Classic car Hobby under attack



Well-Known Member
May 26, 2004
Reaction score
Andreas, Pa (near Allent
Hey Guys,

I wanted to share a story in a local newspaper from an ignorant writer attacking our hobby/life. You may not be local to the Lehigh Valley or Pennsylvania, but these kinds of attacks go on all over and affect ALL OF US!!! I like to ask you send your thoughts to this “author”.

You can read the article at,0,4055090.story

I can assure you that there are A LOT of people upset over this article.
page is not available though that link. Tree huggers like this need to be shut down, we have just as much rights as the other person, maybe more for the amount of money that we put into the economy, not to mention all the tax of of the parts, paint, supplies, tools etc. Guys like this should get the whole story pros and cons before shooting off their mouth without thir brain in gear!!!
It cames back as "page not found" from the papers website. Maybe just give the papers web address and the title of the article so we can type it into their search.
I found it. What a fool. Everyone has a right to their opinion but I cant help but feel that this columnist is really "reaching" to find something to complain about. He was "inspired" to write that rubbish after an old MOTORCYCLE blew out a tire and crashed (injuring nobody but the rider I might ad) On top of that the columnist admits that he has no clue whether the age of the bike was even a factor. I see way more late model cars on the road that are hazzards than the projects we work on. Whenever I hear someone starting a campaign over something as lame as this I always say "Why dont you start a petition to ban Bars from having parking lots seeing as drinking and driving claim so many lives? Make everyone walk, ride a bicylcle, or take a bus to get there,why even have a parking lot at a Bar?" That usually shuts them up seeing as EVERYONE either has driven to a Bar or knows someone who does.
I wonder if the writer ever noticed a lot of much newer front drivers or minivans driving around on their space saver/ emergency tires? You can bet they've been on for more than a day or two sometimes, especially if the vehicle has that "low rent" look about it.
I think there are some people out there who are jealous of the fact that some people can work on their own cars, not just choose to. And since they can't, they don't think anyone else should be able to either.
Or, maybe their tricycle was run over by a vintage car as a child....they feel threatened by old cars somehow.
Like people who view an old vehicle that isn't running as a severe environmental threat, how is it a polluter when it doesn't run? Almost any running vehicle leaks more than a car just sitting there. Although I can sympathise with neighbors who have junk collections in full view.
Sorry for the rant,
His e-mail and phone number are at the end of the article. I'd contact him but I'm too ticked off and it would just sound like a psycho rant. I'll wait 'till I cool down lol!
A statement at the end of the artical states that the newspaper searched their own archives and only found 2 other reports of collector/antique vehicles involved in accidents since 1992.
16 years back.
Yep, old cars are such a problem that a new department of the govt DOT will have to be added.
They will need new training manuals written for DOT inspections. New training programs for inspecters to teach them how to look for specefics of each make and model of old vehicle that is legally registered in the state. Everything from A-Z, Amphicar to Volkswagon.
No wait....
sorry all you classic car guys, that will be too expensive for the tax payer, You will have to pay for it.
But even 3 accidents in 16 years is too great a risk to the public, so you will have to leave them home in the garage and maybe, maybe you can trailer them to a Parade now and then.

My Rant on DIPS@#$% for the day.
A statement at the end of the artical states that the newspaper searched their own archives and only found 2 other reports of collector/antique vehicles involved in accidents since 1992.
16 years back.
But even 3 accidents in 16 years is too great a risk to the public, so you will have to leave them home in the garage and maybe, maybe you can trailer them to a Parade now and then.

As the knee-jerkers love to say "If it saves only one life, it's worth it". I like Ben Franklin's version much more: Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety
So there are acording to this article 122,000 antique plates registered in Pennslvania and 2 accidents recorded since 1992, sounds like the Fed. Govt. should step in and clean this travisty of justice up. That dude is an idiot and reading his drival has wasted 5 min of my time I'll never get back:wack:
And the guy's biggest complaint was the inconvenience of the traffic jams caused by the wrecks. Yeah, he's concerned about public safety.
I took the time to read the whole article and didn't see it as an attack on antique vehicles. I can't believe you guys aren't in an uproar about only being legally allowed to drive your car once a week. I drive mine every day.
It's easier to attack muscle cars with the gas guzzler mentality as the writer's real motive.

It just don't sound good going after SUV's since they already tried that and lost..

What a no -life, douchebag.

I say we find out where the writer lives and do burnouts in front of his house.

ha, ha, take that you enviro-dork.
I took the time to read the whole article and didn't see it as an attack on antique vehicles. I can't believe you guys aren't in an uproar about only being legally allowed to drive your car once a week. I drive mine every day.

It's only if you use the classic plates. That being said the author was an uneducated person who was most likely assigned to wright the story and didn't do much research. I read some of the comments and they were pretty much the same, We take care of our classic cars better then most people with commuter cars. Why did they feel the need to attack classics after a tire blew on a '74 bike? I have seen tires blow on cars that left the dealer 2 weeks prior. Instead of writing about something he doesn't know about he should have written about all the soccer moms with cell phones, or teens with cell phones or any of the other big distractions that people do. sorry rant over
ramcharger I love the quote that you submitted, so very true, way to go Mr. Ben Franklin and it still is true all those years later..Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety
If Pelosi and Gore have their way, you won't be able to drive them at all........let alone once a week.........

As I've said before, they've already tried and failed to get all of our older cars crushed or at least sentenced as "trailer queens"..........with all of the new hoopla about alternative energy, it's only going to get worse.........

........and if Obama Salama is paired with the liberal (socialist) Congress, God help us all.

It won't be long, and our "classic" way of life will be a changin'.
The one thing I find amazing from that article is that there are states that do not require a periodic safety inspection for all vehicles. I do not disagree with him that all vehicles should be subjected to periodic safety inspection regardless of whether they are an antique or not and if I was a Pennsylvania resident I would support that requirement. Just like folks that own newer cars an don't take care of them there are folks with antiques that shouldn't have them on the road at all.

The rest of the article is a bunch of rambling that states some facts that don't support his claims and actually make a case that safety inspections aren't required. Only the motorcycle accident takes an incident out of context and try's to paint a negative picture but he immediately goes on to admit that he does not know what caused the accident.

The one sentence I agree whole completely with and hope all the readers of the paper listen to is; "So the next time you pass a vehicle with an antique license plate, admire its novelty. But keep your distance."

I find folks getting all together to close to my car on the road trying to check it out. And a buddie of mine was in an accident in Pennsylvania a couple of years back with his hemi powered 32 Ford Street Rod when some one on the hiway got close enough to touch one of his exposed Mickey Thompsons and the car was sucked right into the body.
ramcharger I love the quote that you submitted, so very true, way to go Mr. Ben Franklin and it still is true all those years later..Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety

Thank you Marvin. Interestingly enough, Ben Franklin penned those words just prior to addressing the the Philidelphia Assembly in 1755. :)