Another Mopar Off My Bucket List - Barracuda Fastback

Congratulations on the award John! I think those pinstripes on the wheels put you over the top. Seriously I agree with ariffle that they look good.

On another note, that pink cuda (68?) at the show certainly sticks out!

Thanks Scott. - And they say you can't bribe the judges. I guess Doug (bcuda452) brought more cash with him than I did.

Seriously though, I think my cousins were totally impartial.
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I can't believe it! Yesterday my luck was going so well that I actually bought a powerball ticket before returning home. Well....



I WON!!!

That's right. The last 20 or 30 tickets that I'd bought I never matched a single number, but it was my lucky day yesterday!

Some of you out there are already devising ways to get me to share my good fortune with you but it ain't gonna happen. I'm keepin' it all for myself.

I matched the powerball number but none of the rest so I won $4! I doubled my investment!

Yup. Life is good.

Congratulations on both wins John!!!
As you already know, I think your Barracuda is one of the more tasteful and beautiful looking cudas I've seen yet.
Now, stop playing around and finish that dam barn house already so you can consentrate on your Mopar fleet.
Congratulations on both wins John!!!

Both? Are you forgetting about my free chocolate covered cream filled longjohn?

As you already know, I think your Barracuda is one of the more tasteful and beautiful looking cudas I've seen yet.

Aww. Pshaw! - Now you're making me blush. I think we're both partial to each other's 'Cudas because they're twins.

Now, stop playing around and finish that dam barn house already so you can consentrate on your Mopar fleet.

I feel like someone handed me a shovel and asked me to fill in the Grand Canyon. I could probably retire if somebody paid me 10 cents an hour on this job.

13 of the new windows arrived at Menards for pick up today. The 3 big picture windows were made wrong. :banghead: I haven't ordered the ones for the upstairs yet.

The exterior paint is taking forever. I've had to sand much of the siding and have been caulking the seams between each of them also. Exposure to the weather had caused the planks to warp a little so there were gaps.

The weather is causing delays also. Today was so windy I chose to avoid going up on the ladder and spent time painting the back deck floor instead. While I was picking up supplies I also bought some spandrels to replace ones that had been vandalized and some stained glass supplies. If the weather doesn't improve tomorrow I'll start doing some of the window installation.
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I'd love to have Manuel (Teresa's brother-in-law) give me a hand, but that city council's anti-Hispanic sentiment keeps me from asking him. He's a hell of a nice guy and I get a kick out of listening to his stories. He's convinced that there's a secret government/space alien alliance going on. Fox Mulder would be proud.

I haven't seen too much of him since last Halloween. I guess he told Teresa's sister that he thought we were devil worshipers after seeing our decorations.

One of these days I'll have to get an alien mask and set up a strobe light outside his bedroom window. ( I hope he doesn't own a gun)
I'd love to have Manuel (Teresa's brother-in-law) give me a hand, but that city council's anti-Hispanic sentiment keeps me from asking him. He's a hell of a nice guy and I get a kick out of listening to his stories. He's convinced that there's a secret government/space alien alliance going on. Fox Mulder would be proud.

I haven't seen too much of him since last Halloween. I guess he told Teresa's sister that he thought we were devil worshipers after seeing our decorations.

One of these days I'll have to get an alien mask and set up a strobe light outside his bedroom window. ( I hope he doesn't own a gun)

better not !!
I'd love to have Manuel (Teresa's brother-in-law) give me a hand, but that city council's anti-Hispanic sentiment keeps me from asking him. He's a hell of a nice guy and I get a kick out of listening to his stories. He's convinced that there's a secret government/space alien alliance going on. Fox Mulder would be proud.

I haven't seen too much of him since last Halloween. I guess he told Teresa's sister that he thought we were devil worshipers after seeing our decorations.

One of these days I'll have to get an alien mask and set up a strobe light outside his bedroom window. ( I hope he doesn't own a gun)

better not !!

Awww, c'mon... - Worst case scenario I'd be giving a ton of folks one heck of an obituary to read.
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Crummy weather again today. The temperature stayed in the 40s. - Too cold for me to want to paint so I worked at home on the stained glass instead.

The 1/18th scale Don Carlton diecast Duster arrived in the mail from Puerto Rico. As cool as it is, I need to start working on modifying it to match my Duster now.

Music in the garage tonight have an 80s vibe:

I set the two 1/18th scale cars side by side on the table next to the christmas tree alarm clock.

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It's been awhile since I posted any new updates on my war with the gophers. Things have been quiet around here lately but that doesn't mean that I'm becoming complacent. I've acquired a new ally to help me.

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Crummy weather again today. The temperature stayed in the 40s. - Too cold for me to want to paint so I worked at home on the stained glass instead.

The 1/18th scale Don Carlton diecast Duster arrived in the mail from Puerto Rico. As cool as it is, I need to start working on modifying it to match my Duster now.

Music in the garage tonight have an 80s vibe:

I set the two 1/18th scale cars side by side on the table next to the christmas tree alarm clock.
Cool,like both musicians/bands.

Like both bands,Cool.
Like both bands,Cool.

Normally I stick to the 60s & 70s rock music but there is a lot of what we used to refer to as 'new wave' music that I like. It sounds as though we share taste in tunes.
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Normally I stick to the 60s & 70s rock music but there is a lot of what we used to refer to as 'new wave' music that I like. It sounds as though we share taste in tunes.

Agreement, there. Love the different "elements" ,new wave was bringing in the late 70's/early 80's. My definition of my favorite new wave albums: Car's debut album, & Candy -0.
Teresa had one of her Hispanic granddaughters helping to clean up recently around that house we're working on. Today we recieved notice from the city council that they are moving up the deadline to have the work done on the house by a month. Coincidence? - I don't think so.

