If you have a clutch you pretty much have to go ported, and the higher your cylinder pressure, and the slower you want to operate her at, the more important it is to soften the pressure pulses, and that can only be done by retarding the timing.Then you just speed up the rate to catch up; I just don't get the the big deal.
I have tuned a few big-cammed-for-street, SBMs. One my own;at one time, a 292/292/108cammed, 11.3 Eddie headed 367; to run, down at under 10*idle-timing,with a 750DP/A-Gap, and slug away at 600rpm pulling itself with 3.55s, and 27s.I didn't think any of them were a big deal.
But,if you have a low-compression slug with an automatic,I guess she'll need all the help she can get.
You guys with your 8.00Scr teeners running 268* cams,and 124psi cylinder pressure,and automatics; I guess you have to keep them running somehow. But don't blame anything but that lousy cylinder pressure, for your sluggish take off with the factory TCs.You can't fix that with timing! It's hard enough with a TC in the upper 2xxxs. I just don't get it; you'd rather crank the timing up and put a big TC in there,and probably throw some gears at her; ......than a decent set of pistons, a tight-Q, and and a synchronized Dcr.
What's the installed cost of high-compression pistons? Compare that to a big-TC and a set of gears also installed? I know which I'd rather have. I'm not saying that once you get the pressure up, that you might not still want a bit more TC and more gear than 2.76s for sure,lol, but now it's an option, not a prerequisite.
Get the pressure up and put the timing where the engine needs it to be ....not where you think it should be. And if it idles a lil lumpy, well; half you guys put that stinking cam in there just for that, IMO, silly reason, in the first place.Let it lope;what's the big deal;it's an automatic with a high-stall. They don't much care about low-rpm timing, 'til it hits stall-rpm.
And besides all that rant; To get your T-port synced,and run a PCV, you just can't put a buncha timing in it anyway,and still have a slow enough idle speed, with any carb I have seen. You can M-A-K-E it idle, but then when you put it in gear, uglychithappens......especially if the Vcan is hooked to manifold vacuum, and the timing falls out as the vacuum drops. Now everything is all messed up. The idle-timing may be insufficient, the sync is off, the PV may open/or the M-rods jump up, air flow takes a dive, and the engine floods and crashes to a stop. You can fix all those things.......But why? That just creates new problems. Back off the idle-timing,sync the T-port,fix the rate of advance,put the can on the Spark-Port,and all thebadchit goes away.