Chrysler Closes....

Ok, this may sound or be stupid, but I really didnt think it was that big of a deal when I saw it on the news. When I was a kid my fathers best friend was a GM worker and he was always off because they shut the plant down for a month or so at the end of the year. He actually enjoyed having the time off. Maybe Im just naive or things have changed, but is there any difference between the end of the year shutdown now versus in the past?
Thanky you very much.UAW! Unions are outdated and not needed!
I,m not gonna argue over this,but the company pays squat when I,m laid off.
Unemployment=40% then taxed
Union S.U.B pay 30% then taxed
70% I guess I would,nt know though right?Worked there 22 years.Last contract yes we got 80% because 2 weeks on 2 weeks off for 2 years.It was agreed upon in the contract.Thanks.
"Pettyblu" not to pounce on you, but simply to express the rest of the publics view on the unfortunate "colapse" of the north american automotive industry.

All you employees have had it made for years and simply got to greedy,unionized floor sweepers/janitors/general labourers/assemblers/production line workers... are making on average 20% more then a licensed tradesman working for other companies. Why is that?

Kick your F'N unions out to the curb, save your future. The same goes for post office workers and way too many Government positions, way too many easily replaced people getting paid way too much $$$$.

I really do feel sorry for all people that will be affected by this, it is rather unfortunate, and should've been dealt with many, many moons ago.

I'm done venting.
It seems everyone wants to blame the unions and workers for the mess they are in and thats just what the company wants. Yes uaw members are well paid How about the years of mismanagement and salaried wages, Rick Wagner made, only 15.7 million last year for the great job hes been doing since he took over 9 years ago.Salaried wages are alot more than hourly and GM has been told for years they are way too brass heavy. There are thousands of managers making millions a year.North America is slowly but surely going to be a third world country, when we dont manufacture anything anymore as we can have it made in china or singapore or india for a lot less. What a bargain.How can we compete with people that make 2 dollars a day. Nothing like The New Global Economy. Just my 2 cents worth.
That's what I'm getting at, of course the designer's and engineers need to be paid almost twice as much as the already overpaid shop floor production worker, and if you're a manager for sure worth at least 50 % more plus bonuses and kick backs...

It all starts from the bottom.
Next time you jump into your or see someone else driving a "foreign" auto,you can thank them/yourself for the collapse of the American auto industry...i can honestly say all my vehicle were made right here in the U.S.A. by American based companies...
Yea, this global economy thing, feeling sorry for third world countrys, F em. Our children and grandchildren will not live the american dream. Hell I`m a baby boomer, and the only part of the dream I have is the 2 cars in the drive. well 5, but my house is too small, can`t afford to up grade, getting to old to take on another mortgage. as far as unions, I`m not, never been. but if it was`nt for our forfathers fighting and dieing for workers rights, we could still be working 12-16 hour days etc. etc. for peanuts. can you say revolution?
All the people saying that UAW members make to much money have it backwards. It's not that they make to much,it's that you make to little. No matter what you do for a living someone else is doing it for a lot less than you. Do you want to match their wages? I can't live on $2.00 a day, can you? We should be stiving to raise our standard of living, not racing to the bottom.
For what it's worth,line workers at Jeep make $57,000 a year based on a 2000 hour work year. Thats not a lot of money. But, I agree, the UAW should help out.
Next time you badmouth unions remember, they gave you 40 hour work weeks, vacations, paid holidays, overtime pay, healthcare, and retirement plans. Several people were killed to give you those things. Lets try and pass them to our kids.
That works out to $28.50/hr for unskilled labour, could you start a business and pay you employee's (unskilled) that kind of $ and make a profit?
These are not the years of prohibition, where people worked physically to earn there $ and countlees hours to make ends meat, auto workers have had it made, no IF, WHY and but's about it.

The rest of us have been supporting you!
I sympathize for the people losing their jobs but I don't feel sorry for ANY of those auto makers. Why don't they pay their executives a few more MILLIONS.........I'd go broke too if I paid my employees 10 times more than they were worth. Nothing is ever good enough and nothing is ever left well enough alone,,, everyone wants bigger and better,, everyone always wants change,, well now they have it. Executives are like those greedy azzzh01es that we call government,,,NOBODY needs 1 million dollars a year,, NOBODY needs to live like that but I guess the standard of society is divided by greed.
Next time you jump into your or see someone else driving a "foreign" auto,you can thank them/yourself for the collapse of the American auto industry...i can honestly say all my vehicle were made right here in the U.S.A. by American based companies...

