I got the hyd clutch line ran but ran into an issue with the brake masters and lines. Got that sorted out, just needs to be finished up. New 1350 yokes came yesterday, so i can measure for a driveshaft and get that made soon. Looking at anow again this weekend. Yuck.
Alao my body isn't cooperating. I believe it is cervical angina from budged c5-7 discs. Leaves me paranoid of cardiac issues which is exhausting. Back/spinal surgery will likely be in my future. Not sure when, but quality of life is dwindling.
Alao my body isn't cooperating. I believe it is cervical angina from budged c5-7 discs. Leaves me paranoid of cardiac issues which is exhausting. Back/spinal surgery will likely be in my future. Not sure when, but quality of life is dwindling.