Cold spell....

We are supposed to be back to our "normal" temperatures by mid-week or so. Where is the damn snow????
Just showed the Boss this, she started laughing saying "See, I am not the only one that thinks this."....And she wants to know what in the hell is a brass monkey? I got not clue so.....

When it's really cold in the house they all try to get on one bed.

Haha! My dad used to always use the old brass monkey expression. "It's cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey."

View attachment bed.jpg
Grassy: Been through that part of the province a few times, and it is really beautiful country. M-I-L lives in Stellarton\New Glasgow and we visit through that area every 2 years.
Yesterday afternoon at about 5:00 PM it was -28C and this morning at 0600 it was -6C, but we now have falling snow, a mother of a Norwester blowing, and my driveway is drifting in fast..... Oh well, sheit happens. :)
-23C or about -8F here this morning, with a wind chill of -32C. We just came out of a 2 day blizzard that dumped over 18" of snow on us. Fun stuff!! :) I had to plow my 225 yard driveway 4 times in 24 hours becuase of the falling and drifting snow.

Grassy: Been through that part of the province a few times, and it is really beautiful country. M-I-L lives in Stellarton\New Glasgow and we visit through that area every 2 years.
Yesterday afternoon at about 5:00 PM it was -28C and this morning at 0600 it was -6C, but we now have falling snow, a mother of a Norwester blowing, and my driveway is drifting in fast..... Oh well, sheit happens. :)

225 Feet of drive way x 4 plus today :sad: Well Sid, it's all down hill from my cottage on the hill and about 20 oaks to stop me :banghead: Treva and I have been staying home, the hills to get to the main road is a sheet of solid ice :banghead:... But I am fully stocked and Buddy is staying warm and busy compacting boxes to fit in the trash can :D
We are not going no where soon :cheers:


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Just showed the Boss this, she started laughing saying "See, I am not the only one that thinks this."....And she wants to know what in the hell is a brass monkey? I got not clue so.....

This is what I have been told, and this is a tidbit of info relating to it:

The phrase “Cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey” came from the early 1700′s when sailors would stack iron cannon balls on a brass platform called a “Monkey”
When the weather would turn really cold and the temperature would drop drastically the brass monkey metal would contract more than the iron cannon balls and the cannon balls would roll off the brass monkey platform.
Thus the phrase ‘Cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey” was originated.


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Cold spell is ruining my life! It's too cold to paint. The painter can't get his booth temps to level out in these negative temps. The air by the floor is 15*F colder than at 4' and cranked up he has only been able to get his shop to 68.
Hey Mike, I've got that much snow on the mat in my entry way where we take our boots off. :)

It looks like Buddy Light is having fun. :D

Say hello to Treva, and keep safe and warm my friend.
This is what I have been told, and this is a tidbit of info relating to it:

The phrase “Cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey” came from the early 1700′s when sailors would stack iron cannon balls on a brass platform called a “Monkey”
When the weather would turn really cold and the temperature would drop drastically the brass monkey metal would contract more than the iron cannon balls and the cannon balls would roll off the brass monkey platform.
Thus the phrase ‘Cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey” was originated.

Interesting, whodever thunk it? Ernestina did not believe me when I read the above to her, when she seen the picture it made sense...Thank You Sir...
Hey Mike, I've got that much snow on the mat in my entry way where we take our boots off. :)

It looks like Buddy Light is having fun. :D

Say hello to Treva, and keep safe and warm my friend.

Buddy Light :D :toothy7: you still make me laugh :D
That is a solid sheet of ice, Treva and I have been stranded on the hill for 4 days and counting, I drove the ramcharger down the hill thinking I could break it up some, Not,, I am going to leave it there till it softens up , 2 wheel drive up hill on ice did not make it back up or break it up,, :worthles:


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No fun for sure when everything is covered in ice. But after 4 days on the hill, you should have Treva de-iced by now. :glasses7:

I finished plowing my driveway about 8:30 last night and then it started to snow and blow again. It was four wheel drive and pedal to the metal to make it out to the main road this morning. Just love winter. :booty:
This was my place yesterday afterwork, first snow for December.


This guy looks lonely


I give it two or three days before the rains back.....:coffee2:
This was my place yesterday afterwork, first snow for December.


This guy looks lonely


I give it two or three days before the rains back.....:coffee2:

Snow.....really hope we get some of it......Our temps will be creeping back to normal here shortly. Got alot of tree trimming on the sides of our roads to do. Don't know what part of it is more entertaining, playing with the saw or burning it....
Well we are still froze in, the temps are to low to melt the solid ice and on this hill it been a slippery slope .. Sid Treva hitched a ride to work :booty: she had enough of me :D . This is not snow, it is solid ice :banghead: just walking will send you down the hill... I did eat some of the drive up the hill but still can only get about 70 yards from the house, I am going to buy a set of chains for my rear tires as soon as I can and keep them in my 2 wheel drive Ramcharger :banghead:..


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Mega: That snow won't last long in your area, but I guess it's nice to see a little white on the ground for a while.

Mike: If my wife got stuck with me for 4 days, she's probably snowshoe to work. :)

Mike: If my wife got stuck with me for 4 days, she's probably snowshoe to work. :)
She sure seemed happy when she came home yesterday :glasses7: and when her ride came and picked her up she said bye hun have a nice day with a big smile on she was even more happy ......... what is up with that :protest:.... well another day on the hill, temps are 28 degrees :banghead:
we are normally 47 to 50.. Have a nice day my but !! she ran out of here this morning like a shopper with an unlimited credit card :D... whats up with that :puke:

Buddy look more like he's mad you didn't save him one the way he's tearing into that box.

Still about -10F here at 10am almost got to -20F last night. And the wind chill's nasty too. Had wind chill warning up too -25 to -50F.


Buddy look more like he's mad you didn't save him one the way he's tearing into that box.

Still about -10F here at 10am almost got to -20F last night. And the wind chill's nasty too. Had wind chill warning up too -25 to -50F.


He does don't he :D I found out about 3 years ago Wheat is a no no for Boxers so I quit letting him sip :glasses7: I have a video of him drinking as I poured it for him :D he love the stuff, He was just playing hard and enjoying a warm home norshorblufish :D


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It finally dipped below 80 degrees today.

You'll laugh at me, but at 60 degrees and cooler, I get cold.

I am so aclimated to hot. There is merit to being able to put more clothes on vice working your way towards naked or A/C.
We are dealing with a huge ice storm. I have about 3/8" of solid ice and power was out for a brief time. In some areas they have 1" of ice and massive power outages that will take a while to get back up.


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cold spell is gone. now it's 35 and raining. gotta love the northwest. lol