You can ask anyone and they will say that foriegn made cars last longer and more dependable. My mom bought a Toyota because she wanted a vehicle that would last and not give her trouble. I say it's really not the people that buy foreign made vehicles but the lack of quality of USA vehicles.

Our children and grandchildren will not live the american dream.

Lets try and pass them to our kids.

From where I'm standing and looking at all of this there is not anything to pass.
Butterduster,You have not been Supporting us,did you know that when the government LENDS the Auto industry money in Ontario,It,s paid back.You abviously have never worked for an auto maker,because it is physically and mentally demanding.My shifts were from 7a.m til 5:30p.m and 6:30p.m til 5a.m.And I get paid to work EVERY minute of every hour.You guys have such a misconception of auto workers it,s not funny.Maybe you should have applied when they were hiring.Then you would know.
Next time you jump into your or see someone else driving a "foreign" auto,you can thank them/yourself for the collapse of the American auto industry...i can honestly say all my vehicle were made right here in the U.S.A. by American based companies...

Do you really think that a person who drives a foreign car is the reason why auto companies are going under? C'mon! All auto manufacturers use foreign labor to build and componentize their vehicles. We live in a global economy and it is never going to change.

There are many reasons why our economy is in the shitter. We all think we know why but the fact is that is a culmination of things. Such as NAFTA, the housing market, politics, corporate greed, people “buying foreign vehicles”, unions etc.

Who do you think owns the “Big Three”? The answer is foreign and domestic investors. Wasn’t Ma Mopar owned by Daimler?! So I guess if you owned a Chrysler in the last few years you are a foreign car owner!

So my point is let’s stop all of the finger pointing and come up with a solution.
While they're out they get 95% of they're pay, they'll make it.

Ford, GM and Chrysler 9/11 Contributions
An interesting commentary...You might find this of interest:

'CNN Headline News did a short news listing regarding Ford and GM's
contributions to the relief and recovery efforts in New York and Washington .

The findings are as follows.....

1. Ford- $10 million to American Red Cross matching employee contributions of the same number plus 10 Excursions to NY Fire Dept. The compan y also offered ER response team services and office space to displaced government employees.

2. GM- $10 million to American Red Cross matching employee contributions of the same number and a fleet of vans, suv's, and trucks.

3. Daimler Chrysler- $10 million to support of the children and victims of the Sept. 11 attack.

4. Harley Davidson motorcycles- $1 million and 30 new motorcycles to the
New York Police Dept.

5. Volkswagen-Employees and management created a Sept 11 Foundation,
funded initial with $2 million, for the assistance of the children and victims of the WTC.

6. Hyundai- $300,000 to the American Red Cross.

7. Audi-Nothing.

8. BMW-Nothing.

9. Daewoo- Nothing.

10. Fiat-Nothing.

11. Honda- Nothing despite boasting of second best sales month ever in
August 2001

12. Isuzu- Nothing.

13. Mitsubishi-Nothing.

14. Nissan-Nothing.

15. Porsche-Nothing.. Press release with condolences via the Porsche website.

16. Subaru- Nothing.

17. Suzuki- Nothing.

18. Toyota- Nothing despite claims of high sales in July and August 2001.
Condolences posted on the website

Whenever the time may be for you to purchase or lease a new vehicle, keep
this information in mind. You might want to give more consideration to a car manufactured by an American-owned and / or American based company. Apart from Hyundai and Volkswagen, the foreign car companies contributed nothing at all to the citizens of the United States ...

It's OK for these companies to take money out of this country, but it is apparently not acceptable to return some in a time of crisis. I believe we should not forget things like this. Say thank you in a way that gets their attention..
Hard to sell new cars when nobody can get financing. The banks whine that they need a bailout but then won't loan to regular schlubs who would actually like to contribute to the economy.
I went to a car dealer yesteday and I was told there is plenty of money to be loaned.
thanks to our great dessions the greatest country is being reduced to a third world country.

