Attack Cat strikes again, twice!


Coyote Jack

Member #55, I'm old
FABO Gold Member
May 22, 2004
Reaction score
Baxters Corner N.B. Canad
My Maine Coon cat has struck again. First about the cat, he is 22 lbs now and all claws and teeth. His claws and teeth are about a 1/2 longer than I have ever seen on a domestic cat. Charlie really loves his humans and the other cats in the house. But, and this is a BIG but, he doesn't like any interlopers of the animal kind and has a special hate on for dogs. He doesn't just hate them, he hunts them. I have watched a dog come in the yard and Charlie goes into action. He will circle the dog to get behind it and sneak up on it. When he is close enough he will leap and pounce on it's back. He then proceeds to bite and claw until the dog is out of the yard. I saw him do this to a full grown German Shepard. The Shepard was last seen running out the driveway howling with it's tail between it's legs.

Now, on to last night. Our grandson is visiting us for a few days and he brought his dog. It is some kind of Japanese dog that looks something like a fox except it's tail curls above it's ***. It weighs about 18 lbs and I don't think it is the sharpest tool in the shed. Two nights ago Charlie jumped off the counter onto the dogs back and the wife broke it up before any damage was done. Last night was a different story. Oh, did I mention that our grandson is 20 years old and knows everything so we can't tell him anything. The wife warned him last night about the cat being in the house and to watch the dog. In one ear and out the other was where that piece of advice went.

Charlie was guarding the door to our bedroom as I was having a snooze after a long day.The dog got to close and Charlie ambushed the dog near there. The dog started yelping as Charlie was having his way int his fight, the grandson tried to come to his dogs rescue at this point. He learned something new, cats can turn themselves insideout at will, and will do so during a fight. The grandson grabbed Charlie by the back and Charlie instantly took his focus off of the dog and on to whatever was grabbing him from behind. This is the insideout trick cats can do, he proceeded to attack the grandsons hands. The grandson was stunned and shrieked out in pain as Charlie buried his claws into bare skin and pulled. Then he started to bite, the grandson ran with Charlie hanging off of one hand, Charlie finally let go of the grandson and turned his attention back to the wimpering dog. There was another big snarl out of Charlie and then more yelping from the dog. The dog tore off down stairs and Charlie jumped back to his guard position at my door.

This is when I got up. Who could sleep with all that noise going on? The grandson was bleeding all over the place from cuts and puncture wounds so we had to fix him up. He didn't much care for the alcohol on the cuts but I thought it was funny. We finally got the bleeding stopped and got him bandaged up. Then we went to check the dog, yup, it was bleeding to. We got him patched up the best we could and then I went and checked on Charlie. He had no obvious problems and just sat there while I checked him from stem to stern. I could have sworn I saw him smile when the grandson walked by. After a couple of hours the grandsons hand was really getting swollen. The wife got me to have a look at it and it was obvious he had to go to the hospital as he either had an infection or a tendon or ligament had been severed. It turned out to be an infection and he is now on antibiotics and pain pills.

I wonder if the grandson will listen to the wife the next time? Probably not, most kids are slow learners. LOL

wow...what a cat

I had to look up that type of cat and I see that they can get pretty big.

sorry to hear about Grandson getting a bit of battle damage, hope his hands heal up the way they should.

other than that, good kitty ...I need one of those cats...a very aggressive hunter would be useful around here. Canines are strictly forbidden in the yard and my existing cat is not aggressive enough....Tabbys are just lazy compared to a purpose built hunter like a Maine coon cat....usually when an unwanted visitor is in the yard I find my cat passed out and looking like a drunken idiot under a car.......I definitely need one of those Maine Coon cats.

and yes I have seen cats smile, especially when they do something they are not supposed to do. my cat smiled at me the other day when he left a huge deposit in the garage in front of the welder and he knows better than that. :banghead:
I am a retired Letter Carrier and saw one big cat like that in 36 yrs of delivering mail. I had never seen a cat that acted like a watchdog and was ready to attack because usually they will run away to avoid confrontation. I was walking delivering mail door to door when a big cat like yours stood his ground and would not let me on the porch. He bared his teeth with its back hair on end while screaming a cat growl. To me it was more frightening than a dog and the customer of that house got no mail that day. I told some guys at work about it and they did not believe me. Personally I don't like cats as they seem to have a mind of their own and are sneaky but I do love dogs.
I am a retired Letter Carrier and saw one big cat like that in 36 yrs of delivering mail. I had never seen a cat that acted like a watchdog and was ready to attack because usually they will run away to avoid confrontation. I was walking delivering mail door to door when a big cat like yours stood his ground and would not let me on the porch. He bared his teeth with its back hair on end while screaming a cat growl. To me it was more frightening than a dog and the customer of that house got no mail that day. I told some guys at work about it and they did not believe me. Personally I don't like cats as they seem to have a mind of their own and are sneaky but I do love dogs.

You wouldn't have to worry about this guy. He loves humans. It's dogs he has a real hate on for. The grandson just got in the way of his attack and paid the price.

Tabbys are just lazy compared to a purpose built hunter like a Maine coon cat....I definitely need one of those Maine Coon cats.

Don't let Jack's Maine Coon fool you. Mine, Spidey, mostly lays around during the day.

Mouse in the house? It's up the female Tabby to take care of it.

Mine does have it's moments, though. When Sarah and I first moved to Elmira, my sister and her family came down the day after the move to help us unpack. They brought their dog, Nelson, with them. Nelson's a sweetheart of a dog and particularly likes me. He's also one of those dogs that "grins." He pulls his lips away from his teeth and, well, grins.

