Anyone believe in Ghosts ?

This is a picture from a house that Lori and I put a bid on. We both felt a lot of sadness there and weren't sure if we really wanted it, but the garage was huge (4 cars and a workshop easy). The picture before and after this had no orbs and were taken maybe a few minutes apart. Lori and I both feel that someone had commited suicide there and on our second visit we found the bathroom mirror in the garage. It had a "goodbye" message written in nailpolish on it. The ceiling was collapsing under the bathroom too, like it had overflown.

We didn't get the bid and we really didn't care either.

If anyone wants the fullsize pic, PM me.

My wife and I were In Gettysburg PA. a few years back and went on a
candle light ghost tour of the town. We ended up near the cemetery.
My wife decide to take a picture of some monuments with the moon
behind them. We were surprised when we had the film developed and saw
the picture with the orbs in it. There was nothing wrong with the camera the other pictures were ok.
Here's the picture.scan0003.jpg

I BELIEVE, in no Ghosts. But I'll tell you what I do believe...

We live in a visible world, but as much as I believe the visible I also believe there is another realm of spirits, not spirits from people who have passed away but spirits more or less dedicated to the plan of lucifer the prince of darkness or of this world. They are who infulence the evil in this world. They also support people's interest in their communication with them. That is why I strongly believe that there is a supernatural power in witchcraft and it's games. It has always existed as far as history tells us and the Bible as well tells us.

Now being able to see these unvisible forces and spirits who knows because I have never seen one. But some have felt them, and some even play with it and seek them (ex. ouji board and other types of methods like the table pacts they do to communicate with spirits) That is why they see supernatural things happen when doing these things, and some even get possessed. But some have to see that stuff to believe it.

Ghosts...I guess they were an image created to cover something up, just like I believe UFO and aliens were also created buy governments. Cover up what? they might just been created to decieve people from some other truth?

BTW: it is good to do research of the origins of human ideas and theories, you'll be surprised how many of those ideas are filthy as dirty shop rags (hehe) And for the believers in God's word, he suggests us to test the spirits of this world or in other words, test the words and ideas, believes of this world, research and dont believe what you hear all the time. Dont believe me if you dont want haha but put it on test, researcccccccchhhh!!!!!
Awesome thread guys! Cant wait to read more!! I can remember for the longest time that my grandmother and grandfather had a pact stating that whomever died first, that person would come back and let the other know that there was "something" after life on earth.....It will be two years this Jan 1st since my grandfather died (Dies on new years years no less!!!) and my grandmother has yet to "hear" or "see" from him.......Sooooooo.....I know the two of them were Cooky about this so maybe some day???....Till then, keep the stories and pics comming guys. Thanks for sharing.
I believe there`s something out there. As a young teenager I played with a Ouija board with some of my friends. We would ask it some silly questions but we`d also ask it things like "how old we would be when we die" or "in what year will we or members of our families die"? It seemed way off at the time but the answers to those questions were numbers that I`ll never forget. All I can say is that so far it has been 100% correct. I don`t mess with occult things anymore and never will again. I think when you dabble in this realm you open doors to things way beyond our comprehension.
Well on a few issues here.. I doubt a living bigfoot exists but a prehistoric ape did exist in Asia. It was like 10 feet tall and weighed over 1000 lbs. Early humans would likely come across these creatures and through folklore and story telling they passed on the "legend" for thousands of years and it apparently might persist today in the form of bigfoot. Maybe some are still alive though I am skeptical because none alive or dead have ever been found, nor to the best of my knowledge DNA testing has revealed evidence of a primate that does not match any of the living primates. Here is the link to the site

As for UFOs I am a bit more of a believer, there have been countless sightings around the world and I think the French government even released an official report on military jets interacting with one. Say what you will about the French but I doubt their pilots and air force are full of a bunch of kooks. Besides in a universe with something like 70,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars and billions of galaxies it would absurd to think we are all alone or that we are the most technologically advance civilization.

Ghosts on the other hand I am really doubt exist, I mean there is no hard scientific evidence of their existence. It has shown that exposure to electromagnetic fields can trick the human brain in such a way that people think they are being watched or get the feeling somebody or something is there. This could very well explain a lot of paranormal events. This could further be reaffirmed in peoples mind by the fear of our own mortality and the desire to believe we go somewhere when we die. Think about all the people who see mother mary in a bread crust or a stain on the side of an overpass or something. People want to believe.. if not for a hope of immortality but out of simple curiosity towards the unknown. I had tried a ouiji board once when I was camping with some friends, I was skeptical but just to make things interesting I tried to conjure up intentionally anything evil "demons" or "devils".. I even tried to conjure up Hitler. I figured if we were going to do it why not make it interesting... Needless to say nothing happened, my friends swore that "oh dude i felt it move to the right" or this or that but honestly I saw everything and nothing happened !!!! Nothing !!! I think this is a symptom again of human physcology and human nature. People inherently want to believe in the supernatural and something greater or more powerful out there. Consider the numerous religions in the world, mythology, astrology, new age stuff etc etc.