And if we let our leadership keep making these dwesions to bail out everthing in sight we will just make it worse.

yes I feel for the workers but they helped make this mess by not wonting to give anything up to help out.

my 5 cents worth

I agree with you ,we lost our christmas bonus I depended on it for xmas and helping with bills but I am not mad at the company the boss is in the same shape as the workers. I just thank god we still have a roof over our head and something to eat and our health and a job
I've Never Been A Union Worker.dont Know Much About It. I Know Union Workiers Make A Heck Of A Lot More $$$ Than I Do.
And When The Union Leaders Decide Every One Needs A Raise,
They Get It.
Because If They Dont They Will Strike.
I Cant Do That At My Job. My Boss Will Laugh And Say Your Fired.
What Is Wrong Here.
I,m not gonna argue over this,but the company pays squat when I,m laid off.
Unemployment=40% then taxed
Union S.U.B pay 30% then taxed
70% I guess I would,nt know though right?Worked there 22 years.Last contract yes we got 80% because 2 weeks on 2 weeks off for 2 years.It was agreed upon in the contract.Thanks.

Ours in pa is 50 percent plus taxed with a max of 500.00 I would love to get 70 percent
I disagree with american cars not lasting as long. I just sold a Crown Victoria in the spring with 310,000 miles on it and never opened the engine or trans. Yes the rearend was starting to howl and the fuel pump was on the outs but I think that is a well built car. I have been watching them on ebay and see many for sale close to the 200 mark still running good. Its not 1970 and they do build alot better car now.
Good thoughts all, guys.

In June 2002 I took delivery of my nifty new Saturn SC-1 Coupe. I drove it off of the lot for $11,500 with a manual shift and a delete options on almost everything but the moon roof. That car is now over 6 years old, has 178k miles on it and runs like it is brand new. I just had the clutch/quill done on it with minimal maint over the years and it STILL gets 40 MPG.

NOW the best they have on their lot is an "Astra" which they can "get" in a manual shift. It costs almost $20k and gets a whopping 30 MPG. So where did the extra 8 grand come from and where did the missing 10 MPG go to?

My point? There is not ONE car in all of America that can compare to my SC-1. The best I can get now is a pice of over-priced, over-optioned crap that gets 3/4 the mileage.
I want to buy American cars but I an no martyr either.

Am I on to something?

My two cents... -LY
I've Never Been A Union Worker.dont Know Much About It. I Know Union Workiers Make A Heck Of A Lot More $$$ Than I Do.
And When The Union Leaders Decide Every One Needs A Raise,
They Get It.
Because If They Dont They Will Strike.
I Cant Do That At My Job. My Boss Will Laugh And Say Your Fired.
What Is Wrong Here.

Well the auto industry is going to get there $17B but there are some rules they are going to have to follow. I believe one of them is the ceos, workers salaries will be cut. No more $30 a hour. UAW has already been blessed all these years so they shouldn't complain.

I disagree with american cars not lasting as long. I just sold a Crown Victoria in the spring with 310,000 miles on it and never opened the engine or trans. Yes the rearend was starting to howl and the fuel pump was on the outs but I think that is a well built car. I have been watching them on ebay and see many for sale close to the 200 mark still running good. Its not 1970 and they do build alot better car now.

All I have to say is this... my neighbor, his wife and I was talking about the situation the USA is under yesterday. I brought up this very topic and I asked his wife "Which one would you buy if you had to choose between a brand new Chevy/Ford/Chrysler or a brand new Honda?" She said "Honda". Her husband said Honda also.

My co-worker bought his wife a Chevy Corsica about 8 yrs ago.... the radiator cracked, the trans went out, and there was something else but can't remember. I had to help cover for him while he would have to leave work and help his wife or take the car in to get it fixed first thing in the morning. He bought his wife a Honda suv this year. We of course have had long talks about the economy on breaks and lunch. He said word for word " I will never buy another American made vehicle."

I mean the Hondas, Toyotas, may be assembled here in America but it's just the thought that people have between Chevy/Ford/Chrysler.
Sound's like a whole lotta unimformed people on this thread,you like to think you're the only ones that work Ha Ha Ha.I worked in the foundrys for 30 yrs,sorry them didn't give me anything,I earned it.The biggest whinners about autoworkers wouldn't have made it there.This crap all started when Toyota started dumping minivans here in the early 80's.Every republican president we've had has sold this country out,only reason bush stepped in is he didn't want his legacy to be a Depression.It's a Big Crap sandwich and there's a BIG bite for everyone so quit whinning about the workers,and put it on the idiot's in washington.The government already subsidizes foreign automakers to the tune of billion's.Get informed!!!