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Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2011
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cobblehill b.c. canada
Anyone got any great ideas on how to keep neighborhood cats off your cars other than buying a monsterously big cat killing dog?
Get some cayenne pepper and lay a nice bead down on the ground around the perimeter of your car. Won't hurt 'em, but they won't come back hehe.....
It's fun and harmless to shoot household vinegar at them with a squirt gun. The cats will hate the smell and the taste when they lick their fur. I wouldn't get the vinegar on the car though.

Also fun to do this on camping trips for raccoons that are bold about coming around the campsite.
You tried this, it really works?:prayer:

If it does it would cost a fortune for enough bread to go all the way around the car. I wonder how far out you would have to go so a cat couldn't jump over it? I would say a live trap and a trip for the cat would be more effective if it was a stray. Maybe a good car cover or a garage.
You tried this, it really works?:prayer:

Promise it works. Rain will wash it away, but it's a pretty cheap humane way. They won't forget if they get it on their paws. Cats are very smart and won't do it more than once :eek:ops:
If it does it would cost a fortune for enough bread to go all the way around the car. I wonder how far out you would have to go so a cat couldn't jump over it? I would say a live trap and a trip for the cat would be more effective if it was a stray. Maybe a good car cover or a garage.
Got the cover, working on the garage


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what ever u do dont try and hit them with a boot ............ i missed:banghead:... i would not scare them tho when there on ur car trust me
Seriously. I have 3 of them. They work great for dogs crapping in your yard, cats and squirrels. Kind of fun too.
So how many multi colored critters you got running around your neighborhood??:cheers:
Seems to me that many of these "solutions" would be worse for the car than the cat!!
I use a little airsoft pistol to dicipline our cats. Sometimes they get a little rowdy and that straightens them right up.
water in a squirt bottle works too my cat freaks at even the sound of the spray nozzle lmao. i heard vinegar works ok, or a motion detection sprinkler system works...
Now stay with me on this cuss it works. Get yourself some 8" white PVC pipe about 3 feet of it. Grease both ends with that white engine assembly paste (cuss it doesn't smell), starting about 4" from the ends and go inwards for 1 foot on both ends then put a can of stinky sardines or any stinky fish in the middle of the pipe. Tie it down also so it can't roll around and put this trap by your car. Now fluffy is going to climb inside to get the fish, cover itself with grease and hopefully go home and roll around on its owners rug to get it off. The owner if he's/she's got a brain might not let poor fluffy wonder again. Failing this get yourself a 22 with 22 shorts, drill a small hole in a large potatoe, put it over the end or the barrel as a silencer and go plunking for fluffy and its friends.:evil1:

[ame=""]How to stop cats pissing on your car, The best cat video ever! - Craig Turner - YouTube[/ame]
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