Cinnamon 75 Duster \

That paint looks great! I really like the color.

Something I figured out this weekend - it covers much nicer over dark gray-black primer. I had some spots of red primer still showing through after at least 3 color coats. So, most of what I sprayed this weekend got re-primered before the color coat. If you notice the car temporarily get darker as I finish the body work, that's why.
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Can u mix the two. Part or car in one, part in other. Will it show or could u tell ??
Can u mix the two. Part or car in one, part in other. Will it show or could u tell ??
I will do entire outside with one system. Yes I believe it would be noticable. I am not planning to do the rest for a while, so expect everything already done to be fully cured and should be no issue to sand and paint either system over it.
Picked up a can af Krylon Dual satin black on the way home. Pulled the tail lights back out and sprayed them. Worked great ( maybe too good, since I've never seen any that actually looked even black) Cut new foam washers for each stud and put a little windoweld around each to seal the holes. Reassembled and started to test circuits. Most of my bulbs are shot. Found a pack of 1156 for backups. Will need to get 1157s. Side markers are good.
Just got a heavy rain shower and went back out to check. Right side good. Drivers, not so much.. leaked under housing. Tightened it . Will see after another rain - if still bad will add sealant, don't want to risk breaking a stud pulling any tighter.

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Big creases in front floor area are settled down good. Put new 1157s in. All lights in back are good (no issue with harness that runs back on floor.. So whenever I get around to it I can do the carpet. Put the amber 1157s in front so I could also check the turn signals. Left seemed to flash a bit slower. I didn't have the fender top indicators in. Don't know how much effect that would have.
edit 6/24. Just realized I did not check if the ones in cluster were on. They are new, but...pretty sure that would cause a slow blink if not working.

2016-06-23 19.01.15.jpg
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Where do the fender top indicators plug into the wiring harness at ? I'm adding them to my car and wasn't sure where I have to wire them in at.
Where do the fender top indicators plug into the wiring harness at ? I'm adding them to my car and wasn't sure where I have to wire them in at.
If it never had them, you will need to tie directly into the wires going to each turn signal bulb in the grille. They get their grounds through the fenders.
@Rd2Scamp. Without looking, I think they have a foot or so long wire on them. Pic of harness it plugs into.

2016-06-24 06.40.40.jpg
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Where do the fender top indicators plug into the wiring harness at ? I'm adding them to my car and wasn't sure where I have to wire them in at
If you just like them on there, go for it. But, if you are looking for signals visible from the side check out 'crossfeed' method here:
Daniel Stern Lighting Consultancy and Supply
Not sure if I will do this because I already have the fender top indicators. Would have been easy before I re-taped the harness...:eek: Dan sent me that link along with other info on good Led bulbs. For now, I still have regular bulbs except headlights will be Nighthawks on relays and I got some better bulbs from Dan for sides. Not sure if any issue for flasher adding the sidemarkers to it when I already have the fender indicators. That would be a ? for Dan. Either way, I think I will see how visible they are before I consider any more changes. first Scamp had them on the fender so I want to put them on this one too. Trying to recreate my old one from 22 years ago.

Thanks Keith for your help.
Had a good rain last evening. Just checked that taillight. Looks like its holding after I snugged it down a little more.:thumbsup:.
Did some yard work last night before the rain and more of that to do. so, cutting into car time. At least the grass has slowed down from the 90+ temps recently. Gotta go do some other stuff today :(. Hopefully spend a little time on it later - or tomorrow.
I mowed the lawn - does that count? It killed me to be away from the car for so long.. LOL. I wish I could afford to hire someone to do all this other crap for me so I could concentrate on the vehicles... sheeesh. - know what I mean!!??
Hopefully spend a little time on it later - or tomorrow.
That didn't happen. Got sidetracked.
I have this Neon sitting here that was my Dad's. Probably gonna sell it, but decided to take care of a few things first. Pulled it on the ramps this morning. First obvious problem was the lower motor mount front and center was shot. The one on Trans was iffy -starting to crack,. So ended up changing those. Got the whole mount for the lower and the insert for the trans. Also the tabs on radiator that hold fan mount were mostly broke, so epoxied all the mounts solid. Battery box (plastic) was twisted cause somebody left the back lower bolt out. Fixed that while it was out getting to the transmission mount.
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Dug the sill plates out of the parts pile tonight. Cleaned them with 0000 steel wool and windex. Then used polish and a buff wheel in my drill. They came up decent considering they are pretty beat up and I really didn't spend much time on them.
Also found hardware for them.
2016-06-27 21.18.07.jpg
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Have had the back bumper in the garage for a while. Tried various things on it to try to improve the chrome. I think it's as good as its going to get. Top is really speckled looking, but fairly smooth. The inside looks great with the piece I traded a chunk of rust for with @DusterDaddy. The chrome bolts and nuts behind are new. Also knocked out the remains of the studs in bumper-ettes and replaced with galvanized carriage bolts. Inside of chrome I wirewheeled and sprayed with cold galv. There are supposed to be retainer clips on the bolts to the absorbers. Have not been able to find them, so probably be going together without.

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Last hold-out for rust... Well, other than the stuff inside frame, between welded panels, etc that aint coming apart. Yeh, it will be in there doing its nasty deeds till the car falls apart someday. Pulled the front bumper apart the other night,. Got at it with the grinder and a wirewheel last night. sprayed with rust reformer and paint. Still need to do the front bumperettes and polish the chrome as best I can. I already refinished another set of absorbers a while back. Not using the set pictured.

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Carpet install is done.
Here's just the back. Apparently not molded to fit the catalytic convertuer shield area. A bit sloppy there. To make the holes, I held a tapered punch with vice grip. Heated with a torch and melted through. I used some spray adhesive on this section. I think it helped a little, but probably would have been OK without.

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They originally had squares of what I think was tar paper to help seal the seat holes I replaced them with rubber. Adhered to the floor with weatherstripping adhesive. Just made a small starter hole with an x cut. Should seal well around the 5/16 studs.

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I intended to trim tight around pedal and column, but had it a little chopped up at the pedal. Then I miscut to the left of the column. Think I got a little disoriented being upside down under there. I decided to go with a cleaner, sweeping cut around everything.

2016-07-02 21.08.49.jpg
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Came out nice overall. A little loose over the front hump but did not see any way to improve it without making other areas worse. Trim Parts carpet. Purchased about 3 years ago from Legendary. Supposed to fit 67-76.

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2016-07-02 21.10.54.jpg
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