time...and never been one to rush....don't want to miss any fun
Today, I picked up the rest of the freshly (ceramic) coated exhaust (minus already installed headers) for installation....then I'll be all over the interior

should be ???? all together shortly...(whats that mean..right?)

the only hold up IS time...and never been one to rush....don't want to miss any fun

need any help? I could leave in a second! 16,700.00 for labor for the bathroom. Materials are 9000.00. I told the contractor to go f himself. I'm still on the hunt for another one. I may end up doing it myself but would leave town in a heartbeat to turn a wrench! ! LOL
Bet it looks good! Im gonna utilize this holiday weekend to get back on track with my project...ready to get the show on the road, you are motivating me...howd the K weld go?
Floyd....the clutch cross-shaft assy I ordered A WEEK AGO..from Brewers is M.I.A. and I won't pull it out till i got it all fittin..."just right"

Hemidart528...beast?...come on now...it's a "stocker"
Skypower...did you ever read the portion I added (edited in) regarding the non-painted bolts?
Skypower...did you ever read the portion I added (edited in) regarding the non-painted bolts?

Nope, but I just did and thats a great idea I think I will just steal it and use it on the green car when I start it thank you very much.:happy7:

I talked to my engine guy today and heads are on the motor so we are getting closer.
10-4...I'll bet your motor guys nickname ain't Speedy...right?
Nope he just lets his motors do the talking.

I also found out aparently a magazine guy has been following my engine build and shooting photos to document the build so it may be getting its own little spread sometime in the future. Course if he saw your project he would burn mine and make a feature film of your build.
lets try to keep mine just between us two...makes it easier for me to sneek up..on the competition
Your secret is safe with me. You go we go. Isn't thats how its supposed to be.