Any FTA satellite guys?



I know I'm right....
Oct 13, 2004
Reaction score
Tustin, CA
Got a receiver and a 60cm dish, cant find G19. Got the right AZ and elevation but just no dice. No meter correct linear HV LNB, got 99 signal but 0 quaility. Sucks because I dont have a audible signal meter on the receiver, only a bar graph and the kids say they Q doesnt move when I elevate throughout the known azimuth. How pinpoint do I have to be, like laser beam close? Stupid offset dish, I dont trust the gauge on the side, makes no sense. Skew is correct at 28 degrees. I get the dish vertical and the gauge says 22 degrees (correct offset from man. spec) , I get that. I put it to 44.9 and I still have nothing (correct elevation for my latitude) Bad LNB? Its not new, but signal drops to 0 if I unplug it so its doing something. I got a cheap analog meter coming friday. Also, how do I update the receiver with the new channels, does it do it automatically when I do a blind scan? I see lots of transponders and freq's but many dont match what lyngsat says are good channels.
I thought those were dead...LOL

blind scan will update the channels..
I thought it was too but could be wrong. I "thought" I was gonna get into this but got so confused by all the mpeg decoding and BS that I finally gave the idea the toss.

My take............

I don't know how the receiver "drives" the TV? If it's a digi output, you might be better off using a junk small analog TV for the tuning monitor. Look around the thrift stores

If you don't have a tuneup meter I'd get one, you can find 'em cheap
Steve, I don't know if this will help, but I plugged in your zip and G-19 and these are the settings I came up with.

According to what I have read you need to set it for the Magnetic Declination number (azimuth) and not true Azimuth.

I dunno, I guess it's worth a shot.

Dish Setup Data
Latitude: 33.7372°
Longitude: -117.8136°
Name: 97W GALAXY 19 (G-19)​
Distance: 37425km
Elevation: 44.9°
Azimuth (true): 145.6°
Azimuth (magn.): 133.4°
LNB Skew [?]: -28.0°
One other thing that might be worth mentioning is that RV people that have a dish almost always have an audible signal meter.
Especially the poeple that have the type that sits on the ground on a stand.

Just a thought, as most of my offroad buddies had them.
Yeah, those stats are correct for my town, even plugged them into satfinder and used the google earth overlay to shoot the azimuth from my roof ( i can see my sat dish on my roof!) And aim it over a known landmark. My property line corner lines up exactly so its an easy visual aim right down the lnb support arm. Its just the elevation thst is the unknown. The dish elevation was pretty chewed up at 50, i see the jam nut tracks but that aint close to 44.9 unless they were looking at a higher bird. I had the same issue with the triple lnb oval dish i set up, much easier as the DBS circular lnbs receive 200w signal while the linear FTA G19 is a 60w signal my elevation was about 5 off, had to look at my neighbors and eyeball his elevation, nailed it first try. Cant do much until fri so ill update then.
I don't know if you have seen this site, but look it over closely. The one thing that jumped out at me was tuning the the Magnetic Declination instead of true azimuth.

There is a link on this site that will tell you how much to calculate for that adjustment. It also answers a couple other questions, like the blind scan etc.
Bad Sport, thats the site that can project the azimuth from my roof, so i have to be close if it factors in the declination.
Bad Sport, thats the site that can project the azimuth from my roof, so i have to be close if it factors in the declination.

I'm not sure it does, it seems as though there was a link there to click on and find the number you need to subtract to get it correct.

Right there on the first page.

satellite angle calculator

and then

magnetic declination site

In essence what I think it's doing is giving you the compass setting, then on the second part giving you the number to subtract from that compass setting since you are west of the Mississippi.

East of the Mississippi a number would need to be added.

That is if I'm reading it correctly.
Well, i guess i got 12 degrees of wiggle room if they didnt count the declination of +12 degrees for my location. Thats huge! My estimation will be my bird is 12 left of where im aiming....facing south or ~85 degrees.
Is this a new FTA?? When I was using my Nfusion, I had to hook it to computer to download the file(s)...mine was NOT a plug n worked great when it was up! 3 birds and about $800 of programming free every month!
Well, i guess i got 12 degrees of wiggle room if they didnt count the declination of +12 degrees for my location. Thats huge! My estimation will be my bird is 12 left of where im aiming....facing south or ~85 degrees.

my bad, looking at sat data, the 97W bird is actualy @133.5 magnetic, or using Google earth overlay with a heading line, its about a light year from where I was was looking! Meter shipped, will get it tomorrow or Thu.

