COVID “Long- Haulers”

Oh yeah-when covid hit I would just get up in the morning get coffee-drink coffee-eat breakfast-go to work-work all day-come home-work on my cars- go out for dinner-with or without nurse- go home-go to bed-with or without nurse. It’s a tough life but covid is really killing me as I can hardly attend to my nurse twice a nite. I guess I will probably have to switch nurses as that may improve my attention curve. It’s 9:00 in the morning and she wants more attention! I informed her of my condition but it seems she don’t care about me, just her own wants! I certainly hope you guys don’t contact covid because it will cut your performance in half! I’ll be back in an hour or so but you guys carry on without me! Have a nice day!!!
So if you're paying your nurse and also having sex with her (attending to your nurse)........................isn't that prostitution???:rofl::rofl:

PS - Wait till a male nurse shows up at your may not want a female nurse again????:poke::poke::rofl::realcrazy:
I just heard that they are seeing auto immune issues after Covid in some.

I havent had it as far as I know and have had all my shots / follow masking advice (somewhat) .
But if I have to listen to Covid reports every hour I will shoot myself ! We get it !!! Just taper them down to once per week .
Oh yeah-when covid hit I would just get up in the morning get coffee-drink coffee-eat breakfast-go to work-work all day-come home-work on my cars- go out for dinner-with or without nurse- go home-go to bed-with or without nurse. It’s a tough life but covid is really killing me as I can hardly attend to my nurse twice a nite. I guess I will probably have to switch nurses as that may improve my attention curve. It’s 9:00 in the morning and she wants more attention! I informed her of my condition but it seems she don’t care about me, just her own wants! I certainly hope you guys don’t contact covid because it will cut your performance in half! I’ll be back in an hour or so but you guys carry on without me! Have a nice day!!!

did I ever show you the pictures of my cats licking themselves.
A very interesting article about long term covid on today's site. Kind of scary, in a way.
GOOD NEWS GUYS ! Joe said covid is over and the ones that have misused the covid fund will be prosecuted!! Nancy and Fauci agreed!! Crawl out of your burrows no more maskunteers no more sucking up regurgitate d Wal Mart air your intellectual hero’s have once again saved the day!!!
GOOD NEWS GUYS ! Joe said covid is over and the ones that have misused the covid fund will be prosecuted!! Nancy and Fauci agreed!! Crawl out of your burrows no more maskunteers no more sucking up regurgitate d Wal Mart air your intellectual hero’s have once again saved the day!!!
You just had to go and mess it up! According to DJT (the criminal) it was all a hoax anyway and nobody actually died:mad::mob:
You don’t like good news?
You have good news about long haul COVID (the subject of this thread)??? I'm sure everyone here would love to hear it! Your fellow FABO members are suffering and you're dragging politics into it.
You have good news about long haul COVID (the subject of this thread)??? I'm sure everyone here would love to hear it! Your fellow FABO members are suffering and you're dragging politics into it.

Some have short and selective
memories .

Not directed at you Treblig.
The exact same ones that told you to listen to them as everyone else was wrong now are saying”ITS OVER” but you don’t believe them now? Odd how you see things! I choose to look on the bright side! Have a nice evening!!!
I hear there giving 15% off at fitness world.
I mean it couldn't be from sitting on our asses for over a year, it couldn't be possible.
We are in excellent shape, haven't gained one pound. :D
did everyone do their cardio exercises this weekend?
Came down with the covid-pneumonia in Jan. Almost died. Been feeling better, except now...uncontrolled blood pressure/heart-rate issues. I never had any issues with my heart, previously. I'm short of breath, and am working on getting things back to a more normal situation. Always seeing doctors, now. I've been told bt many medical people that I'm very lucky to have lived.

Gettin' old, ain't for the young.
Just got back from the Doctors office,thought I had the clap but”big relief” Doctor said my skin is more sensitive now that I’m 70. Not thirty anymore, said I’ll be ok in a week if I refrain from sex. I was worried that clap at my age could be fatal but if any of you guys have the same symptoms go immediately to your physician because he is your friend.
GOOD NEWS GUYS ! Joe said covid is over and the ones that have misused the covid fund will be prosecuted!! Nancy and Fauci agreed!! Crawl out of your burrows no more maskunteers no more sucking up regurgitate d Wal Mart air your intellectual hero’s have once again saved the day!!!
Another useless troll post.
I dodged Covid until January of this year, luckily no side effects. My girlfriend has had it twice and has no taste or smell. My friend at work has been without taste or smell since February 2021. No doubt this is not a "natural" virus
I dodged Covid until January of this year, luckily no side effects. My girlfriend has had it twice and has no taste or smell. My friend at work has been without taste or smell since February 2021. No doubt this is not a "natural" virus
That is so wierd!! I have never had COVID (as far as I know) but I've gotten both shots to protect my wife and family (just in case). I have a really good immune system and never get a cold or the flu. My wife will be sicker than a dog with the flu and I sleep with her every night and still don't get sick. I even share food with her when she is sick. She says that I'm an alien from another planet????
That is so wierd!! I have never had COVID (as far as I know) but I've gotten both shots to protect my wife and family (just in case). I have a really good immune system and never get a cold or the flu. My wife will be sicker than a dog with the flu and I sleep with her every night and still don't get sick. I even share food with her when she is sick. She says that I'm an alien from another planet????
How old are you?
You are Superman!

....for now
Don’t know if I ever had it and I have not lived in a bunker. Life goes on. Is it a virus-yes-your hero’s said you can get off your asses and live! Go for it!!
I see the Vaxers are out in full force trying to ruin another post aimed at helping people. But then again I’m not surprised.