Bait & Switch BS at Home Depot! (Caution! I'm still worked-up here...)



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Jul 17, 2023
Reaction score
Somewhere north of Minne-a-no-place
What price do y'all see here?


To me it looks like I can buy this for $383 and some change.

But over my lunch break just now I tried to buy it in the store, and they wanted to charge me $419.

When I saw the price on the screen at the checkout I said, "Whoa! Hold on a second here. The online price I saw at the office was $383-something" (an easy number to remember, right?).

Dude just looks at me and says, "This is the correct price".

"No, it's not!", I said.

So he looks it up online in the store, and of course there it comes up at $419.

So I explained (I was still calm at that time) that the screen in my office said $383, to which he said, "Do you have proof of that?"

"Proof? I need to supply proof of the pricing now to buy something here? This is classic bait & switch bullshit, and it's illegal as hell!"

To which he responded, "No need to swear", while smirking and chuckling (so help me God, I **** you not!).

And then things went downhill from there. I mean, the guy was actually laughing at me....

(Point of info: This is not the first time this has happened to me there, so I've learned to pay attention to the prices. Thankfully all of the previous times were for much smaller amounts.)

I've remodeled two entire houses using (mostly) HD-sourced tools and materials, and I would estimate I've spent somewhere between $50-$75k with them over the years. And while I understand the whole "dynamic pricing" thing (I understand it, but I don't condone it), I truly believe these guys have become nothing more than bait & switch rip-off artists, and I will swear today, before God and all of you Good People here, that I will NEVER set foot into, or buy anything from, another HD store for as long as I live!

**** 'em!

(Gotta go for a walk to calm the hell down.)
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Step back and take a breath. May be you were in the middle of a price increase. (probably not) Did you show him the photo you posted above?
Sorry for the pain .. I've found stuff online at HD and driven there to find a different more expensive price. I've then literally, gone out in the parking lot and ordered it through the App for the lower price with store pick-up .. then walked up to customer service 30 minutes later and been handed the same item I had looked at earlier.

And so it goes
Step back and take a breath. May be you were in the middle of a price increase. (probably not) Did you show him the photo you posted above?
Wish it were that simple Mike, but the price hasn't changed here at the office all week. I just haven't had time to get over there and pick it up.
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Glad you caught it. I bought a really nice faucet at HD, box seemed unmolested. I get home and unpack only to find that someone had put in not only a lesser model but from an entirely different manufacturer. I was pissed! Drove all the way back and tried to explain but the folks said to just grab another one and begone. Ok, no problemo.

Nowadays I usually do a screenshot before going in. The signal in most of the stores suck unless you use their Wi-Fi.
Sorry for the pain .. I've found stuff online at HD and driven there to find a different more expensive price. I've then literally, gone out in the parking lot and ordered it through the App for the lower price with store pick-up .. then walked up to customer service 30 minutes later and been handed the same item I had looked at earlier.

And so it goes
I thought about that, I really did.

But then it occurred to me that, 1) This isn't the first time they've done this to me (albeit at a much smaller level), and 2) Why should I reward them for this behavior? Doing so would only seem to show that I tacitly agree with this this...which I do not.

There's a small town lumber yard about 15 miles from our house....on the opposite side of town from my commute (out of my way, IOW), but they can order it for me. May be out of my way, but looks I may be "Buying Local" from here on out.
Is the store on your computer the same as the one you are walking into?
I had inventory issues because my computer chose to use a location it thought I was near.

Nowadays I usually do a screenshot before going in. The signal in most of the stores suck unless you use their Wi-Fi.
Oh, yeah! I've run into that before as well! At home or in the office, price is $x, but in the store, with their wifi, price is suddenly higher for some odd reason....

Nope. Not gonna play those games any more.
Is the store on your computer the same as the one you are walking into?
I had inventory issues because my computer chose to use a location it thought I was near.

No. The "Elk River" store is just the closest one to my house/on my way home. I was just checking in-store availability with that screenshot, as it would have been nice to just pop-in on my way home.
No. The "Elk River" store is just the closest one to my house/on my way home. I was just checking in-store availability with that screenshot, as it would have been nice to just pop-in on my way home.
That is the problem, I checked a few stores and found the one with it listed at $419. Not all stores in the area had that price, I'm guessing a County assessed fee and not State, or just a delivery difference?

What price do y'all see here?

View attachment 1716302807\

To me it looks like I can buy this for $383 and some change.

But over my lunch break just now I tried to buy it in the store, and they wanted to charge me $419.

When I saw the price on the screen at the checkout I said, "Whoa! Hold on a second here. The online price I saw at the office was $383-something" (an easy number to remember, right?).

Dude just looks at me and says, "This is the correct price".

"No, it's not!", I said.

So he looks it up online in the store, and of course there it comes up at $419.

So I explained (I was still calm at that time) that the screen in my office said $383, to which he said, "Do you have proof of that?"

"Proof? I need to supply proof of the pricing now to buy something here? This is classic bait & switch bullshit, and it's illegal as hell!"

To which he responded, "No need to swear", while smirking and chuckling (so help me God, I **** you not!).

And then things went downhill from there. I mean, the guy was actually laughing at me....

(Point of info: This is not the first time this has happened to me there, so I've learned to pay attention to the prices. Thankfully all of the previous times were for much smaller amounts.)

I've remodeled two entire houses using (mostly) HD-sourced tools and materials, and I would estimate I've spent somewhere between $50-$75k with them over the years. And while I understand the whole "dynamic pricing" thing (I understand it, but I don't condone it), I truly believe these guys have become nothing more than bait & switch rip-off artists, and I will swear today, before God and all of you Good People here, that I will NEVER set foot into, or buy anything from, another HD store for as long as I live!