This FTA receiver is not new its about 2006 model. IT has a USB port for firmware updates, but the blind scan should pick up everything open on the tuned in bird. The internet hookup is through a serial port that I have not hooked up yet. The ethernet models are the IKS server bootleg models. $70/yr donation to the Chi-Coms gets you the whole enchilada (or egg roll?) of DBS channels..movies, PPV, you name it. Just dont donate with YOUR credit card, use a prepaid card thats opened for international purchases, like the CHASE "Vanilla" pre-paid gift card. Dont buy from US resellers, they can be subpoened (sp?) by the Feds for your transaction and can track you down.

---for instructional purposes only, I don't condone pirating services---- yeah, right! ;-)
I always thought they could track your IP address with the IKS server ...but i (we) quit the FTA seen went Dish updated their system....dont remember what year it was...still got 2 FTA receivers...maybe time to see what is going on again...LOL
I always thought they could track your IP address with the IKS server ...but i (we) quit the FTA seen went Dish updated their system....dont remember what year it was...still got 2 FTA receivers...maybe time to see what is going on again...LOL

They can and will.....

I have a friend in Illinois who was doing this.

The FEDs came "knocking" on his door.

In the end it cost him legal fees and a $5000 fine.

Who gave them (Feds) his IP? Not the Chinese (no subpoena power anyway and that would be shooting themselves in the foot if they divulged that info--bad business model) .....Thats why they say dont use traceable funds OR a US reseller. Only guys that get caught are the resellers (the evil 'dealers'), or their customers. Not 1 person who dealt with IKS directly has ever been prosecuted since its inception. Sure its sketchy, but so is speeding, and this wont kill you.

PS. its only illegal if you use your FTA to decode private DBS signals..NOT in the scope of this post. ---NSA, thats the disclosure... ;-)
I do not know the details.

Only that he got caught doing IKS for Dish and it cost him.

They may have found him through a dealer or his payment method.

Only trying to point out that decoding some signals can be risky as well as costly.

Yes, I know there is a lot on FTA that does not need decoded.

I have been looking at maybe getting a new FTA box myself.

So is anyone here currently receiving FTA channels ?? If so I might start up the Nfusion again.....and NO IM NOT THE FEDS LOL
Well, guys, let's be clear. There's a BIG difference between FTA "Free to Air" which is LEGAL and adding software / hacks whatever to try and receive various pay dish networks.

This is pretty much Federal law we are talking here. When you get caught, the penalty is not a "parking ticket."
Well, guys, let's be clear. There's a BIG difference between FTA "Free to Air" which is LEGAL and adding software / hacks whatever to try and receive various pay dish networks.

This is pretty much Federal law we are talking here. When you get caught, the penalty is not a "parking ticket."

X 2

IKS ( Internet Key Sharing) is what gets you in trouble..... And what got my friend in trouble.

If you use FTA (Free To Air) to watch the multitude of channels that are free, you are fine.


(Knock on the door) whos there?
The Feds...
Feds who?
The feds, open up!
OK! Honey, turn off the tv...
May i help you?
Yeah, we caught you watching "game of thrones" without a legitimate DBS account...
Really? When?
Just now!
No, we were watching Funniest home videos..."
No you werent, we hread it through the door...
Oh, so you HEARD it then?
Well, yeah...
Prove it....
Thete is a pansat receiver right there and a 60cm dish on your roof with 8 lnb's
So, is thst illegal?
Not on the surface, no; but the receiver is programmed to pick up DBS
Yeah right, look at it!
Ok......see! Game of thrones is on!
Yeah, but am i watching it, or are you? Seems im not breaking any laws by standing here...
Your receiver picks it up via iks through your internet..
Yeah, prove that...what is iks and what does the internet packet look like?
Thats not our job, ours is to catch you red handed...
Which hasn't happened yet, right? I mean we were not watching GOT when you walked in right?
Well, were were told you were intercepting privte DBS signals so we are hauling you in...take him away!
Who told you? My wife? We are the only ones living here...?
We found your ip as a destination for an iks packet...
We got wifi, the whole apt complex knows our password, we are a commune! Could have been anyone..
Well, tell that to the judge..get him out of here...wait, lets finish this episode first......