Bait & Switch BS at Home Depot! (Caution! I'm still worked-up here...)

Are you sure this wasn't a case of dynamic pricing? Hotels and airlines have been using it for decades, but more and more major retailers have been adopting the practice. Amazon, Target, Kroger, and I heard Ikea is looking into it.
FROTH-PAK™ 200 Low-GWP Spray Foam Sealant Kit SAVE BIG MONEY AT MENARDS. We don't have a Home Depot near us so we are Menards regulars. I did drive to one once in Lafayette Indiana only because they have Rigid Tools.
I agree, I would ask them to price match. I don’t have any Menards around me, but my Home Depot here would price match it.

383 for me. I bet it's online pricing only. I literally went to lowes about 2 months ago our fridge died. In store 1500 I could order online and delivered for 1200. I was like y. They delivery driver told me he came from over an hour away from their warehouse. No store delivery fee or paperwork is how they do it

In the news.
NEW YORK — Home Depot will pay nearly $2 million to settle a civil enforcement claim from California district attorneys that the home improvement company was engaging in false advertising and unfair competition.

The complaint filed in San Diego Superior Court said that when people at Home Depot brought an item to checkout, they would be charged more money than was written on the shelf tag or on the item itself. Such violations are called "scanner violations," the Los Angeles County District Attorney's office said in a press releaseThursday.
In the news.
NEW YORK — Home Depot will pay nearly $2 million to settle a civil enforcement claim from California district attorneys that the home improvement company was engaging in false advertising and unfair competition.

The complaint filed in San Diego Superior Court said that when people at Home Depot brought an item to checkout, they would be charged more money than was written on the shelf tag or on the item itself. Such violations are called "scanner violations," the Los Angeles County District Attorney's office said in a press releaseThursday.
Whereas that may be true that is not the case here.

Original poster price checked one store and then went to a different store.
Two different stores charging two different prices.

Whereas that may be true that is not the case here.

Original poster price checked one store and then went to a different store.
Two different stores charging two different prices.


Where did you read that? Can you quote his wording?
Where did you read that? Can you post his wording?
In Post #7 I asked if the store on his computer was the same as the one he walked into.
In Post #9 He indicated that they were different.

I checked (online) the store he indicated that he went into and the price he was told in-store.
I checked (online) the nearby stores (to the one he indicated) and found the lower price.

In Post #7 I asked if the store on his computer was the same as the one he walked into.
In Post #9 He indicated that they were different.

I checked (online) the store he indicated that he went into and the price he was told in-store.
I checked (online) the nearby stores (to the one he indicated) and found the lower price.

OK in your post, you said he went to two stores.
Original poster price checked one store and then went to a different store.
Store initially posted...

A nearby store with higher price (not necessarily the store he went into)

I would never had thought that two different stores (of the same chain) in the same area would have different pricing.

Happens all the time. We shop at Dollar General. There are three in Jones County. All three of them have different prices. It's not uncommon at all.
Same with Walmart. The pricing on line is cheaper than the store pricing. So you go to return it, as your waiting forever in line you order the same item for 1 hour pick up and save some money, The store will not price match their own website at the register. We did this with 12 jugs of Delo a few months backs. Funny thing was it was still in the same cart that we took through check out. I wrote on the handle of the cart just to find out how lazy they are.