Now on the flip side of the coin, could ghosts or spirits be beings from other dimensions? String theory predicts that the true universe has something like 11 dimensions, we exist in the three dimensional world plus one dimension of time. Maybe entities do and can exist in these other planes or dimensions and from time to time they manifest themselves in ours for whatever reason. I wont even begin to speculate on how or why they could do so but its just a thought. Furthermore if you believe in parallel universes then it is possible that dead people in our universe are alive in other universes and or time lines are slightly altered so that the other universe is 100 years or so maybe 1000 off from ours. In that case might information from these worlds through the consciousness of people from them leak through to ours in the form of ghostly images? I recommend doing some studying on string theory and quantum mechanics if you are curious about ghosts. Rent "What the Bleep do we know" too, its very thought provoking and makes you look at reality in a whole new light.

Now for my somewhat unusual experiences that I would by no means declare as proof of ghosts but still were kind of bizarre. Anyways one time me and my dad and my sister drove up to the mountains outside of San Jose to get a good look at a comet that passed near earth around 12 years ago I would say. We were coming back down the hill when we saw something somewhat reflective kind of gray maybe? drift briefly along the side of the road up ahead. It was indistinguishable and we only saw it for a second or two well up ahead of us. It did not bounce or anything like a deer or something but then again we only saw it briefly and admittedly didn't get a good look at it. When we got up to that point in the road we saw nothing though. Another time and this was recently I saw dark maybe phone book sized black spots on my wall/ceiling moving very quickly out of the corner of my eyes. It was DEFINITELY something that I did see, but there was no noise and no real distinguishable shape. I saw them briefly two or three times. It seems logical that they were caused by birds flying in front of a street light outside a couple hundred feet away and casting shadows from the light. In fact sometimes I can see the shadows of leaves blowing on the trees from the street lights. However the spot in my room where I saw the phenomenon really was dark anyways and does not really get any light from outside street lights. Was it probably a bird casting a shadow? yes but it like I just said that explanation doesn't seem to really add up.
Ok first off if you believe in Angels and the Holy Spirit you believe in ghosts. I have a story that was witnessed by my wife, sister and myself.
My father had a heart attack that destroyed 96% of his heart. Six months later he had another, He was rushed to the hospital at 11:30 pm. He died in the emergency room at 12:15am. My mother was on the fifth floor of the same hospital recovering well from a shoulder operation. The Doctor told us not to go see her but to see her in the morning to tell her. We arrived at the hospital at 7am that morning to see her. One of the nurses said my mother had woken up at 12:30am crying and screaming "My husband is dead and just stopped and said good bye". The nurse swore no one on the floor new anything about it until 6am. The Doctor was there and told us to hold off on telling her for a while and not to speak of it in the room. So we went into the room and she was asleep. all of a sudden she popped up and asked,"where is
your father?" I replied that he was at home watching Annie's kids, Annie is my sister. She said," no he's not, where is your father?" Once again I told her He was at home watching the kids. Again she said," no he's not! He's dead he stopped and said good bye to me". At that moment before I could say a word she fell back and went into a comma. She was moved to ICU where she died a week later and was buried on my fathers birthday. They died and were buried a week apart. I was 23 at the time. At my mothers wake I realized three things I thanked my mother for, her love, life, and proof to me that there is something after death.
I changed my way of life from that moment on.
Believe or not it is true.

i have never had any experiences like you guys are posting. But it certainly proves there must be something out there if it happens to so many people everyday.
Mankind seems to have a universal need to believe in an afterlife.
It as been theorized that this means such exist.
(The existence the electrical plug implies the existence of a receptacle).

Can people from beyond communicate with us?
Even Houdini seems to have failed in making contact.
What chance does Aunt Myrtle have?
Maybe there are rules we don’t know about.
Before my sister died last year she would tell the story of a medium she knew that had some information from another previously deceased sister of ours.
She was convinced.

I think there are things we can’t see or understand.
Supernatural things.
I think Evil exist.
(I’ve lived long enough to know that evil exist.)

From a modern perspective, the ancient tribe of Israel was given some surprisingly sound food instructions for their physical health.
They were also told not to fool around with the occult.
One thing is for sure.
We all will find out soon enough.,9171,953356-1,00.html
The arguement that someting doesn't exist only because there is no physical proof is not proof it doesn't exist. Not to long ago everyone was convinced that the earth was flat and up until the proof it existed people acted then just like they do now about things that require belief before proof.

