Champion radiators



Restore it, Dont part it!
Aug 10, 2011
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In my search for a radiator I have found two different champion radiators one is a 22" and the other is a 26" both say abody 70-75 and both say v8. Which one should I get ? Is bigger better? Will the 26" fit in my 75 dart without alot of cutting and modifying? Thanks
I have a Champion 26” radiator in my Duster. I didn’t have to cut anything on the car, just drilled new mounting holes. It fits great. Champion has changed some things since I bought mine though, there were a few people that had issues because they made the 26” radiator taller at one point. So I would compare the height of those two radiators before I bought anything.

As far as radiators go, more surface area is better.
Try Dillan”s Radiators website. I am very pleased with mine for $124 it is a great deal. I had to add brackets to mine.
You can choose with or without brackets. You just have to sort through the ones that fit your application. A friend of mine that does radiators for 40 years sent me to them. He said with Champion and BeCoool you are paying for a name. Have had it for several years with no problems.
Here's some more info on the Champion. It's part number CC374. They did change the height at one point, the current version is taller than the one I have but according to this thread the version out now works

The 'New' Champion 374
Measure the opening . If the opening is 22" get a 22" rad . If it's 26" get a 26" rad . 22's cool just fine if everything else in the system is in top condition . Your chose ,
Measure the opening . If the opening is 22" get a 22" rad . If it's 26" get a 26" rad . 22's cool just fine if everything else in the system is in top condition . Your chose ,

The 26" radiator works just fine in front of a 22" opening. With a fan shroud that covers the whole 26" radiator the fan is pulling air across the entire thing, and the bigger cooling issue is when the car is standing still anyway so air passing through the radiator support isn't an issue. Plus with a 26" radiator you can use the Ford Contour electric fan set up, which works awesome.


My "new" '74 Duster- or why I need a project like a hole in the head
Website. The website has changed looks like a pain to navigate.
That is a great price the champion is at the top of my list mainly because of my budget. Its 179 at jegs. 124 sounds even better. Yes that website looks like a cluster #%@ lol
Wrong body as mine is an E body, but I put a champion radiator in the car in my avatar and it has worked out great. It runs at at 180 all day long even when we have 100 degree days, such as today. Doesn't matter if its stop and go or cruising at 70 mph stays at 180. No electric fan or shroud just a heavy duty clutch fan and an aluminum half shroud to keep fingers out of the fan. I've been totally pleased with the purchase.
69 warmed over 340 //22 inch local shop did the shroud


Got a 22" Champion in my '70 duster w/a single 16" electric fan keeps things nice and cool:thumbsup::thumbsup:
22" 4 core keeps my heated 340 at 160 degrees all day long. That is the t stat thats in it and it fit very well. Don't cut it up!
First off always order from Summit not jegs. Summit will price match and price beat Jegs and their customer service is 10 times better.. Also have a warehouse closer to you in Georgia and will get the product to you faster...
What I did was measured the biggest radiator I can fit in there and got it from Summit and it was around $150... Then I just made my own brackets.. I bought a quality 16 in electric cooler fan and paid close attention to how to the width that I could tolerate to have enough room...
In my search for a radiator I have found two different champion radiators one is a 22" and the other is a 26" both say abody 70-75 and both say v8. Which one should I get ? Is bigger better? Will the 26" fit in my 75 dart without alot of cutting and modifying? Thanks
I've never had any issues with Champion radiators. I've used 3 of them so far. 22" or 26", both have worked great for me. I put a E-body in my '76 Duster, had to modify just a little. I put the one made for the Duster in my '74, and fit perfectly no mods. Both cool fine.
I got busy this morning after work and didnt have time to measure for it if the 26 will fit I will go that route
First off always order from Summit not jegs. Summit will price match and price beat Jegs and their customer service is 10 times better.. Also have a warehouse closer to you in Georgia and will get the product to you faster...
What I did was measured the biggest radiator I can fit in there and got it from Summit and it was around $150... Then I just made my own brackets.. I bought a quality 16 in electric cooler fan and paid close attention to how to the width that I could tolerate to have enough room...
Summit dont have champion brand on there website the cheapest one they have is a griffen and its like 300 bucks
Why do you like to complicate things? Haha j/k! I dont think the universal fit hassle is worth saving 2 dollars I'd spend more in the long run fabricating brackets. 179 fitted seems the best route to me. Although idk if either place offers free shipping like summit does. What do you have against jegs?