Last month I go to get a chest freezer from Home F**k-o, I talk to the gal in appliances, and she’s like we have this one that came back as an open box it’s 499, I’m like ok. We would over to the new ones and it’s 459 for the new one. Same item, I’m like that makes no sense, the clearance one should be cheeper. It’s was all timing, the clearance one was returned like 3 days before the item went on sale. And they would not drop the price of the cleaner item one, said have fun sitting on the return, would you have someone pull the new one from the top shelf….
Went to Home Depot several years ago looking for another shop compressor. I didn't need a big one. Just around 30 gallons. Found a display model. It was the only one of that model they had. It was missing a couple of fittings and the pipe to attach the compressor to the tank. They would not BUDGE on the price. I even got a manager to come down from her lofty office and she was already shaking her head before she ever got to us. Kitty was livid. I almost had to drag her out of the store, because the manager smarted off at me. I thought she was fixin to whoop her some smartass manager *** right there. So we go to Lowes right down the street. They have a very similar model. Kobalt. Cast iron pump and this one was complete. Plus, it was already cheaper than the Home Depot model. A SUPER NICE middle aged black gal asked if we needed some help. I told her what happened at Home Depot. Turns out she KNEW the woman that smarted us off as she had been FIRED from Lowes for the same thing. She said "baby we gone take care of you" and she knocked 25% off the already cheaper compressor and we wheeled it through the store. Sometimes, it's all in how you treat people.
I needed a new heat pump for my rental property. Went to several AC companies/supply stores. No one would sell to me, as I am not a licensed contractor (but I am a certified refrigeration/ AC tech . Wound up buying a unit from online, and they delivered it right to the jobsite, no charge. But the store would not sell to me.
Went to Home Depot several years ago looking for another shop compressor. I didn't need a big one. Just around 30 gallons. Found a display model. It was the only one of that model they had. It was missing a couple of fittings and the pipe to attach the compressor to the tank. They would not BUDGE on the price. I even got a manager to come down from her lofty office and she was already shaking her head before she ever got to us. Kitty was livid. I almost had to drag her out of the store, because the manager smarted off at me. I thought she was fixin to whoop her some smartass manager *** right there. So we go to Lowes right down the street. They have a very similar model. Kobalt. Cast iron pump and this one was complete. Plus, it was already cheaper than the Home Depot model. A SUPER NICE middle aged black gal asked if we needed some help. I told her what happened at Home Depot. Turns out she KNEW the woman that smarted us off as she had been FIRED from Lowes for the same thing. She said "baby we gone take care of you" and she knocked 25% off the already cheaper compressor and we wheeled it through the store. Sometimes, it's all in how you treat people.
I went to harbor freight and bought a 30 gallon compressor cheaper then both would not give any discount at all oh well won’t be dealing with either again if I can help it and they even loaded it on my truck for me great service
Went to Home Depot several years ago looking for another shop compressor. I didn't need a big one. Just around 30 gallons.........
Several years back, HD actually priced matched a Lowes sold (Kobal or Puma?) 2 Hp / 30 compressor. The HD Mgr. called Lowes to verify it was the sale price. So, I went with their Husky 2/30 model and 0% int for a year. T
Times have changed. I doubt they would do such as that today on anything that's not the exact same product or even the same exact model number.
I agree, I would ask them to price match. I don’t have any Menards around me, but my Home Depot here would price match it.

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The problem (if you can call it that) is that price is with Menards 11% rebate. They're great about sending you that rebate, but its a voucher that you can only use at Menards. It's their perpetual motion customer retention plan.
As for the OP, the $383 price is what its listed at here in Cincy area. You have to drive across town to the only store that has any though.
I've purchased several items from the local Home Depot where I go into the store and find what I want. Then look the item up online with my phone. The online price is often cheaper than what the shelf price is. So, I order online for local pick up. I go to the counter to pick it up and a clerk often goes and gets the one I just looked at on the shelf to fill my order.
Whereas this is annoying, Home Depot did nothing wrong in this case.
There were two different stores in question here, the two stores have different pricing.
The item was looked up at one store and attempted purchase at a different store.

Lesson learned, move on.


I've been through this before with them, and what you state above is dead-wrong.

Store (location) "x" posted an online price, and I watched it all week at work.

Visited same store during lunch break, they wanted to charge me $40 more.

Checked again online when I got back to the office, verified the same store. Sure enough, online price was $40 lower than in-store.

Checked other stores for pricing and availability, and while it may seem confusing, the screenshot (original post) is from one of them.

About an hour after I left the store, online price was changed at store (location) "x".

As you say, move on.
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