Another 512 build

we put a J converter in it to get the car going. I think it’s flashes around 5200
With those big heads that is probably a good number. Do you have a trans brake in the car or a two step? Be interesting to see what you have to do to get it to hook hard at the track.
With those big heads that is probably a good number. Do you have a trans brake in the car or a two step? Be interesting to see what you have to do to get it to hook hard at the track.

it has a 2 step and a brake. We have another converter that’s trans brake friendly. I think it’s fairly loose. It’s a 9” and was in the car with a different engine when someone else owned it. I know the J isn’t made for the brake. That 10.18 pass was leaving off idle and it was spinning on some old DR’s. The car has been 9.20’s with a W8 motor. I think it might be currently set up too stiff for the current power level. Until we get some fresh slicks on it though I’m not really sure. I knew the J converter is a good piece so I figured it was a good starting point for a baseline.
If the car has been 9.20 then you should be good to go. That is a good baseline to work from. The 512 is probably 100 lbs heavier than the W8 engine so that will change things. Have you weighed the car yet? Any idea on the power difference between the W8 engine and the 512?
If the car has been 9.20 then you should be good to go. That is a good baseline to work from. The 512 is probably 100 lbs heavier than the W8 engine so that will change things. Have you weighed the car yet? Any idea on the power difference between the W8 engine and the 512?

not sure what it weighs. Its still all steel except for the hood and front bumper. Still has original glass and all the windows still have regulators. Only real weight loss is the loss of the inner fender wells and aftermarket front suspension. It’s got a huge radiator in it now (for street use). I know when it had a SB it just had a tiny one. I’d have to think that small block had another 100 hp on it pretty easily but can say for certain. Looking forward to getting it out and getting it dialed in this year.
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So a few things, life has been busy so not a whole bunch of progress. Took it out last year and it grenaded the crank pulley and broke a bunch of **** on the front of the engine. Fixed it but never went out again. Just beat it around on the street a little. Finally took it out yesterday but has an intermittent ignition issue ( I think). I have the trans brake vert in it but I think it’s a too loose for this combo. Made 4 passes yesterday, 2 in eleminations.

1. 1150 dominator on 4150 Indy intake. Car stands up pops, hesitates and then recovers. 1.44 60ft and 6.55. “Ok, fuel slosh issue as the vent tubes were cut down”. Let’s try my 1050

2. My 1050 which worked very well, car wheelies hard, i peddle it. 1.41 60ft, 6.52. My dad reports it still popping during wheelie and down track (although I can’t hear it in the car).

3. similar as pass #2 but eliminations.

4. dialed 6.50. Car breaks up horrible in the burn out box like it’s on the 2 step. Launch the car and it feels damn good. Im on the brakes hard at the 1/8 stripe cause im out in front. Other guy gets win light. 1.37 60ft, 6.44 on the brakes. Dad reports no popping on that pass. Picked up over a tenth easy with no changes made. Defiantly has something bothering it. Gonna start with coil and dist pickup.

on a good note this thing wheelie’s like it’s getting paid to do it. I got the Suspension figured out.


me in the car

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Can you post a couple of pictures of your spark plugs.

Are you sure you’re not hitting the Rev limiter on the burnout? That’s only if you have 3 Rev limiters.
If it’s a digital box, try disabling the rev limiters.
If it uses chips, remove them.

Just for testing.
First outing since last august. Distributor pickup was the issue. Track wasn’t super great last night. Lots of street tire cars. Dart made a bunch of low ten teen passes. 1.43 60’s wheeling while spinning.. lol.. Did make one hit where it hooked after they drug the track and went 10.07. It’s coming around. It did go right kinda hard on this launch. But I think it could have been track related.

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