Attack Cat strikes again, twice!

That is one cool cat. My wife loves cats . We bought a 10x16 playhouse for the front yard just for cats. She has a heard out there now . Seems like they came from all over . She gets the spayed or neutered as they show up. All of our dogs stay away from the cat house except for our St. bernard. They like him, He has been hanging out with the cats since he is a puppy. He would chase them then they would chase him. Now when ever he is not at the garage you will find him in the front yard.


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Nice that they have a bodyguard.

I believe a grop of cats is called a "clowder".
Nice that they have a bodyguard.

I believe a grop of cats is called a "clowder".

my rottweiler was given to me by my son when he and his wife had their first kid,they (she) got scared of him because she was walking him at about a year old(him) LOL, a neighbors dog came tearing across the street at them, cost the neighbor $700 some dollars to keep their dog alive,they were going to sue and all that, of course under the circumstanses,w/ boomer being on a leash when attacked by a loose dog, it didn`t hold up. he`s killed a visiting dog that came thru my garage and got in the yard, and every cat that`s stupid enough to get too close. he weighs between 110 (summer) 135 in the winter, and ain`t afraid of nothin. be glad your bad cats ain`t around him, he`d welcome a cat that would try to fight with him, or dog either far as that goes.the mystery is, some people he won`t bother, and some he`ll try to get thru the fence to get to. he`s mellowed out a little, at 8 yrs old now,
but he`s still my buddy-----------------bob


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my rottweiler was given to me by my son when he and his wife had their first kid,they (she) got scared of him because she was walking him at about a year old(him) LOL, a neighbors dog came tearing across the street at them, cost the neighbor $700 some dollars to keep their dog alive,they were going to sue and all that, of course under the circumstanses,w/ boomer being on a leash when attacked by a loose dog, it didn`t hold up. he`s killed a visiting dog that came thru my garage and got in the yard, and every cat that`s stupid enough to get too close. he weighs between 110 (summer) 135 in the winter, and ain`t afraid of nothin. be glad your bad cats ain`t around him, he`d welcome a cat that would try to fight with him, or dog either far as that goes.the mystery is, some people he won`t bother, and some he`ll try to get thru the fence to get to. he`s mellowed out a little, at 8 yrs old now,
but he`s still my buddy-----------------bob

Why would you even say something like that?
my rottweiler was given to me by my son when he and his wife had their first kid,they (she) got scared of him because she was walking him at about a year old(him) LOL, a neighbors dog came tearing across the street at them, cost the neighbor $700 some dollars to keep their dog alive,they were going to sue and all that, of course under the circumstanses,w/ boomer being on a leash when attacked by a loose dog, it didn`t hold up. he`s killed a visiting dog that came thru my garage and got in the yard, and every cat that`s stupid enough to get too close. he weighs between 110 (summer) 135 in the winter, and ain`t afraid of nothin. be glad your bad cats ain`t around him, he`d welcome a cat that would try to fight with him, or dog either far as that goes.the mystery is, some people he won`t bother, and some he`ll try to get thru the fence to get to. he`s mellowed out a little, at 8 yrs old now,
but he`s still my buddy-----------------bob

Great thread,Jack. Always preferred cats,over dogs. Watching a Maine coon fight,is a different world.
my rottweiler was given to me by my son when he and his wife had their first kid,they (she) got scared of him because she was walking him at about a year old(him) LOL, a neighbors dog came tearing across the street at them, cost the neighbor $700 some dollars to keep their dog alive,they were going to sue and all that, of course under the circumstanses,w/ boomer being on a leash when attacked by a loose dog, it didn`t hold up. he`s killed a visiting dog that came thru my garage and got in the yard, and every cat that`s stupid enough to get too close. he weighs between 110 (summer) 135 in the winter, and ain`t afraid of nothin. be glad your bad cats ain`t around him, he`d welcome a cat that would try to fight with him, or dog either far as that goes.the mystery is, some people he won`t bother, and some he`ll try to get thru the fence to get to. he`s mellowed out a little, at 8 yrs old now,
but he`s still my buddy-----------------bob

My neighbor had a rotty. He would always brag how it would attack anything that came in his yard. He went on vacation and I was feeding him when they were gone. I told him one day that dog was going to get him in trouble. He laughed at me. He would always say good boy when the dog went after another. The police were there several times and he was warned

One day his 8 year old boy was playing out side. The dog tore his son apart pretty good. He is permanently scarred physically and mentally. The Police took the dog and Rich was cited with a big Fine. Plus his home insurance was dropped.

My Saint Bernard is now 170 and has another year to grow. I love the dog but if he would go after another animal or person unprovoked I would shoot him dead.

I wouldn't brag about a dog like that I would be ashamed and never tell your story. I have 8 dogs and none would ever bite except for one. Bullit if you enter our fence at night. Although I wouldn't raise your hand to any family member while the other dogs are around

Good luck with your dog . I hope he isn't the cause of a great loss in your future.


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one of our cats is especially not fond of being bathed ,long story short my wife and oldest daughter attempted to give him a bath a few yrs back he got pissed and attacked my wife and bit her hands 5 times each she had to go to hospital[ found out cats have very nasty mouths ]animal control wanted to euthanize our cat my wife was having no part of that so instead he spent a week in kitty jail under quarantine,so now I have to bathe him I think he knows he wouldn't live to get dried off if he bit me .ive never had a problem with him
My folks used to raise Siamese cats. When they were outside they were always on an 1/8" nylon rope leash. One day the neighbors doby walked through our yard while our momma cat was out with her kittens, so momma backed the kittens against the door into the house and waited. When the doby put one paw inside the leash circle the cat hit the end of the rope hard enough to pull it in two then proceeded to nearly kill the dog! The leash was not chewed and the cat only weighed about 7 pounds! Do NOT mess with momma!
My cat loves toying with the dog, lol. He'll even instigate the battles too, little booger. Get's the dog to chasing him back and forth then either hides behind the bedroom door or under the bed. Then with the dog runs by the door he jumps out and nails him. Or, if he decides to be dumb enough to stick his face under the bed (which he usually does) the cat lays there in wait, lol. Very cheap entertainment.