The weather continues to be a slowing factor in getting the house painted. It drizzled the first half of the day and sprinkled off and on afterwards. So, no painting today. I installed 5 of the new windows and I should get the other 5 in tomorrow. It's too bad Menards screwed up on those picture windows. I'd like to get the downstairs glass done.

Tonight I'm continuing with some of the stained glass work for the house. I'm hoping on having the back door done and ready for re-installation within a few days.
Agreement, there. Love the different "elements" ,new wave was bringing in the late 70's/early 80's. My definition of my favorite new wave albums: Car's debut album, & Candy -0.

New Wave was always hard to define. It had elements of Rock in it but it did have it's own unique sound. It had a tendency to be quirky. A classmate of mine was stationed in England (he was in the Air Force) during that time period and told me that there was a lot of new music heading towards the U.S., and that it had a whole new sound to it.

You just can't fault a group that named itself the CARS. They definitely were one of the best groups from that period. I had Candy-O on 8-track back in the day.
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Teresa had one of her Hispanic granddaughters helping to clean up recently around that house we're working on. Today we recieved notice from the city council that they are moving up the deadline to have the work done on the house by a month. Coincidence? - I don't think so.

The weather continues to be a slowing factor in getting the house painted. It drizzled the first half of the day and sprinkled off and on afterwards. So, no painting today. I installed 5 of the new windows and I should get the other 5 in tomorrow. It's too bad Menards screwed up on those picture windows. I'd like to get the downstairs glass done.

Tonight I'm continuing with some of the stained glass work for the house. I'm hoping on having the back door done and ready for re-installation within a few days.

What a crock!!!!
Who the heck do they think they are giving you a completion deadline?
Hell, can't they see that you have been making progress?
I wish I were close by, I'd help you get it up to snuff. I used to own a construction company remodeling, restoration and new homes. Dam!!
:wack::wack::wack: I'm praying for you Bud....
Thanks ariffle. The ordeal seems too surreal to be true. When we'd checked with attorneys it sounded as though we could fight them in court but the fees would cost us thousands that we can't afford.

I thought about contacting the ACLU with the information regarding their threats regarding Hispanics but I don't have proof. We never recorded the phone call.

Then I thought about posting a sign in the front yard stating:


It would probably only piss them off and might even cause us further legal difficulties.
Thanks ariffle. The ordeal seems too surreal to be true. When we'd checked with attorneys it sounded as though we could fight them in court but the fees would cost us thousands that we can't afford.

I thought about contacting the ACLU with the information regarding their threats regarding Hispanics but I don't have proof. We never recorded the phone call.

Then I thought about posting a sign in the front yard stating:


It would probably only piss them off and might even cause us further legal difficulties.

What does the bank have to say about it? Or is the deed 100% paid off?
Maybe you need to get a truck load of Mexican folks to come over to help you and keep a running video rolling. That way if a member of the city drops by to pay a visit, you might get lucky and have the ammunition your looking for to send it to the state media.
Call Jessie Jackson, he's always good for starting race riots. L.O.L!!!!
Seriously though, I pray that it works out for you and that someone on the city counsel will see that you are hard at work at it and give the house a stay of execution.
How old is that house? Could it be under consideration for a historical land mark?

:protest::protest::protest: :protest::protest::protest:
What does the bank have to say about it? Or is the deed 100% paid off?

Yes the house is paid off. I had thought about having Teresa take out a loan and use it for collateral just to see if the bank would intervene. I don't know if it would make any difference.

Maybe you need to get a truck load of Mexican folks to come over to help you and keep a running video rolling. That way if a member of the city drops by to pay a visit, you might get lucky and have the ammunition your looking for to send it to the state media.

I don't think they'd be blatant enough to expose themselves that way. They seem more like the types that know they can destroy someone while hiding behind the law.

Seriously though, I pray that it works out for you and that someone on the city counsel will see that you are hard at work at it and give the house a stay of execution.

It seems doubtful. We were making a lot of progress on it when they started this process.

Call Jessie Jackson, he's always good for starting race riots. L.O.L!!!!

I was wondering if the ACLU would raise hell with them.

How old is that house? Could it be under consideration for a historical land mark?

The house is around 100 years old but I've heard that when a house is put on the historical registry that you cannot modify it.
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Do some reading on what Clarksburg WV city council and fire department was up to.
They were condemning houses and bull dozing the property for profit.
They did it so often that the state had to step in and have them stop until they completed their investigation, which is still in work.
There is going to be a ton of lawsuits because of their actions.

If your house was un-occuipied for a extended period of time with no construction permits, the city council might have a valid case.
If your house was un-occuipied for a extended period of time with no construction permits, the city council might have a valid case.

Yes, the property was unoccupied for several years. But during that time a lot of repairs were made. I was unaware that there was any law requiring a house must be lived in to prevent condemnation. This is a rural community and it's not uncommon to see acreages that no one lives on. I'd never heard of any of them having forced demolition. Construction permits are not required in that town.

We had explained to the council that the reason for the lengthy build time was Teresa's lack of funding, but improvements had been made whenever cash was available. It was further explained to them that we were currently planning to finish the renovation with funds I was loaning to Teresa (it's her house).
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They actually condemned houses that people lived in and only went after the people that owned the property free and clear.
We had other setbacks that held up completion. In the past 10 years both of Teresa's parents passed away as did both of mine. I spent the last few years of my mother's life caring for her. I also had 2 heart attacks during that period. Recovery time was lengthy and the bills were crazy high.

We had also listed these things to the city council as reasons for delays but they told us that those weren't valid excuses.

We're still plugging along with the renovation and doing the best we can. I hope this all ends well.
