Be careful out there guys!



Well-Known Member
May 15, 2009
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I know several of you are racing this weekend, please watch for heat exhaustion or stroke. Drink plenty of water or Gatorade.

Two weeks ago we had a microburst storm pass through that blew my corn in the garden down, all the patio furniture ended up in the pool and broke the tempered glass tabletop, in the pool of course. It also blew down a huge hackberry tree in my yard and across my driveway. I wasn't home at the time but arrived home about an hour later. Long story short is that I got too hot cutting the tree up and moving it. I spent all day Sunday on the couch with a massive headache, nauseous and leg cramps. I spent most of the week inside on the couch, on friday I watered my garden and started getting a headache and nauseous again, so I came in the house and laid down again. It's been two weeks and I'm still not 100% but lots better.

My doctor said it was heat exhaustion. I had drunk a bunch of water that day and during the chainsaw work and it wasn't enough to keep me from getting too hot. I should've stopped and rested and cooled off a few times.

Be careful guys and take care.
this is good advice no matter how you spend your weekend

ive been using these

in one of these


one pouch makes half a gallon of ice tea, lasts me about a day just sipping it and it seems to do the trick

tasty too

(I used to buy the brisk raspberry ice tea in cans but havent seen them in ages)

for those of you that are counting, thats 25 calories per half gallon, not a bad deal i think (and about 75 cents to make it)
What are the side effects of Crystal Light?
Crystal Light includes tartrazine, which is originally derived from coal tar for coloring purposes. Using products that contain tartrazine can cause several side effects, such as depression, anxiety, insomnia, heart palpitations, and hot flashes, and is also related to the overproduction of white blood cells, thyroid cancer, and permanent DNA damage!
Down here in Sunny Tampa ( when it ain't raining, lol) I just stick to water during the day. A caffeine in the Am. But water after
I know several of you are racing this weekend, please watch for heat exhaustion or stroke. Drink plenty of water or Gatorade.

Two weeks ago we had a microburst storm pass through that blew my corn in the garden down, all the patio furniture ended up in the pool and broke the tempered glass tabletop, in the pool of course. It also blew down a huge hackberry tree in my yard and across my driveway. I wasn't home at the time but arrived home about an hour later. Long story short is that I got too hot cutting the tree up and moving it. I spent all day Sunday on the couch with a massive headache, nauseous and leg cramps. I spent most of the week inside on the couch, on friday I watered my garden and started getting a headache and nauseous again, so I came in the house and laid down again. It's been two weeks and I'm still not 100% but lots better.

My doctor said it was heat exhaustion. I had drunk a bunch of water that day and during the chainsaw work and it wasn't enough to keep me from getting too hot. I should've stopped and rested and cooled off a few times.

Be careful guys and take care.

You hit the nail on the head.
I've been at races where I didn't seem to sweat much despite the heat. But if the humidity is low enough, your sweat evaporates before it soaks your clothes. Drink often because if you get thirsty, it's too late, you're already dehydrating! I always brought a huge cooler for food and drinks, including up to a case of water, to save money. But the cooler kept plenty of water bottles cold as I rotated them through it on race days.
I got a bit of heat stroke this Thursday at Easton Beach in Newport RI. Only about 2 hours in the sun but I felt dizzy. I know I was dehydrated but it was too late. Had a headache for days ....seems to have abated about 2 hours ago. Hydrate in the heat and sun!!!!
Do your own research but I swear by this stuff. Comes straight out of a salt mine in Utah. No fillers, no sugar “to speak of”, put in your body what your sweating out. I do a lot of 100+ mile motorcycle desert races and this stuff keeps your body on track. They sell a strawberry lemonade that’s really good.


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My doctor recommended drinking one bottle of water mixed with LiquidIV in addition to water throughout the day.
Also keep in mind some blood pressure and heart meds make some people more succeptable to heat stroke.
I work in a mill. We have a safety meeting every week. We see this chart almost every week during the summer. Some areas are typically 50 degrees hotter than ambient temp.

