Avoidance Alert

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Dartnut;You have my vote,sorry for your loss.What goes around-comes around.
From both parties, let's see some pics of parts, parts in the box and the box/taping (and whatever else you want to show).
Im not to worried about it, I have parts I need coming from MoparGod. I just made this to warn everyone else. If you dont want to listen thats fine but you wont have me feeling sorry when he shafts you.

Clear this up if you want. Post a pic of the box, with booster, on a scale and let's see what it weighs. That alone, plus allowing the sender to see if it's his box or not should clarify if we are talking about the same package. If you choose not to, well then...
Not sure why you think it's ok to call a guy a scammer and then not offer up any proof of your side of the story. I can't believe anyone would scam you for $20 worth of parts after they sent them for FREE in the first place. Maybe if $ is an issue, now isn't the time to be working on a project car.
Lesson learned everyone, cash first.
I will do that, thing is he never sent me pictures before he shipped.
one thing I need to learn is how to upload pictures from a cell phone to this site.
Or providing a cover for his story? He didn't get the parts mid month, only had tracking for one box and waits until now to post the want ad, conveniently, same time as this thread.

Just looking at it from a nefarious viewpoint.

I'd have an ad up right after the box arrived if I still needed the stuff and it didn't show up in said box.

I have one of those brackets and a brake pedal assembly... $75 + shipping
To be fair, I wouldn't have reposted a part request until I tried to resolve the problem with the seller. Sometimes that can take days with our busy lives. Other than brownie points from the peanut gallery here, I don't see how J4R3D would benefit from a phony ad. If he buys the same parts from somebody else, it doesn't sound like he's running a scam on the first seller. It sounds like the parts were lost or stolen in transit. The only blame either party has, is poor communication.
The thing is man......if you don't offer up pictures and pictures of the weight of the booster and/or a receipt......your pretty much screwing your self here.

Because you just called a guy out and potentially tarnished his name but your not veven willing to back the story up.

and its making alot of people look at you because your story does not ad up....and in return the word WILL spread and people will not want to deal with you any more which means you will have trouble catching good deals on parts you need OR parts you need to sell! and we all know how tricky it is to come by mopar parts now a days so thats a pretty valuable thing to have on your side ( The People).

Dartnut already said what the weight of the booster was.

SO all you have to do is take a picture of what you got on a scale to prove that his story either matchs up or does not!.

NOW .....you will have to take a picture of just to booster (not the booster in the box so we know there arent any bricks hiding in the box to fudge the actual weight......and no filling the booster full of rocks either LOL.

regardless who is right or wrong.....its $20.00 your talking here....I think it is WELL worth your reputation and keeping your friends here on fabo and clearing the air with Dartnut to atleast resolve the issue mutually rather than just saying screw it.

you have to think, not only is dart nut out of the $20.00 he spent on shipping, but he is also out his booster which should have atleast a $20.00 core value.....so he is out $40.00 atleast and your not willing to send the guy his part back OR give him a refund on shipping....thats pretty cruel and dirty man.

you need to look out side the box and stop looking at things from whatever perspective it is that you are looking at...because you somehow think you got screwed because you didnt get the RIGHT FREE PARTS???? lol....sorry, just doesnt make sense I guess
Re: Power brake linkage


Originally Posted by Dartnut
Originally Posted by J4R3D
Originally Posted by Dartnut
Originally Posted by J4R3D
Originally Posted by Dartnut
Originally Posted by J4R3D
Originally Posted by Dartnut
Originally Posted by J4R3D
Originally Posted by Dartnut
Hi, i understand you are looking for some linkage for power brakes. The linkage and brackets from the pedal to the booster?
I have the parts you need if you are still looking. They are off a '75 duster i just parted out. Let me know if you are interested. You can e-mail me at [email protected] or pm me here.
Just pay for the shipping and they are yours. The booster is junk though. The brackets need to be refinished, some light surface rust.
I live in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada.
Let me know ASAP, they will be gone by the middle of the week.
Have a good day,

How much would this cost me? I live in Fort Scott Kansas, 66701

I doubt it would be more than 20 bucks at most, probably 10. i would send it snail mail (Canada post) and it wouldn't get ther any quicker than if i sent it ups anyway, trust me i know! It would take about a week to get there from here.
Do you still want it?
I can send it tuesday if you want.
All i need is your name and full address and i'll send it in a little box to you. I'll price it out for you tomorrow if you want.