It is OK for someone to require physical proof before believing, most people are that way. I think it is disrespectful for the people that need physical proof to say it doesn't exist because some people have experienced something and to say it doesn't exist is like saying they are not telling the truth.

People that don't believe don't have any proof that they don't exist and are in no position to tell believers or people that experienced something that there is nothing there.

This applies to all things not just ghosts.

As for a Sasquach carcas not being found. I live in Washington and I am always in the outdoors and woods because of hunting, camping, 4 wheeling, etc. and have never even seen a deer, coyote or any wild animal carcas for that matter. Granted I have seen live versions of these animals so of course they exist but the carcas issue is not a valid reason for non-existence. I have never experienced anything that would lead me to believe in their existence, but other people have and I am in no position to say otherwise, therefore I do believe that there is the posibility that something is out there. The forest is a very, very, very big place.

I'm not a believer in ghosts, ufo's, luck and spirits.
This does not invaidate another persons experiences or beliefs for me,
as I myself have seen, heard and witnessed unexplained phenomenons.
As I have gotten older, I have lost any fear or anxiety of the unknown and
wish to explore this lifes mysteries further.
I want to know. I want to talk to, touch a ghost, see a vision, big foot.
I think some things are not able to be known because of the limitions
of the body and its sensory abilities.
Nature and the abilities that it bestows on other animals leads me to this.
I do believe that the mind is a very powerful organ and
is capable of almost unlimited possibilties, most not even realized yet.
I have seen and read about the mind, in its most vulgar and twisted forms,
[ mental illness, insanity, violence ] to the most highly developed forms.
[ arts, music, literature, sciences, love, kindness ]
Most minds are a mix of some or all of the above, its allows us to perceive
and interpret, resulting in genius and discovery and making everyone unique.
[ Einstien :study: VanGogh:axe: Hendrix :rr::rock: ]

I hope you guys never stop talking and sharing!
This thread on a car site is one of the reasons I enjoy this site so much.
Cars, Babes, Ghosts, Guitars, Sweetness, Sarcasm
Never a dull moment.
My great aunts were living in an apartment when they started
having visits from beyond. The story behind it is years before
there was a boyfriend/girlfriend living in the apartment. The
boyfriend would beat her up. One night he beat her from the
kitchen to the bathroom. He pinned her between the toilet and
the sink. He began to beat her severely. The police were called
and when they arrived, they did not wait and transported her in the
police car to the hospital where she died. The boyfriend had left
before the police arrived. My great aunts started seeing a figure
of a woman starting in the kitchen and disappearing between the
toilet and the sink. They offered to pray for her but they never
received a reply. The woman would always be dressed in white until
one time she appeared in black. Their priest told them to leave that
apartment. That somebody was going to die. We had them moved in
one day.
As for UFOs I am a bit more of a believer...
I've done some research on UFO's, mostly Roswell. I had a composition class that I did a report for and had done a lot of research. AMAZING!!!

As far as ghosts, I've seen enough to make my hair stand up on end. Personal experiences.

oooOo000 Do Tell! You can't leave us all hanging here.....:axe:
Ok first off if you believe in Angels and the Holy Spirit you believe in ghosts. I have a story that was witnessed by my wife, sister and myself.
My father had a heart attack that destroyed 96% of his heart. Six months later he had another, He was rushed to the hospital at 11:30 pm. He died in the emergency room at 12:15am. My mother was on the fifth floor of the same hospital recovering well from a shoulder operation. The Doctor told us not to go see her but to see her in the morning to tell her. We arrived at the hospital at 7am that morning to see her. One of the nurses said my mother had woken up at 12:30am crying and screaming "My husband is dead and just stopped and said good bye". The nurse swore no one on the floor new anything about it until 6am. The Doctor was there and told us to hold off on telling her for a while and not to speak of it in the room. So we went into the room and she was asleep. all of a sudden she popped up and asked,"where is
your father?" I replied that he was at home watching Annie's kids, Annie is my sister. She said," no he's not, where is your father?" Once again I told her He was at home watching the kids. Again she said," no he's not! He's dead he stopped and said good bye to me". At that moment before I could say a word she fell back and went into a comma. She was moved to ICU where she died a week later and was buried on my fathers birthday. They died and were buried a week apart. I was 23 at the time. At my mothers wake I realized three things I thanked my mother for, her love, life, and proof to me that there is something after death.
I changed my way of life from that moment on.
Believe or not it is true.


