Burnt's model plane thread

1/48 Monogram P-39F. An old kit but still very nice buy today's standards.






Love the P-39F Russell

Nice work.
How much of the p39f did you need to put together? Landing gear (front) looks pretty neat?? Was that kit finished cosmeticly, or did you need to the graphics? Looks really nice.

All of it. Got to glue and paint it and the graphics are decals.

Here is a look at what I started with. http://modelingmadness.com/reviews/allies/previews/Revell/5255.htm

Every thing comes with it except for I use aftermarket decals. I did add that yellow tank in the front gun bay. Made it out of a fishing weight.
That P39 caught my eye. Very unique aircraft with rear engine and large gun mounted through prop. I read about it here.


I saw reference to it in this book which I now have to have (kindle version is inexpensive).

[ame="http://www.amazon.com/Aces-Against-Japan-American-ebook/dp/B002IVV27Y/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1325124539&sr=8-2"]Amazon.com: Aces Against Japan: The American Aces Speak eBook: Eric Hammel: Kindle Store[/ame]

Lots of cool models here, lots of skills putting them together. Military aircraft and the stories about them are captivating. Too bad few of us can afford to have them as projects. I was never in military service but worked as a contractor to McDonald Douglass doing warranty work on Canadian F18s.

The little yellow "cub" is actually an Aeronca Champ. The RC model by Hobbyzone is outstanding, and an amazing bargain at $89.99. I highly recommend it for someone wanting to get started. It's got everything you need including a radio, that while simple, is decent. Take the gear off, land on a lawn and you almost can't hurt it.



(Amazon has it too)
Slight thread jack, but my dad is/was building a B17 that was 6 ft long, had a 15 ft wingspan, and was going to run off of 4 weed wacker motors, but he's stalled on it. The body is over half way done and covered and one wing is nearly done, the elevators and the tail fin are also done, but the fin needs to be glued on. It has been sitting in the basement so long that it's warped in a few places. :(
Slight thread jack, but my dad is/was building a B17 that was 6 ft long, had a 15 ft wingspan, and was going to run off of 4 weed wacker motors, but he's stalled on it. The body is over half way done and covered and one wing is nearly done, the elevators and the tail fin are also done, but the fin needs to be glued on. It has been sitting in the basement so long that it's warped in a few places. :(

Sounds cool. you should talk him in to working on it some more.

I got a 5 foot long R/C ship I need to work on. It is 1/144 scale Mogami class heavy cruiser. It has BB guns on it and they sail them around and try and sink each other. Looks like fun fun.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rsKY6-85Deg"]2007 Ohio RC Warship Combat Highlights - YouTube[/ame]
Cool! I have a Revell Dauntless dive bomber that I want to build as a tribute to my great uncle, he was a rear gunner and this should give me some inspiration. Thanks!
Very cool thread, and nice job on the planes Burnt. I was a plane/jet guy too, and built lots. Unfortunately, last I saw, some of them were packed in a box at my parents years ago. And any pics would have been on old 110 film :)

When I was a kid, I had about 20 or so airplanes hanging from my bedroom ceiling... one day I took 'em all down and had dog fights in the back yard... lol