Judging from the chart, I'm dried up 90% of the time.
I better drink more water.
If you urine is dark, and or smells like piss, You ARE Definitely Dehydrated. I've been working outside, in FL, off and on since 1989. If you start getting hot don't put your head under a hose take the insides of your forearms and cool it off with a hose or water from the cooler that'll cool your core body temperature. Buddy of mine and electrician got heat stroke in an attic the doctors at the ER told him it's not what you drink that morning it's what you're putting in your body tonight before and they weren't talking about him drinking beer they were talking about the lack of water in him to replace the water he sweated out the day before. If you start seeing spots and getting nauseated it's probably too late you need to get your *** up on out of the Sun and into the shade. I've actually been what we call "caught by the bear" once... that's when you're laying out in the sun and you're shivering and you are not sweating any longer.. No Good! I was about 29 then. Over 50 now. Heck I was cleaning out my airless paint sprayer a month ago in the sun, takes me about 20-25 minutes it was 5:00 in the afternoon,I did not have my boonie hat. Cost me almost 45 minutes afterwards, I could not function fer crap
Oh dear, I've been dehydrated since I quit putting away a case of Busch light everyday for years.
I've been gutting my chew since 15 years old.
My wife and I moved to a totally different climate in the same state... One could say it was a climate change LOL.
The temps in the summer range from high 80's to like last year 110 and it going to be H.A.F. this week with the low daytime 103.
I work in a concrete building with no a/c as a machinist it does not cool down in that building.
Luckily at home we have wind, so much that I went outside this morning and a 12 inch thick branch from our cherry blossom was snapped in half.
Pissed me off I had to spend 2 more additional hours outside after mowing 5 acres (my house 1.50 and the neighbors apple orchard 3.5, so 6 hours total
I need to drink more water or I'm going to have serious health problems.
I haven’t had a beer since the weekend of the fourth, would love to have a couple though. Nothing better than an ice cold beer after a hot day.
Yep, to anyone that isn’t used to the heat, be careful out there. Work early or late, try to utilize the shade if you can.
Shoot, i did it this weekend too. Was tearing down a shed and really wanted to finish. Got alot done early, took the lunch break but finished up with the sun blasting me. Didn’t wear my usual long sleeve shirt nor use sun screen. Skin got blasted and i got a bit dehydrated. It’s a little hotter here than usual but I’m used to the heat so i was just expecting to get nausea and a headache. Got lucky, mostly just a light sunburn.
Yeah, it's fixin to get back real hot this week here. Close to 100 for the rest of the week and probably over 100 for the weekend. I have lots to do outside too and I do not do well in the heat at all.
I mind the heat more now that I'm older, I used to bounce back 20 years ago. But yeah watch drinking alcohol also that wont help the next day,alot of times the next day is when youll feel l it.
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No heat wave up here in the tundra. It was 67 this morning here in Minneapolis. Just got back from the cabin up north, 49 degrees cool, dry and sunny. Clear, clean, sky blue water in the lake. No need to hydrate, but when I do I drink Buhl water, bottled from an aquifer in Buhl MN. Tastiest water anywhere. I'm probably a bad person for posting this, but I just couldn't resist!
yeah I knew a woman from MN years ago. Doesn't winter start in October there?
Actually, October is lovely here in Minnesota. Generally cool and dry, and the leaves are at peak color. October is my and the missus's favorite month. November starts to get bad, and the snow continues through the end of March. Then comes what we call "slop season" where all that nice white snow turns to slop and rusts out your car. Everything is brown and dead in April, but spring returns in May. If you can put up with the politics and snow, its a wonderful place to live.
No heat wave up here in the tundra. It was 67 this morning here in Minneapolis. Just got back from the cabin up north, 49 degrees cool, dry and sunny. Clear, clean, sky blue water in the lake. No need to hydrate, but when I do I drink Buhl water, bottled from an aquifer in Buhl MN. Tastiest water anywhere. I'm probably a bad person for posting this, but I just couldn't resist!

I'll take the heat and humidity over black flies and giant mosquitos.