Another Mopar Off My Bucket List - Barracuda Fastback

Yes. And the Lexus. :D

Actually, the Chrysler Transporter was the number one car to fail first inspection (when three years old) in Sweden for many consecutive years. The three worst cars were all US cars.
Toyota, Volvo and Audi usually fight over the title at the other end of the spectrum.

My old man was a big fan of Mercurys. I know he had good luck with them. They never seemed to break down. As much as I've loved my Mopars they've often fought me tooth & nail. Maybe it's the masochist in me but I still love them nonetheless.

When I was younger I knew people that avoided cars from overseas because it was difficult to get parts for them and a lot of shops wouldn't work on them either. The ones that did usually had to order parts in that took weeks to get. I know that things are different today but I'm still stuck in the mindset that I had 40 years ago. :rolleyes:
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I'm still trickling work into the funnycar. The Lexan windshield fit fairly well so I went ahead and made the two (partial) side windows. With those 3 installed the roof no longer wants to sag where the cracks are in the fiberglass.


I turned my attention to the left side of the body. It was missing the 1" aluminum angle and 4" tall side plate that were meant to stiffen the bottom body line. I re-fabbed the pieces and affixed them with clecos.



Next I wanted to make the rear window but one of the previous owners had notched the top middle of the opening and glassed in a scoop that faced backwards. I'm certain it was to allow air to vent through the body. I didn't care for the look of it and decided to get rid of it. The easy part of the job is cutting it out. I'll still have to fabricate a patch for it and piece it in when I start fiber-glassing the rest of the roof repairs.


The annual big Mopar show is coming up on Saturday. I've debated whether or not to take the funny down to it and enter it in the 'project cars' class or possibly just putting a FOR SALE sign on it and seeing if I could recoup what cash I've got in it. I'd really like to keep it because it's another one of the cars I've had on my bucket list but I'd all but given up on ever putting it back together after it was vandalized.

When I dug back into this project it was for two reasons.
#1) I'd have a blast building it.
#2) If I didn't start doing some of the repair work, - I'd never stand a chance of getting any money back out of it and it would just waste away.

I haven't made up my mind yet what I'm going to do.
What a miserable frickin' day it was. Cold & windy. I spent most of it outside.

With the Mopar show coming up tomorrow in Omaha I had to get things done.

I decided the funnycar is too far away from completion to enter into their project class but did decide to take it and put it for sale along with some other parts at the swap meet. I'm not desperate to sell it but if offered enough money it'll be gone. In order to make it presentable I had to make the rear window, install it, and rivet down the rest of the panels that were held with temporary screws & clecos.

The yard needed mowing which took over an hour. By the time I got the truck cleaned out and loaded parts back into it - it was already dark. I work slow.

Tomorrow's weather is still supposed to be chilly. The forecast shows 30s in the morning and we'll be lucky if it gets up to 50 by the time we'll head home. (we're not planning on staying all day)
I suppose so.

Teresa has been bugging me to get a cell phone but I'm still dragging my heels. Maybe I should try using one of those new-fangled pocket calculators first.
John,don't feel bad... In my late forties,finally popped for house internet...
John,don't feel bad... In my late forties,finally popped for house internet...

When home computers first came out my brother tried convincing me to get one. I thought they seemed a waste of money. I remember him having to load several floppy discs to start programs and it took forever.

It wasn't until after several generations of computers years later that I decided to bite the bullet and get one. Papyrus had come out with their 1st version of NASCAR RACING and I had to have a computer to play it. I think my first computer was running WINDOWS 3.1.

I still avoided getting internet service for several years. My computer was little more than a big gaming platform. Before you knew it, I was hosting network parties out at our farm. We'd daisy-chain close to a dozen computers together that my co-workers & friends would bring over. They were more into wargaming with games such as Warcraft, Starcraft, Command & Conquer, Diablo, etc... - but I was able to get them to join in with racing sims. I ended up with 3 computers of my own so that my two boys and I could each have one. I even got steering wheel/brake/throttle controllers for each one.

As time went on I kept upgrading the computers with better video & sound cards. Our monitor sizes kept getting larger too. As the system requirements for new games became more demanding it became hard to find off the shelf computers that would run the newest titles so I began building my own.

Now that the boys are grown up and have moved away. I've slowed way down on the computer upgrades and rarely do gaming other than solitaire but I still regularly use the 4 computers we have in the house and garage. I DO miss those racing sims though. Maybe I'll have to dig them back up.
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Wow. That I couldn't have lived without for the last fifteen years (I'm 45).

There are so many things I've been able to do these days that I wasn't able to before I got the internet. We found most of the vehicles we've bought online as well as most of the parts for them. Our local library didn't have the majority of the info that I've needed for a lot of projects (not just cars but household as well). It's been a blessing and a curse. I probably spend too much time sitting in front of it.
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I think most of us spend way too much time on the 'net.

I usually check email 2 or 3 times a day and try to back out asap but find myself spending more time on FABO than other sites. Facebook is so clogged with junk that I tire easily looking at new posts even though I've tried to keep my number of 'friends' as small as possible. Most of my time there is spent looking through the sale ads on various groups I joined.
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The weather for the big Mopar show in Omaha Saturday wasn't too bad but it was chilly & windy. I did take the funnycar and it drew a lot of interest. I noticed several people taking pictures and quite a few stopped just to check it out and chat about it. 4 or 5 guys seemed interested but no one wanted the Hemi included. I sold a few parts so I came home with more money than what I'd left with.


Over 150 cars entered the show.
