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One of the best videos I have seen in a long time! I was laughing the entire time!

As far as the cats go I found an airsoft gun does wonders
My mom had a cat problem. It was like they wanted to live on top of her car. It was the neighbors cats. Not like the neighbors next door they would come from up the road. There is a leash law for them as well. She called the pound and had a trap brought out. Slowly the cats started disappearing. I stayed with mom for a couple of years and they would get on my car. Even had scratches on it where they would jump up. Not to mention the times they kept me up at night. Tried to kill one with my bow but nip its Im not that good with bow.
5 gallon bucket lacquer thinner, stiff wire brush=both applied with gusto to cat's ***...just wear long welding gloves when applying to cat.
I like cats, they taste like chicken....

Get some good barbecue sauce...
Some of these methods, while creative, funny, and macho, are, nonetheless, illegal, and could land you a hefty fine if reported to the police, or, better yet, if you're dumb enough to post a video about them. Be careful, guys.

In a neighboring county, a work acquaintance was arrested for shooting a cat with a paintball gun, and ended up with a $750.00 fine (cruelty to animals), court fees, vet costs (to remove the paint and treat the cat's bruising) and the paintball gun (not cheap) was confiscated.
Seems it was his neighbors cat, and the neighbor was unimpressed with his skills.
It makes for a wonderfully funny story, but an expensive one, and I think the cat had the last laugh.
Just be careful, and use your head.
Some of these methods, while creative, funny, and macho, are, nonetheless, illegal, and could land you a hefty fine if reported to the police, or, better yet, if you're dumb enough to post a video about them. Be careful, guys.

In a neighboring county, a work acquaintance was arrested for shooting a cat with a paintball gun, and ended up with a $750.00 fine (cruelty to animals), court fees, vet costs (to remove the paint and treat the cat's bruising) and the paintball gun (not cheap) was confiscated.
Seems it was his neighbors cat, and the neighbor was unimpressed with his skills.
It makes for a wonderfully funny story, but an expensive one, and I think the cat had the last laugh.
Just be careful, and use your head.

Yep as in most cases all the above are illegal no matter where your from.
And as you say can be expensive. But it works both ways
If you know the cat from your neighbourhood Try and get some footage of the cat on your car atleast. Then get a quote on paint damage done and send this along with a copy of the footage to the owner of the cat
If this does not make them think twice about letting their cat roam
Then take it one step further and get a solicitor or lawyer freind??? to write a letter. Of your intention to proceed with legal action if the cat persists
Yep as in most cases all the above are illegal no matter where your from.
And as you say can be expensive. But it works both ways
If you know the cat from your neighbourhood Try and get some footage of the cat on your car atleast. Then get a quote on paint damage done and send this along with a copy of the footage to the owner of the cat
If this does not make them think twice about letting their cat roam
Then take it one step further and get a solicitor or lawyer freind??? to write a letter. Of your intention to proceed with legal action if the cat persists

Good advice.

My buddy went from being perfectly right, to being dead wrong, because he used his zeal to retaliate against a cat, instead of using his head, and holding the neighbor responsible for damages to his property.

He could have easily collected from his neighbors insurance for the damages (even just the smell) that cat caused. Instead it cost him over $1000, because he didn't think it through.
He told me that the judge said he "...should have used his head instead of his red neck". lol

Like I said, he went from being right to being wrong, and it cost him big time. I know some of you will do what you want, anyway. My only message to you is to be careful. It could end up costing you more than you'd care to spend.
Some of these methods, while creative, funny, and macho, are, nonetheless, illegal, and could land you a hefty fine if reported to the police, or, better yet, if you're dumb enough to post a video about them. Be careful, guys.

Or , even worse , someone would have to deal with the likes of me . I have zero tolerance for anyone who'd abuse a domestic animal , and have acted on my zero tolerance policy , regardless of the offender's build or number of fellows in their company :finga: .

While animals are superior to us in every sense , they also lack traditional logic ; they search for warmth , no matter its source ; they mark their territory , regardless of what items are in that path .

Those same kitties are also doing you a solid by keeping vermin away .

After all of this , I want to make it clear that I'm not a vegetarian nor a vegan , nor am I against hunting (within reason and within the seasonal rules / guidelines ... I despise poachers ! ).
I am a cat lover , but would also defend a dog just as quick .

If you think animals are superior to humans in ever sense then you are missing something. Just use the cayanne pepper to solve the cat problem and maybe some on the person that thinks animals are superior to humans. I wonder why the Bible said God created man and gave him dominion over all the animals of the earth. If the animals are superior wouldn't it be the other way around.
Have a good day. I do have pets but I feel I have the upper hand.
I truly LOVE Cayanne pepper ! It's great on a bean-cheese-rice burrito.

My assertion that domestic animals are superior
to us is based upon :
- They don't analyse their every move
- They don't have to kill themselves at a 9-5 job in order to survive
- They don't judge ; no pretensions what-so-ever
- Unconditional love
- My male kitty , "Oliver" ( a British Shorthair shelter rescue ) hisses at the sound of Obama's voice .
Or , even worse , someone would have to deal with the likes of me . I have zero tolerance for anyone who'd abuse a domestic animal , and have acted on my zero tolerance policy , regardless of the offender's build or number of fellows in their company :finga: .

While animals are superior to us in every sense , they also lack traditional logic ; they search for warmth , no matter its source ; they mark their territory , regardless of what items are in that path .

Those same kitties are also doing you a solid by keeping vermin away .

After all of this , I want to make it clear that I'm not a vegetarian nor a vegan , nor am I against hunting (within reason and within the seasonal rules / guidelines ... I despise poachers ! ).
I am a cat lover , but would also defend a dog just as quick .

If a cat is superior to me then how come he didn't pull that firecracker out of his *** when I lit it???
Easy guys , not looking for an all out political debate,just want to deture fluffy from screwing up the paint on my vehicles.:protest:
Easy guys , not looking for an all out political debate,just want to deture fluffy from screwing up the paint on my vehicles.:protest:

Tell you truth you won't have to worry about it to much longer. Not where you live anyways. Old man winter is coming and if those cats can hang out on top your car with what... 15 below chill factor then my hat off to them. :coffee2:
wow this went to hell im outta here .... i have 3 cats ... that i saved .... now heres an ideal if u can get them to come to u make them ur own cat keep the cat inside take care of them ... they will love u and be ur best buddy or if its wild just wate for winter it wont make it to long ...... as for the firecracker thing if u really did that sir u need to be locked up cuz ur sick
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