And of the COPO drivers that got caught using the illegal pulleys one was disqualified from the event and the others were just fined, including the Stanfields. This is blatant favoritism being shown by NHRA for the whole world to see and the NHRA doesn't care. Ridiculous and despicable beyond words.
Be interesting to see who shows up for the next race just like NHRA wants it all chevy
Be interesting to see who shows up for the next race just like NHRA wants it all chevy

There shouldn’t be a Chrysler product on the property for ANY class.

It won’t happen because short term pain for long term gain is harder that short term compromise for long term ****.

Sorry folks, but most prefer to be treated like ****.
It hard to Put that much time and effort into something and then just quit. We aren’t talking 25000,00 bracket cars here.
It hard to Put that much time and effort into something and then just quit. We aren’t talking 25000,00 bracket cars here.

I get it. But at some point I just can’t be treated like that. It’s no longer about the wasted money and time.

When I was younger and someone cheated like that and we found out?? It was an *** beating.

I don’t hold out hope anything will ever change. I see nothing from the Chrysler guys that makes me think anything other than as long as they can race they are ok with it.

I’ll never be ok with cheaters. That puke Jeg is a TWICE convicted cheater and he’s still out there. Of course NHRA is more concerned with the Jeg money than integrity.

I mean Alderman was suspended and shamed for something he didn’t do. Yet Jeg cheats, gets caught TWICE and I think rather than slap his hand they just took a big check and laughed their way to the bank.

You get treated exactly the way you let people treat you. NHRA has been ******* racers since almost the beginning. And yet people keep going back. Just like a dog to its own vomit.
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Sad fact is, Mopar is moving on from drag racing in large measure.
They could give two ***** about it.
Thankfully someone stepped in to vacate the hole Mopar left by abandoning sponsorship of the hemi challenge at Indy.
Stellantis blows.
Chevy guys caught cheating at indy in FSS and FSSX and NHRA gives them a slap on the wrist im done with NHRA always out to keep the chevy guys in the winners circle
Sad fact is, Mopar is moving on from drag racing in large measure.
They could give two ***** about it.
Thankfully someone stepped in to vacate the hole Mopar left by abandoning sponsorship of the hemi challenge at Indy.
Stellantis blows.
Mike McCandless put up the money to keep the Hemi Challenge going. Classy guy, he re-named it the Sox & Martin Hemi Challenge.
Toyota took over sponsorship from Dodge for the entire event.
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The second to the last paragraph says it all.

If the GM garbage was out qualifying Mopar and Ford stuff they wouldn’t make a rule change. NHRA would tell them to go make more power.

But when GM is getting out qualified and really embarrassed they get a rule change.

This is why Pro Stick went to the minimum weight, maximum CID rule. Every time a non GM car was winning it would get “factored”.

They would pencil whip the rule book into GM shape and everyone else had to take it.

Of course that didn’t fix anything either because the Johnson family was screed multiple times by NHRA and Mopar.

As long as any non GM stuff shows up at the races it won’t matter. In fact, now that I type this out it won’t matter no matter what.

If the race had only GM junk show up the stands would still be 90% full.

It is what it is.
Not sure if this was posted.

The NHRA filed an action against Greg and Aaron Stanfield for violating the Factory X supercharger pulley rules discovered during a routine technical inspection at the Toyota NHRA US Nationals. Both Stanfields were required to correct the issue, then were docked 100 championship points and were fined $2500.

Three infractions occurred in the Factory Stock Showdown, all related to the rules about the size of a supercharger pulley. NHRA's tech department deemed Doug Hamp, Lee Hartman, and Stephen Bell guilty. The three were fined $2500 and docked 100 championship points.

NHRA also confirmed Tony Scott was disqualified from the event for violating the Factory Stock Showdown supercharger overdrive rules during a routine technical inspection. He was docked all points and fined $2500.
What a joke this is they should be DQ for 2 yrs and docked all there points this yr
Geoff Turk

There has obviously been much discussion, and many things / comments written about what transpired at Indy, the wrong or right, or ‘grey’ of it.

There has also been dialogue about the real potential impact on performance these things that were done, may or may not have had across brands, competitors.

The screen shot of the table below compares performance of entrees from the race before (Brainerd) to Indy. It uses the best ET from each entree in each event for comparison (this eliminates, a one or two run difference comparing just qualifying, just a run).

Of course environmental conditions varied, run to run, across events but in general, considering all runs, the environment was comparable when looking at the events.

The notes column depicts known changes in rules and in the one case, where I have deeper knowledge, changes in the car beyond rule changes (Nash).

The Chevies are grouped by my knowledge (which might be wrong) of who there engjne builders are.

My conclusion, which not everyone sees the same, is it appears without the blower speed up methods employed, moving to legal, most Chevies lost two to three tenths.

As this conclusion has been challenged, and my view has been published, I wanted to publish the basis of that view.

It appears NHRA largely agrees with this analysis and granted the Chevies a blower overdrive increase in the rules of 27% more, a record increase in one change (in comparison the Dodges were granted a 7% increase prior to Indy).

These are all facts.

The same analysis in FX is difficult and I believe less telling as those entrants still have a lot of variation in them run to run, event to event, as they are all still making forward, backward strides, struggling with launching them (in our case at Indy, some of that but mostly a worn out engine we had no real time to freshen given the priority we gave to building a new, better engine with fresh blower rotors for Nash.

Double LL Motorsport was the only Chev team that wasn't cheating.
Chevy guys caught cheating at indy in FSS and FSSX and NHRA gives them a slap on the wrist im done with NHRA always out to keep the chevy guys in the winners circle
Been that way forever. Ford and Chevy have had favorable rules as long as I can remember. Pro Stock has always been my favorite class, and all one has to do is go back to the 70's to see the absolute sellout to them. Mopar guys were running Dusters and Demons with Hemi's while the Chevy guys were running Vega's, Ford was running Pinto's. The Chevy guys were running 350 small blocks, Ford was running 351, not sure if it was Windsor or Cleveland.

The Chevy guys had to carry, if I remember correctly, 6 pounds per cubic inch, the Ford guys 6.5 pounds per cubic inch, but the Mopars were hit with 7 pounds per cubic inch. Who has the advantage with those numbers?

It's that way in every form of racing.
Been that way forever. Ford and Chevy have had favorable rules as long as I can remember. Pro Stock has always been my favorite class, and all one has to do is go back to the 70's to see the absolute sellout to them. Mopar guys were running Dusters and Demons with Hemi's while the Chevy guys were running Vega's, Ford was running Pinto's. The Chevy guys were running 350 small blocks, Ford was running 351, not sure if it was Windsor or Cleveland.

The Chevy guys had to carry, if I remember correctly, 6 pounds per cubic inch, the Ford guys 6.5 pounds per cubic inch, but the Mopars were hit with 7 pounds per cubic inch. Who has the advantage with those numbers?

It's that way in every form of racing.
The Ford guys were certainly running clevelands. But I thought Grumpy was running a 331. I can tell you from personal experience, it's a lot easier to go fast with 2000 lb instead of 3000. The weight-break shenanigans were why there were destroked Hemis and four door mavericks in prostock.
I was a "little guy" stock eliminator racer back in the '70's, with a Mopar. I went thru the same **** back then. I quit NHRA back in the '70's. Just started racing brackets, until 1985 when I parked my car. I got back into racing in 2001, and run mostly non NHRA tracks, on an occasional basis. I hate giving NHRA even a $25 TnT fee.