He did wise up for some time though, even though I think he forgot he used to do this, but, the dog would chase the cat and as soon as the cat turned around in defense the dog would swing around really quick and hit the cat with his rump!!! Now that my friends is hilarious to watch, lol.

Also, a friend at work has a bobtail cat, big ol female, I think weighs around 15lbs or so of all muscle. The kicker is, she's a paradactyl. She has 9, yes I said 9 toes/claws on each front paw and 7 on each back one! Big ol pads on that girl! He said she darned near has opposable thumbs,lol, and can pick stuff up like a person. Now those would frickin hurt if she got ahold of you!
Funny story.
When my first wife and I got married we rented a little house on a dead end road out in the country, we had an common tom cat to keep the mice etc away.
The neighbors had a 180 lb bull mastif.
The neighbor warned me that his dog did not like cats.

One day his dog walked up the steps on my porch and went after the cat, the next thing I saw was a cat with its claws dug in the rib cage of this 180 lb dog running with its tail between its legs heading home.

A week or so later the dog came back and I seen him flip the tom cat abought 7' over the roof of our old dodge dart. The old tom cat was right back on him claws stuck in his hind quarters as he headed back home with his tail between his legs.

There was no love between that cat and dog.
...and why did he feel the need to quote me???

You bathe cats?? Really?
Cats are "self cleaning".
I've only ever bathed a cat if it was a kitten and just found/ or had a bad flea issue.
Bathe one and risk loosing a chunk or two of flesh...every time.

Animals tend to have better oral hygene if fed dry food.
I'm not about to start brushing their teeth (as is the current trend), but I do give "dental" treats.

My neighbors have 2 Rotweilers, They are good dogs, although I'm sure it wouldn't be pretty in a worst case scenario. So far all but one of my guys have been smart enough not to go over there. That was real 4:00am...We are actually surrounded by neighbors with dogs on all but two of the 8 adjacent properties.

We also have a chihuahua. He gets into much more trouble with other animals than any of the cats.
I bathed my cat several weeks ago, he's going to be 6 in Oct. He somewhat likes water though. Usually when I'm in the shower he'll be between the the shower curtains watching me...silly peeping tom, lol. That, several weeks ago, he tried climbing in with me (he has a bum hind leg) so I grabbed him and picked him up and put him under the water stream :) He just kinda meowed here and there but didn't use his claws or flail around or anything, just let me hold him and get him all soakin wet, lol. Of course he looked like the patented drowned rat, lol.
We live by a forest preserve and have lots of wild animals around. We used to feed the raccoons. One day we came home and there was a mama raccoon in the yard with 4 babies. We had our dog with us (Dalmatian mixed with english setter) and he chased the raccoons and caught one of the babies. Our younger cat, a black engora named Kelly (we used to let her outside once in a while), ran after our dog and swatted him to let the raccoon go before the raccoon's mama could get there. The dog let go of the raccoon.

A couple of days later when we were feeding the raccoons, Kelly was there mingling in with the mama raccoon and her four babies. Mama raccoon didn't pay her any attention since she saved one of her babies from the dog... It was cute seeing her hanging out with the baby raccoons while they ate.
My ex wife had a couple of maine coon cats. One day one of them was out in our front yard and a bird swooped in low and tried to fly past her. She swatted at the bird and knocked it out of flight and picked it up off the ground. She used to catch a few birds like that. It was amazing to see her do it that one time....
We used to have 2 cats and 2 dalmatians when we were kids. After dinner we would stack our dishes on the counter and mom would clean them before she went to bed. One time my dad heard the dogs barking and went in the kitchen to catch the cats up on the counter stealing scraps off of the dinner plates. The dogs got mad and turned them in.

One day a short time later. My dad walks into the kitchen after dinner and catches the two cats up on the counter and throwing off food to the dogs to keep them quiet. Yeah, the 4 animals worked together to cooperate and split the food between themselves.
We used to have 2 cats and 2 dalmatians when we were kids. After dinner we would stack our dishes on the counter and mom would clean them before she went to bed. One time my dad heard the dogs barking and went in the kitchen to catch the cats up on the counter stealing scraps off of the dinner plates. The dogs got mad and turned them in.

One day a short time later. My dad walks into the kitchen after dinner and catches the two cats up on the counter and throwing off food to the dogs to keep them quiet. Yeah, the 4 animals worked together to cooperate and split the food between themselves.

have a 6 ft fence to keep him in, no relatives ever go in the yard,(or anyone else either) unless I`m there. I`m very respectful of him(the dog).wife doesn`t go around him much,and respects him also. you have to have signs up to keep yourself in the clear if anything ever happened, of course that won`t hold salt if you live in town, I don`t. the whole story was for the guy that thinks he has a bad cat. just for entertainment! got a few synical responses out of a few of you!! no brag - just fact:finga:
I don't say this too often, but- you're an ***!

I'm better than you, no my dad can beat up your dad!

My big brother will kick your *** if I pick a fight with you and then lose!

My rotty will kill your cat...and then I'll laugh, 'cause I get off on that kinda stuff haw, haw!!
Your move, pal.

No one on this board has seen me make mince meat of anyone verbally, but this might just be the time and place.

Bring it on.

No brag, just fact.
On second thought. I give up. You win.