Anyone see this yet?



AKA Mopars4us on Youtube
Mar 11, 2011
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Chrysler heirs making a deal to buy back the company.
The implications could be interesting.

It would be good if they would bring back Mopar Performance as strong as it was in the 80s.
I've worked for Chrysler since March of 1989 (mostly Jeeps & Trucks). I would love to see Stellantis exit and leave us! Sadly, the damage is probably irreversible at this point.
I've worked for Chrysler since March of 1989 (mostly Jeeps & Trucks). I would love to see Stellantis exit and leave us! Sadly, the damage is probably irreversible at this point.
All it takes is a guy like lee Iacocca.
There was a buzz about a chinese co. interested in buying Chrysler out.
Maybe that`s why the grandson says oh hell NO!
They really need a stylish econobox to keep a company alive in America.
cafe crap ya know. :rolleyes:
Well, honestly would it be cool to see Chrysler back in North American hands?....of course but unfortunately the reason it went away to Europe and almost completely was the way it was run here. I know most true car enthusiasts don't like the EV movement, me included but unfortunately it's inevitable. Up here in BC Canada the provincial government is mandating ONLY EV cars to be sold ( new cars ) by 2030 and they may have moved that date along a bit because it was a bit ambitious edit...the new date is 2035 for ALL of Canada BUT, like it or not it's coming. Places like BC and California down south of the boarder will be first, and we can fight it all we want but when the fuel we can purchase becomes limited our decision is made for us. We can only hope there will be provisions for the car enthusiasts to still drive our baby's on a limited basis at least. I'm a realist and it us coming, I don't know about down south but the surge of electric cars o the road just in my little town of 70000 is huge! I think it's just a pipe dream!
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and a 69 Dart Swinger with the first ever station wagon version...
Well, the first on this continent anyway.

Well if they resurrected the 67-8-9 Barracuda, or the 71/72 Demon, or the 68 Charger, or the 65 valiant wagon, especially as shells with glass, I'd be interested..
Which would be impossible because the american government would never allow it. It’s all over at this point. The future is filled with shitty pieces of plastic and precious metals mined by children in the name of the environment.
Which would be impossible because the american government would never allow it. It’s all over at this point. The future is filled with shitty pieces of plastic and precious metals mined by children in the name of the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
There, I fixed it for you.
It would be good if they would bring back Mopar Performance as strong as it was in the 80s.
Absolutely. I would look through that catalog and dream.
Well if they resurrected the 67-8-9 Barracuda, or the 71/72 Demon, or the 68 Charger, or the 65 valiant wagon, especially as shells with glass, I'd be interested..
They would probably make the Barracuda and 71/72 Demon 4 door cars. They already did that with the Charger.
If they buy it back and produce here you'll be paying $65K for an electronic nightmare. That ain’t for us. The new cars are in SW control of the manufacturer not the owner. No thanks let them **** up something else and spend their time on the french riv. I am happy and busy enough with one old car.
I just watched this on YouTube this morning. It would be nice to have someone with a major interest in keeping the Chrysler Corp. around. What was said about making some of their cars more affordable to most of us, (Instead of WAY overpriced stuff) kind of like what they did with the Road Runner & Super Bee, would be a major plus. We all can't afford OR WANT $40 grand & up vehicles!
Most exciting development. As a lifelong Mopar nut-job, I have become despondent as of late over all the bad news, courtesy of Sh*tllantis. I have even lost interest in my 2015 Chally. Now I'm perked up! We can dream.