Jared Harris
Fort Scott kansas
19 west 19th street

I'll send it out tomorrow.
I'll pay the shipping so it'll get there asap.

Thank you Tom. Let me know how much and I will pay you Friday.

I sent the parts to you today and they will go out tomorrow. They told me 12 business days to get to you, but you can count on 2 weeks because of the holidays here in Canada on july 1st (Canada day) and yours, the fourth of july. So, i guess it should be there by the middle of the month. I have a tracking number just in case.
I sent everything from the firewall forward minus the master cylinder and fender bracket. (it was no good). I even sent the brake booster, it appears to be good. I would test it anyway though, just to be sure. All parts need refinishing, but they aren't that bad, just some surface rust.
Let me know when you get them and we'll settle up on the shipping then.
It cost me $24.73 to ship, but i'll take $20.00 U.S. i don't care about the rest.
I hope the parts are what you needed. Send me some pics of your car if you can at [email protected]

Hey, I recieved the parts in today, Im going to take a look and see what I can use, I will get back with you Friday for the payment.
Thank you for going way out of your way.

Did you happen to have a look at the parts i sent you?
What's up with the install? It should be no problem with the fit. The setup came from a car that was never altered.
Let me know.
Have a good one,

All I have is the old booster that I do not need, I bought a new one two weeks before we talked for 185.00, I need the brackets which are not here.
If you want to see what I have post your email, I dont know how to add pictures on a thread that is already started.
The one part of your personal message that doesn't add up

You say: Hey, I received the PARTS in today......

I hope you would have opened the parts right away. Before you sent that message. We all know how much we love these cars and getting a box in the mail is like a holiday. I know I would have it opened before I got it off the front porch.
thats because I didnt open and repy I just opened it, then I saw the brackets were not there and sent another message.
Its fine if you dont want to believe me. why dont you do business with him and get burnt? then see who cares.
If I have no way of proving that I dont have the parts, and only recieved a rusted up booster that I didnt even need then I cant prove it. but I dont care what other people think becuase I know I dont have anything else.
OK guys....I spoke with Jared and he sent me pictures of everything.

although I can't really make out any of the writing on the box and I don't see what it weighs or anything.....but it does look like he already has a new booster.

so I am not sure exactly what to say about this or how the best way to handle things would be......thats up to you guys to decide.

Here are the pictures







Thanks, but like I said this will prove nothing, when some arogent people decide to say that I took the other parts out of the picture. Yet again there were no other parts.
The box says it weighed 4.98 but I am still curious as to what the booster alone ways so we know if the booster alone weighs that much or if there was fowl play (hope not) or if maybe the border snatched up some parts out of the box and the hole thing is jsut a big missunderstanding.....the only thing is....how do we determine which is right and which is wrong....a guessing game I guess
I dont mean to cause a big problem with it, but I certainly wont pay for a part that I dont need, I would have paid for the brackets but they are not here.
The way that crappy box is taped up, it might have broken open on the conveyor lines, and the inside postal worker might have just thought the booster was the only thing to go in the box. I'd argue with the inside postal worker, but we all know how that can end up :)

Well after talking with dusterdude72, I started thinking about it, if I were him I would want money. the most I will do is pay in return half of the shipping but I still never got anything out of this. If he is being honest then we both got shafted out of money.
the box says 24.72 was the shipping so I will pay 12.25. Thats all I am willing to do. and no more deals with people from Canada.
Well after talking with dusterdude72, I started thinking about it, if I were him I would want money. the most I will do is pay in return half of the shipping but I still never got anything out of this. If he is being honest then we both got shafted out of money.
the box says 24.72 was the shipping so I will pay 12.25. Thats all I am willing to do. and no more deals with people from Canada.

It's $20 bucks, man. Pay the guy and call it a day. Preserve some good will all around. Your rep here on FABO will be the better for it!
Since from reading your posts, you stated that you were going to pay the Friday the goods shipped, and then replied after receiving them that you were going to contact him THAT Friday for payment, I think you should have paid him weeks before this whole incident blew up. I am also at a loss why after your post of receiving the parts (which you say you made before opening them), the next conversation posted was from the seller on how the install went? I would have expected it to be you saying not all the parts were there?

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