My grandmother died of cancer and my grandfather died 7 hours later of stroke. They had been married for a long time and I guess my grandfather wanted to be with her. We had a double funeral with my grandmother on one side and my grandfather on the other. It made the local paper and had a pretty good write up. Strange. This is not the first time I have heard of this kind of thing happening. I guess true love can do some strange things.
Well my thoughts on bigfoot again are why have no recent bones or bodies been found? I mean surely its hard to find a dead deer or something in the wild as scavengers quickly come in to consume the scraps. If there is a breeding population of huge apes in the mountain ( at least thousands of them ) wouldn't you think somebody somewhere would have uncovered a carcass or at least bones from one that could be dated to with in the past few hundred years?

Ghosts now come on, why would the supposed spirits of the dead repeat the actions relating to their deaths over and over again for eons? If they are fully aware conscious souls of the dead why would they act like a broken record? Furthermore when it comes to proving they exist, why cant they communicate and participate in scientific studies? Surely of the billions of people who have died one out there might decide he or she needs to prove the existence of an afterlife to those who are alive. Hell why not a dead physicist or scientist for example. Maybe one could cooperate with a ghost hunter and manifest itself on command or make something move or the lights flicker or whatever ghosts do. After all it seems based on ghost stories out there that ghosts can willingly interact with our world and physically move or effect things.. so why has one not chosen to do so for the sake of science?If an independent group of researchers could verify the paranormal phenomenon just once !!!! it would be an earth shattering and profound scientific discovery! Yet this to date has never happened and until something along those lines does I remain a skeptic.
No, don't believe in them at all. And as for big foot, that was a hoax done by a farmer Down in Humboldt County. He made some feet out of plywood and then went walking around the woods dress up like some monster, The reason for it was to scare the coyotes away from his stock. He was on one of the talk shows a few years back telling the story of how and why he did it.
My husband, Grumpuscreature, tried to post pics on this subject of orbs that we have taken inside and outside our home. Here is one from outside. You judge for your self...


Look at the screen from the left at an angle, they are everywhere!


No, don't believe in them at all. And as for big foot, that was a hoax done by a farmer Down in Humboldt County. He made some feet out of plywood and then went walking around the woods dress up like some monster, The reason for it was to scare the coyotes away from his stock. He was on one of the talk shows a few years back telling the story of how and why he did it.
There have been several people claiming to be behind the bigfoot thing. Almost all of them were proven to be outright liars and a few did actually perpetrate some hoaxes. Their stories do not in any way invalidate the actual scientific research (including DNA test results) that makes it pretty certain that there is an unknown speices of primate out there.
Well my thoughts on bigfoot again are why have no recent bones or bodies been found? I mean surely its hard to find a dead deer or something in the wild as scavengers quickly come in to consume the scraps. If there is a breeding population of huge apes in the mountain ( at least thousands of them ) wouldn't you think somebody somewhere would have uncovered a carcass or at least bones from one that could be dated to with in the past few hundred years?

Many people say this but most of them have no idea just how expansive the American northwest is. Rwandans told stories of huge man-like creatures in the mountians for generations before they were discovered in the 20th century. No physical evidence had been discovered prior to their actual discovery. Two of Oregon's 32 counties are each alone bigger than all of Rwanda. The lack of pyisical evidence not only is not unusual, it is almost to be expected. You would be shocked at the number of aircraft that have crashed in the Pacific Northwest since WWII that were never found.
When I was 17 (hey sounds like a Sinatra song) we lived in a house that was a converted old folks home. It had 7 bedrooms and five bathrooms and a basement that made your hair stand on end when you went down there. Doors would slam by themselves, we would hear loud crashes up stairs but when we went to see what it was nothing would be wrong. Always had the feeling someone was watching me there. I was really glad to move!
While I do believe that ghosts are 100% real I think that "orbs" are nonsense.
I have never yet seen one that was not easily explained as dust or vapor particles and I have seen too many pieces of dust in photos that look EXACTLY like these supposedly paranormal "orbs".

I don't think the question is whether or not ghosts exist, they undoubtedly do. The question is what are they? Since the overwhelming majority are repetitive and non-interactive they could just be energy imprinted on a location that replays like a tape when conditions are perfect. Then you have distinctly malevolent or evil entities that not only interact and even attack but actually communicate including answering direct questions. What are these? Spirits of evil people? Demons? Who knows? Back in the 80's I read an account of the exorcism that the movie "The Exorcist" was based on. This account was written by one of the attending phyisicians. While nowhere near as wild as what was protrayed in the movie it was undeniable proof that some unseen and evil presence was indeed directly attacking a human being and manipulating the physical environment around him. SCARY STUFF. I wasn't a Catholic back when I read that but I am now.