**** 'em!

(Gotta go for a walk to calm the hell down.)

Pretty clear to me.
That is the problem, I checked a few stores and found the one with it listed at $419. Not all stores in the area had that price, I'm guessing a County assessed fee and not State, or just a delivery difference?

Funny you should say that, as my coworker (it's slow here today) just checked the store I was at during lunch, and it now shows $419.

But both of us distinctly remember that same store having it for $383 before I left, and right after I got back, so perhaps @toolmanmike may have "called-it" in post #2 above.
What price do y'all see here?

View attachment 1716302807\

To me it looks like I can buy this for $383 and some change.

But over my lunch break just now I tried to buy it in the store, and they wanted to charge me $419.

When I saw the price on the screen at the checkout I said, "Whoa! Hold on a second here. The online price I saw at the office was $383-something" (an easy number to remember, right?).

Dude just looks at me and says, "This is the correct price".

"No, it's not!", I said.

So he looks it up online in the store, and of course there it comes up at $419.

So I explained (I was still calm at that time) that the screen in my office said $383, to which he said, "Do you have proof of that?"

"Proof? I need to supply proof of the pricing now to buy something here? This is classic bait & switch bullshit, and it's illegal as hell!"

To which he responded, "No need to swear", while smirking and chuckling (so help me God, I **** you not!).

And then things went downhill from there. I mean, the guy was actually laughing at me....

(Point of info: This is not the first time this has happened to me there, so I've learned to pay attention to the prices. Thankfully all of the previous times were for much smaller amounts.)

I've remodeled two entire houses using (mostly) HD-sourced tools and materials, and I would estimate I've spent somewhere between $50-$75k with them over the years. And while I understand the whole "dynamic pricing" thing (I understand it, but I don't condone it), I truly believe these guys have become nothing more than bait & switch rip-off artists, and I will swear today, before God and all of you Good People here, that I will NEVER set foot into, or buy anything from, another HD store for as long as I live!

**** 'em!

(Gotta go for a walk to calm the hell down.)
That’s the same price here east coast

If the price was current on the internet at the same store there is a problem. There is no way any Mopar guy would forget that original price of $383. I used to go to McDonalds for the single cheeseburger, small fries and coke combo meal and it was $3.18. I actually took exact change because I positively knew what the price was. Then of course the price eventually went up. But I don't remember the new price!
I won’t shop there. Yrs ago I went there to buy a Jonn Deere riding mower, 0 dollars down and no interest for a yr. Did all the paper work and even had money to pay down. All was good until they said I couldn’t take it home until I paid the balance.WHAT? Talked to manager and same answer. Went to John Deere dealer and brought the exact model home.
Looks like a regional price difference. I'm also noticing it's $419 if in-stock and $383 if shipped. My guess is that hazmat shipping charges might apply and they're getting tacked-on where it's in-stock but that's a random guess.
Either way, HD's system is FUBAR and a total pain to deal with. Except for lumber I mostly have stuff delivered because the in-store experience is a disaster. If it's not the aisles full of garbage, it's tools locked behind cages and no one has a key, or it's a whole goddamn family reunion with 27 dogs barking and pissing in as they block every aisle. Luckily we still have some local/regional places that cater less to the instra-gram inspired.


Looks like a regional price difference. I'm also noticing it's $419 if in-stock and $383 if shipped. My guess is that hazmat shipping charges might apply and they're getting tacked-on where it's in-stock but that's a random guess.
Either way, HD's system is FUBAR and a total pain to deal with. Except for lumber I mostly have stuff delivered because the in-store experience is a disaster. If it's not the aisles full of garbage, it's tools locked behind cages and no one has a key, or it's a whole goddamn family reunion with 27 dogs barking and pissing in as they block every aisle. Luckily we still have some local/regional places that cater less to the instra-gram inspired.

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View attachment 1716302847
Don’t even bother looking at lowes it’s over 500 there and smaller size wow
I refuse to shop at the homo depot

Those perverts had a float in one of the sodomite parades
I'll do without before I send a penny to them
Don’t even bother looking at lowes it’s over 500 there and smaller size wow

Not at mine it's not. Still wouldn't buy from lowe's either. If HD employees are all morons, Lowes is (under) staffed by their inbred progeny.
What price do y'all see here?..................

Had the similar crap happen with a dishwasher purchase in '22. I actually paid the online sale price. When the receipt shows up with the expected delivery date, I find they charged me full price! WT............. el? $200 more!
I wasn't very pleased to say the least and called to P&M. So, they refunded the frickin' SALE price instead of the full price which I was charged. After over an hour of phone yacking and on holds, they weren't budging off the full price.
I didn't get the item. The $$ finally got straightened out. I was issued a check for the $200.


So, I bought one from ABT, delivered the next day.
I'm with toolmanmike. I'm thinking they were in the middle of a price change. But, I think this is a symptom of our current economy. Prices seem to be bouncing around all the time. I see it weekly at the grocery store and the Target near my house.
They show the 383 price when I look it up online then they show that it’s not available in my local store and that it can’t be delivered . And then it shows that if I want to drive an hour away, it’s limited quantity in the next closest store to me. I seldom go to HD anyway because it’s such a pain in the *** dealing with any of those people. Now with the float and parade, I won’t go at all
It shows the 419 price in this area. Maybe it's an online only price. This is real simple, dude. Pay for it online on your computer then go to the store and pick it up. Done.