Cold spell....

Same here Dartnut. -33.5C and -42C with the wind chill factor. -40 is the same in both C and F for you southern folks. :)

It's so damned cold I saw a politician with his hands in his own pockets!
We are in a stretch now of -20F+ for lows. Highs will be single digit negatives.


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    167.2 KB · Views: 99 is over 10C (52F) this am when I drove the son to school...slightly foggy..almost want to pull the car out of storage..

I live in the beautiful Annapolis Valley. A little town call Port Williams. We seem to be an odd spot for weather. I blame that on my buying a snow blower and a generator :) Here is the weather:

Weather patterns are getting weird.

I didn't grow up here but spent a good all my youth in Nova Scotia and I remember Mom freaking because the snow banks went up to the high tension wires and she was scared we would climb up and grab them. I remember serious snow storms in the first of November...just after Halloween..

BTW, my MG bgt came from had 3 block heaters and an auxiliary heater in the back that you plugged in..
Need to run into town.....again.....was out strapping the fuel cans into the back of the truck....need some fuel for the generator. Air temp is 16* bu the wind has picked up....alot.....going to go by tent boy to see if he has a fire burning in his tent on the way out.....

Just went out to start the diesel....turned the key to wait for the "Wait to Start" to go out.....stayed on for a couple of seconds and went water temp gauge said 111*.....forgot I plugged it in.....Of course after it ran for 5 minutes it was down under 100*.......Sure glad I put Optimas in everything we drive....even the tractor has one.....
-24 as a high today. And you are crying over single digits ;)

Hardly crying..Just talking about it...I wish it were colder....and the snow was falling by the bucket load....

We live off of Long Lake/Lake Spokane/The Spokane River, depends who you talk to. Five or six miles from here there is several parking areas that folks use to go swimming & fishing.....With the wind chill the weather folks are saying we are -10 or so....There was some clown heading towards the water with a small plastic kayak...

I was sitting at a light today, took a few cycles to get thru it, the coolant temp in my truck went from 185* down to 160*, closing the t-stats...Would much rather be dealing with this than the 120* we used to deal with in Phoenix. Hope we get some snow soon.......not this flurry crap we have been getting but a good dumping....enough for me to fire up the snow blower.....
It's five degrees this morning with negative wind chills, and though it's not near as bad as some of you are experiencing, it's pretty damned cold for the Midwest. I get to go stand in a tent this morning and cook pancakes for a bunch of kids!
Tent boy was there last night.....At 7 this morning the thermometer said -2...Good night to spend in a tent...especially with 2 kids....
With the wind chill last night, it was -44 here.
Glad i brought in the brass monkey last night. lol
With the wind chill last night, it was -44 here.
Glad i brought in the brass monkey last night. lol

Yeah that's without windchill here...I bet the brass monkey is happy too!:blob:

EDIT....just checked and with windchill -48
Be a good day to break out the motorcycle......:D

LOL, funny you say that..about 25 years ago I had my 1st motorcycle out on Christmas Day...roads were bare, but it was -20...I was warming my hands up on the engine. I lasted about 5 minutes, turned around and grabbed the Duster...
The tighter they curl up in their beds, the colder it is.

Ain't that the truth! My dog growls at me as I try to unwind her, but as soon as she hears the dinner bell, she's like an unsprung spring!
Ha Ha! We call that the dogometers. The tighter they curl up in their beds, the colder it is.

Just showed the Boss this, she started laughing saying "See, I am not the only one that thinks this."....And she wants to know what in the hell is a brass monkey? I got not clue so.....