I was behind the TV console, hooking up all the electronics, with Spidey sitting on the ottoman watching me, grooming himself. Family walks in the door, Nelson sees me, starts grinning, and runs over to me. Spidey must not have liked the idea of a 50# dog coming at me with it's teeth bared. Yup, he spiked the poor dog. Nelson turned around and Spidey spiked him again. Both times, right on the nose. Spidey went to do it again when Nelson decided it wasn't gonna happen. My brother-in-law grabbed the dog just as he was lunging, I grabbed the cat just as he was swatting.

Other than, that, Spidey's attitude towards the dogs is "if you leave me alone, I'll leave you alone." But that's pretty much his attitude towards everything. He shows an utter disregard for the rabbit and the guinea pigs, preferring to find an open window to lay in. Hell, most of the time he has anything to do with me is when the food bowl is empty. Or he wants attention.

Jack, next time the kid's over set up a video camera somewhere. We need to see this!
Don't let Jack's Maine Coon fool you. Mine, Spidey, mostly lays around during the day.

ok, then I will re-phrase .....not all tabbys are lazzzzy but mine sure is


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Pumpkin, the orange tabby, is on the left

Spidey, the mane coon, is on the right

Both in the hallway closet napping at the old house.

Took me forever to figure out why the closet doors were open when we would come back home, with no cats in it... Finally they were caught! Lol

...Laying on all the extra blankets and pillows their little hearts desired!!! :D
Wow.....I've never even heard of a Maine coon cat! How cool, I wouldn't mind having one. I don't hate cats like a lot of people do. I figure, they just are what they are and they kill mice, rabbits, gophers and any other rodents hanging around the garage/barn. In-house cats seem like they're made worthless and lazy.

I used to have the coolest cat in the world. She would actually come running about a 1/2 acre across the yard when I called out her name. Definitely wasn't worthless either......she would watch me digging down into gopher holes/tunnels, trying to trap those suckers. Then I guess she put 2 and 2 together and would just hang out around the gopher holes and snatch 'em with her claws. Good kitty!
My wife is just beside herself over this. At 3 am this morning when they got home from the hospital her biggest question was, get this. How am I going to tell everybody my 20 year old grandson got beat up and put in the hospital by our cat?

I was ROTFLMAO after she said that. But then again, I'm kind of a sick puppy. LOL

When I was a kid (6-12) I had a 20 pound domestic medium hair orange and white tabby.

I lost count of the number of neighborhood dogs, including shepards and plenty of other big ones, that ran yelping and bloody from our yard.

I miss that cat.
These are the only pics of him I have here at work. These are when he was 6 months old. Have a look at the size of the mitts on this guy. His paw prints are twice the size of our other cats which is also a big tom, just not as big as Charlie.


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His paws are almost as big as yours!!
I'll stick to my dogs, thanks! I'm allergic to cats! Definitely a cool cat though!
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Pumpkin, the orange tabby, is on the left

Spidey, the mane coon, is on the right

Both in the hallway closet napping at the old house.

Took me forever to figure out why the closet doors were open when we would come back home, with no cats in it... Finally they were caught! Lol

...Laying on all the extra blankets and pillows their little hearts desired!!! :D

Lol No Work Today! :glasses7:
We have a big old Maine Coon...Homer....he is a gentle giant...with out small dogs...and now a ktten...

But I have seen him take off after some of the other cats in the neighbor hood......He is over in the corner sleeping on the cool tile now.....I funny to watch him play with the kitten....
Yup, this guy loves to play as well. He and the other cat we have, (Killer), play all night long. Rolling, wrestling and jumping each other, it sounds like a bowling alley some nights. It's funny how they seem to know who is supposed to be at the house and who is not. All buddy buddy with the ones that are supposed to be there.

I love it!
I got a orange cat named Shorty, should have named him Hannibal Lector.
There is no living thing safe in my yard or the neighbors. He's straight up a homicidal maniac. He'll bring rodents into the yard, mess with them for awhile then kill them. Eat the guts out of them and act like it's no big deal. He's equal opportunity too, birds, snakes, bugs, moles, vols, mice, rabbits, squirrels, anything. He buddy's right up to the racoons, I've never seen anything like him.
You grandson sounds like our son-in-law, a real SLOW learner. LMAO.
These are the only pics of him I have here at work. These are when he was 6 months old. Have a look at the size of the mitts on this guy. His paw prints are twice the size of our other cats which is also a big tom, just not as big as Charlie.

What the heck is all over his stomach?
Dang Jack, You have a great specimen of a domesticated cat (if it is 100% domesticated) :D
It was raised to protect and hold his ground and has a spirit of a Bob Cat, and as big
My uncle in Tennessee had one that looked allot like yours and we had to be careful when he got playful, he would set under a tree and wait for birds to try and run him off because they had a nest close by, I seen that cat jump about 7' in the air trying to catch the birds as my uncle would call us to the widow and tell us to watch Graddy do his thing :glasses7:
If we was siting watching tv and Graddy jumped in your lap to sit we had to wait for him to ask for us to pet him, if not that dang cat would do like you said turn inside out and lock on :shock: He never dun it to me because I knew what he was capable of and I listened when my uncle talked :thumblef: I almost seen Graddy stalk a German shepherd ( I was about 14) uncle Lyod said OhChit, Mike come here.. by the time I got to the door there was fur in the air and Graddy was on the dog's back slapping his neck throwing fur, I found out the next year the German Shepherd ended up at the vet's and was sowed up.
Cool cat Jack, I miss having one