Are there any experienced beer drinkers here?

I used to be a beer drinker but I switched to bourbon and rye a few years ago. Coors Light was the favorite back in the late 70's and 80's. It was crisp and clean back then when the Coors family brewed it. I still enjoy a nice craft beer from a cool brewery an hour away. Oatmeal stouts are a favorite. I brew some of my own as well.

That looks good Mike 9:40 ish here and now . . . I'm thirsty lol
Growing up in Colorado I drank Coors but graduated to Bud,Bud Lite then Michikob Ultra. I agree the Bud tasted bad now but the Michilob Ultra satisfies my taste . My biggest problem is I like Beer a little to much so I rarely have any in the house.
tooth k and b lager copper crinkle metal beer cans - Bing these were the 273 commando valve cover crinkle finish cans from back in our beer drinking days. If you lager guys want a good smooth lager this is it. It took a minute to find an accurate pic where you can at least see the crinkle texture. These cans were made to drink not slip out of your hand...LOL
Well, being a Canadian beer drinker, I've tried a lot of beers in Canada and the U.S.A. when I was down there in my 20s and that was a lot...
Yeah, tastes change, but so do the beers.
My go to in the U.S. was Coors or Miller High Life.
It still is.
I had my fair share of Pabst Blue Ribbon, Stroh's, Olympia, Busch, Hamm's, Bud, Schlitz, Colt 45, Michelob and them all.
They were all okay, but I default to Coors or Miller when I'm in the U.S.
Here in Canada, I don't like Molson Canadian or Pilsner.
I used to be a big fan of Labatt's Blue, but it has changed like some people have said about Bud.
Moosehead is good and so is Schooner and we get them here in Western Canada in specialty stores.
Just like Molson Export ale and Labatt's 50 ale.
My go to here now is Kokanee, it is very smooth and doesn't have an aftertaste.
A new discovery is a beer from the Philippines called Red Horse.
It's a strong beer which is 8% alcohol compared to 5% for most beer (not light) and it is strong with no after taste.
I've never been a fan of craft beers.
Or home made beers for that matter...
Actually, my favorite brand of beer is free beer.
It tastes great!
There was a Canadian I used to like called Calgary Amber Lager. Haven't seen it in the states for years and I mean like 30 years...but remember 30-40 year sago there was no craft brew good beer to us in the states were the imports. And I wouldnt even say Good is the word but variety. These days i can go into just about any bar and have a take your pick of the beer menu.
I used to drink Budweiser many years ago but then stopped, and then started drinking a different brand. Then just last month I opened a fresh can of Bud and it was disgusting. There was no fizz, it went flat in three minutes, the bubbles were small, and it tasted like beer flavored water. I thought I had a defective can, so I bought another one a few weeks later, and same thing. Then i tried again a week after that and the same thing. So I complained to Budweiser and they said they were sorry for my experience, so to rectify the problem, they were going to send me a coupon for free Budweiser.... I told them to shove it...

So my question is, have any experienced Budweiser drinkers out in A-Body land noticed the change in the beer recipe from real beer to nasty beer flavored water?
I used to drink my share , (more a few times) , I always could smell Budweiser when some one opened it in the room , smelled like yeast to me ...
Dont drink much anymore , but have always liked the smooth taste of Miller hi-life / Miller time >>>
Well, being a Canadian beer drinker, I've tried a lot of beers in Canada and the U.S.A. when I was down there in my 20s and that was a lot...
Yeah, tastes change, but so do the beers.
My go to in the U.S. was Coors or Miller High Life.
It still is.
I had my fair share of Pabst Blue Ribbon, Stroh's, Olympia, Busch, Hamm's, Bud, Schlitz, Colt 45, Michelob and them all.
They were all okay, but I default to Coors or Miller when I'm in the U.S.
Here in Canada, I don't like Molson Canadian or Pilsner.
I used to be a big fan of Labatt's Blue, but it has changed like some people have said about Bud.
Moosehead is good and so is Schooner and we get them here in Western Canada in specialty stores.
Just like Molson Export ale and Labatt's 50 ale.
My go to here now is Kokanee, it is very smooth and doesn't have an aftertaste.
A new discovery is a beer from the Philippines called Red Horse.
It's a strong beer which is 8% alcohol compared to 5% for most beer (not light) and it is strong with no after taste.
I've never been a fan of craft beers.
Or home made beers for that matter...
Actually, my favorite brand of beer is free beer.
It tastes great!
Why yes old boy you have hit the nail right on the head> What were we all thinking. Yes FREE BEER is an excellent kind of beer. I used to go to this little bar. The Westside Lounge in Watseka Illinois. It was right in the middle of downtown and certainly wasn't a lounge. There was a sign behind the bartender that stated Free Beer Tomorow. What a crock of ****...LOL I never did much care for the owner of the place!
I used to be a beer drinker but I switched to bourbon and rye a few years ago. Coors Light was the favorite back in the late 70's and 80's. It was crisp and clean back then when the Coors family brewed it. I still enjoy a nice craft beer from a cool brewery an hour away. Oatmeal stouts are a favorite. I brew some of my own as well.

They still brew Coors in the U.S. . Up until a couple years ago I used to live across the street from the Coors brewery in Golden Colorado. We used to hit golf balls from my front lawn onto the roof of the factory. They also have a free brewery tour where you got two fresh beers at the end of the tour. It was served in special fluted glasses at optimum temperature for the best taste. Also, the river that you see on the Coors bottles, that's a real river. It comes out of the mountain and goes directly into the factory. Me and my friends tube down that river all the time in the summer. There's a gate at the end of the river to keep people from floating into the factory and becoming a beer.
When i was a drinker i preferred it just chilled. Ice cold it had no taste, and usually was how people who don't
actually like beer would drink it.
When i was a drinker i preferred it just chilled. Ice cold it had no taste, and usually was how people who don't
actually like beer would drink it.

I drank my share of draught beer when stationed in England. They pumped it up from the basement at room temperature. It was perfect.
You need to find a local Micro Brewery and find what you like.
Here's one of our favorites when we lived in N Carolina

image000000 (2).jpg
I'm still kinda laughing that someone would post on a car site if there are any experienced beer drinkers here. I mean did you actually think you might get a "no, there's not"? LOL
The best thing I ever did was give up the beer, well I had to after I drank them all, every one of them.
I'm still kinda laughing that someone would post on a car site if there are any experienced beer drinkers here. I mean did you actually think you might get a "no, there's not"? LOL
Now that's funny and oh so true !
I could write multiple books regarding same and should.
Thanks @RRR for the inspiration lmao !