Del is experimentally "throwing in the towel" re: NO smart phone EVER



Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2010
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I really don't think I want a smart phone for "every day." I have a huge giant not no mention big flip with HUGE speakers, and although the software sucks, at least I can hear it and hang onto it Kyocera E4810, Dura XV Extreme. It's even supposed to be somewhat rugged and waterproof, and it is BIG (Unfortunately the battery should be larger)


ANYhow, I've been toying with the idea of toying with a smart phone, and the other day at one of the Thrift stores, I found FOUR Motorola Droid Turbo 2 phones, for 4 bucks each less military discount of 10%. I bought one, drug it home and ended up getting all 4
1....has a dead/ bad battery and won't come up, and the batteries are NOT easily replaceable. They are somewhat available, and the procedure, involving peeling off the GLUED on back, and tearing part of the phone apart, is online. This one has a Verizon sim, unknown if it's useable
2 & 3 & 4 charged up and powered up OK, but 2 had no sims, and the last turned out to have an uncompatible sim AKA someone swapped it?

My phone service from Verizon is prepaid at about 30 a month. So I thought WTF, and spent nearly an hour on the phone the other day with two people, trying to get one of the phones programmed on a new number on a cheap prepaid deal "just to try." They could not get the sim to take the load, so, Verizon is sending me a new sim, and I'll start over on the phone a few days from now.

The bad: These phones are a little bit old, introduced in 2015, these 3 are dated 2017. Can't get the other to fire up.

The good. These are HUGE which is why I bought them, and at the same store were 4x brand new hardshell belt holsters, so I bought all 4 of them, too. So I've got less than 25 bucks in the whole dang mess.

No idea, yet, on what I'm going to be doing to HEAR this thing if I used it as an actual phone. Maybe bluetooth headphone or some crap. Of course I won't know till I try it out a bit.
Damn Del, you're a glutton for punishment. You can get a brand new one through Consumer Cellular for like 30 bucks. I still hated it and went back to a flip phone.
Thanks, "I think." Part of this is the mess with marketpharce. Everyone around here has abandoned C/L for marketpharce, and many people don't want to give out their phone no. I've been on about 3 wild goose chases and am done with that. Presently I have no way to get on "messenger" out of the house.

I wanted something "big" because anything smaller is too hard on my eyes
Damn Del, you're a glutton for punishment. You can get a brand new one through Consumer Cellular for like 30 bucks. I still hated it and went back to a flip phone.
Well also now I (will) have 2 or 3 spare phones!!! And I'm thinking of experimenting "rooting" the software, etc. "Wel'll see!!" Also, there is zero commitment with this. If by the end of the first month I decide "this is BS" then THAT, is THAT!!
Well also now I (will) have 2 or 3 spare phones!!! And I'm thinking of experimenting "rooting" the software, etc. "Wel'll see!!" Also, there is zero commitment with this. If by the end of the first month I decide "this is BS" then THAT, is THAT!!
That's why I like Consumer Cellular. Zero committment zero contract.
There are some older phones that are 3G max and the cell providers are turning off support for 3G. So some older phones are obsolete.

BTW for around 50.00 plus 15.00 - 1 month prepaid card you can get a modern burner phone
These Droid Turbo 2's support 4G which is the current "deal" around here with Verizon. I'm finding LOTS of info on these on the net, and just getting started. I guess we will see
I don’t have Facebook or any social media or my public email on my smartphone. I don’t want it bugging me all the time. I basically use my smart phone for a phone, text, weather, & GPS.

I have a cellular iPad that I have email & social media stuff on. I can take the iPad on the road when I need to. I hardly use a computer anymore, I can do about everything I want to on my iPad.
Mine rings constantly with idiots trying to sell me funeral insurance or some kind of medic are plan C or some kind of other bs and hell I only are scams and spam
Cheeeese and rice.... the lengths some people will go just to avoid what? Just get a cheap and CURRENT phone and be done with it. Or don't do it at all. The time you spent trying to save a few bucks quickly went down the drain.
I like my smart phone but boy is it a rabbit hole. Especially moderating on so many sites. But it is handy. I can do my job here while doing my job on the throne. :rofl: Another function I use often. I can type your address into my phone and drive across country right to your driveway.
I just wish there was a “leave it alone” choice for software upgrades. upgrade what you want in the background, but leave the user interface alone. I don’t need any new features, it already does a lot of stuff I don’t care about…..
I don’t have Facebook or any social media or my public email on my smartphone. I don’t want it bugging me all the time. I basically use my smart phone for a phone, text, weather, & GPS.

