COVID “Long- Haulers”



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Apr 20, 2016
Reaction score
Freeport, PA.
My local pittsburgh news did a segment on the 20% of us suffering effects of having Covid well over a year since getting it. The lady Newscaster is one of us and she went to Wexford Pa, approximately 15 miles from me. She too is suffering some shortness of breathing and taste and smell issues. They did a stress test and several breathing tests. If you want to watch it I’m sure it could be found on WTAE pittsburgh news website.
My nephew has the same problem. Got COVID 3 months ago and still is suffering from pneumonia. He's been on antibiotics for weeks.
My nephew has the same problem. Got COVID 3 months ago and still is suffering from pneumonia. He's been on antibiotics for weeks.

I’m around 16 months with some breathing issues, taste, and smell. Right before thanksgiving 2020.
:popcorn:... You people know where these threads end up... First off the subjects brought up expecting a different outcome and the answers you want to hear...
Not taking the proper precautions and going into public places (Church) just glad you're still alive...
:popcorn:... You people know where these threads end up... First off the subjects brought up expecting a different outcome and the answers you want to hear...
Not taking the proper precautions and going into public places (Church) just glad you're still alive...

Some guys aren’t in the political section so I started the post here hoping they would see it before it goes South. I have a few names in my head that will probably send it off it’s rails.
Some guys aren’t in the political section so I started the post here hoping they would see it before it goes South. I have a few names in my head that will probably send it off it’s rails.
Well you know I'm not going to get into it with you obviously it'll just get things tossed I mean my opinion is first and foremost I'm glad you're alive and second there is 25% of me that is saying that there's a likelihood this could have been avoided...
Also as far as the political section I go there once in awhile but right now I'm unsigned up... I can only take it for like a month or so and I need a month break...
I can feel my IQ dropping every time I go there...
I haven’t had a sense of smell or taste for 5 months now. Only can smell some citrus occasionally pretty odd sickness. Dustin
great i quit watching TV cause i got sick and tired of hearing the every five minute updates on covid now i get to read them on the mopar site, come to think of it i do have this pain that runs down my leg jumps over to my other foot and runs up that leg
My wife and I caught it in January.

I had some minor lung issues that got caught on a C-T scan to look at a kidney stone a couple weeks later. They called it out as "ground glass" in my lungs. Yes, that's a medical term. I got into the docs as soon as I could after reading the report. The PA said my lungs sounded like Velcro ripping apart, which probably isn't a medical term. I was feeling tired and coughing a bit at the time. A round of antibiotics and I seem to be OK now. I think if I had let that go, it may have gotten worse.

Funny thing about the C-T scan... They only did it because the ultrasound results were way off some I had done just a few weeks before. The doc had to argue with the insurance company to cover it. I'm glad it happened.

Aside from that, it seemed like a while before the headaches stopped (or slowed to normal), but I have frequent headaches anyway, so that wasn't real surprising. My taste never went away (my wife's did) but for some reason I really don't like the taste of chicken after this. Other things I liked don't quite taste the same either.
great i quit watching TV cause i got sick and tired of hearing the every five minute updates on covid now i get to read them on the mopar site, come to think of it i do have this pain that runs down my leg jumps over to my other foot and runs up that leg
I also get tired of hearing about the COVID updates but it's the only we know if it's decreasing or increasing....luckily it's been decreasing and mask mandates are also decreasing. You don't have read this post if you don't want to. Take your finger out of the electrical socket and the pain that runs down your leg will go away> :poke::rofl:
I hear there giving 15% off at fitness world.
I mean it couldn't be from sitting on our asses for over a year, it couldn't be possible.
We are in excellent shape, haven't gained one pound. :D
This damn virus certainly targets some far more severe. All science can really do is collect data and report discoveries. There are some predisposition that suggests higher risk? But not all the time.

If this is a test from God as some have suggest? We are not understanding the point. As we rarely do. I guess that's the "Mysterious ways" part?
This damn virus certainly targets some far more severe. All science can really do is collect data and report discoveries. There are some predisposition that suggests higher risk? But not all the time.

If this is a test from God as some have suggest? We are not understanding the point. As we rarely do. I guess that's the "Mysterious ways" part?
Oh, it's a test from God alright!! Let's see how many people I can kill off with a deadly virus. It's a test of your immune system. I don't worry so much, I can't even catch a cold or the flu (never had a flu shot). But others aren't so lucky.
great i quit watching TV cause i got sick and tired of hearing the every five minute updates on covid now i get to read them on the mopar site, come to think of it i do have this pain that runs down my leg jumps over to my other foot and runs up that leg

hey I put it in the title. You weren’t forced to click on it.
Also as far as the political section I go there once in awhile but right now I'm unsigned up... I can only take it for like a month or so and I need a month break...
I can feel my IQ dropping every time I go there...
A month is impressive with some of that group.
I have had it twice and I still feel great.
In fact, the only thing different is that if it keeps growing, soon it will be illegal for me to wear short pants in public.
I got real bad sick before we knew what COVID was. I spent two weeks in the hospital with it. At the time all they could say was we know you're sick, but we don't know what this is.
I'm still having issues catching my breath.
I can walk on flat ground for awhile, but after about 2 miles, I'm done. It took me a long time to get to that.
Hills or stairs gas me out quick.
I didn't have any taste or smell issues, but I still get the rapid heartbeat and trouble concentrating.
I'm well over two years now and it's not sure it's ever going to go away.
I got covid just like two weeks ago, but since I am young and healthy it didnt affect me. except last week I noticed I cant smell stuff. Usually my car has pretty bad fumes but the whole time I was driving it I didn't smell a thing. Later that night I started smelling the fumes. nowhere near the car. It happens with other stuff too, like I won't smell my breakfast eggs until around lunch. its like it delayed my sense of smell. super weird. I hope it fixes itself soon. is a good site to find the stats for covid. Updated daily. About 1000 Americans are dying every day. Sadly, one million will have died by April.

Long term covid is claimed to be caused by Chronic Epstein Barr Virus. Which causes Mononucleosis and other autoimmune diseases. and are good sources for the latest science, news, and medical information.
Oh yeah-when covid hit I would just get up in the morning get coffee-drink coffee-eat breakfast-go to work-work all day-come home-work on my cars- go out for dinner-with or without nurse- go home-go to bed-with or without nurse. It’s a tough life but covid is really killing me as I can hardly attend to my nurse twice a nite. I guess I will probably have to switch nurses as that may improve my attention curve. It’s 9:00 in the morning and she wants more attention! I informed her of my condition but it seems she don’t care about me, just her own wants! I certainly hope you guys don’t contact covid because it will cut your performance in half! I’ll be back in an hour or so but you guys carry on without me! Have a nice day!!!