I have a cellular iPad that I have email & social media stuff on. I can take the iPad on the road when I need to. I hardly use a computer anymore, I can do about everything I want to on my iPad.
How do you get it to connect? It has to have something long distance, AKA cellular, satellite, or a local wireless connection, but that would be only at stops and wherever you can find them.
Cheeeese and rice.... the lengths some people will go just to avoid what? Just get a cheap and CURRENT phone and be done with it. Or don't do it at all. The time you spent trying to save a few bucks quickly went down the drain.
Current large phones cost money, or you have to lock into a contract to get them. Bear in mind, these are pretty big, so I can see them. You don't get those in the 30 dollar store. And, I don't even know if I'll keep this. One month, maybe I'm done. Maybe two. No commitments
How do you get it to connect? It has to have something long distance, AKA cellular, satellite, or a local wireless connection, but that would be only at stops and wherever you can find them.
My iPad is the cellular version, so it acts like a phone. I have to pay for another line, just like another cell phone. It is signed into my same apple account, so it can take phone calls like a phone. The bad news is that it costs money every month, but a phone is just too small for me to use comfortably most of the time.
My iPad is the cellular version, so it acts like a phone. I have to pay for another line, just like another cell phone. It is signed into my same apple account, so it can take phone calls like a phone. The bad news is that it costs money every month, but a phone is just too small for me to use comfortably most of the time.
Thanks. I thought maybe you had some trick up your sleeve I didn't know. This phone, if I keep it, will be essentially same thing. A 2nd line, not that much money. And no contract.
How do you get it to connect? It has to have something long distance, AKA cellular, satellite, or a local wireless connection, but that would be only at stops and wherever you can find them.
Most cell phones have internet access as well as capable of being a hot spot.
Probably even better service than your local coffee shops.
I just wish there was a “leave it alone” choice for software upgrades.

There is with Apple. Right under settings for software update. No idea about Android platform.

I was led down the smartphone path for work, years ago. It was a bit easier, in that we have a tablet too; it's a tool. All our paperwork, parts ordering, email, meetings, etc, can be done on the tablet or the phone. It's like a computer, in that every so often, as far along as 8-9 years, you are forced to eventually upgrade.

If you're retired, or have a job that doesn't require all that, I can see it would be a bit more difficult to get into the smartphone world.
I can understand having a "smart phone" if you have your own business these days, but other than that, I don't need OR want one. I have a flip phone, it rings/vibrates when I get a call & I can make calls. I think it's great that I can make a call from pretty much anywhere now, & 30 years ago, that was pretty much unheard of, & that's amazing enough to me. I can text if I need to & I can access the web if I pay extra for that convenience, but I personally don't need or want to. If I want to get on the computer, I can wait until I get home, there is NOTHING that important on-line to me that I need to access it right away, but that's just me. I see people on their phones ALL the time, oblivious to the world around them & it's taken over their lives & they don't even know it, YIKES! I'll keep my life as simple as possible thank you.
I've/we have made it all these years without them (us older folks), so I don't need one now. Their kind of bulky, not able to take much abuse at all, (They could make them almost bullet-proof, but they don't, purposely) & just more technology than I really need at this point in my life.
As far a s a mobile phone goes, a flip phone is pretty hard to beat. Just the phone part though. Texting sucks and the camera's are sketchy. (which I use a lot)
No idea, yet, on what I'm going to be doing to HEAR this thing if I used it as an actual phone. Maybe bluetooth headphone or some crap.
I use the internal speaker a lot on phone calls, if'n you are outside in a reasonably quiet area it works OK. I was able to pick up a shotgun at a gun show for a great deal. I had no idea of it's current value, but was able to bring it up on my smarter than me phone, it was a good enough deal, it came home with me, lol..