EPA Seeks to Prohibit Conversion of Vehicles into Racecars



Broke Senior
Aug 21, 2010
Reaction score
Seattle, WA
I'm not too sure but I don't think this thread is starting out well............

Whatever you posted for a link is AFU
works for me. How nuts are they.

OP edited the post. Here are from SEMA


I warn you guys. DO NOT take this lightly. As an old guy I can STILL remember guys standing around in the parking lot just before the 67, later 68 cars were coming out. Federally, 68 was first year of Fed emissions.

There was a young Chev dealer mechanic. I can still hear his nasal irritating voice. "Why, they'll never pull that off. People won't stand for it. There'll be rioting in the streets, why.................and of course they DID come out with emissions, and people bought them.

When I was at Miramar, I got caught in TWO roadblock roadside emissions tests. They didn't like all kinds of things. The landing lights. The Mallory coil. "No carb heat." Did not matter that a 6-bbl didn't COME with carb heat. I've still got the ticket, somewhere.

Are you registered to vote?

That is the only way you are going to win..........
The ballot box doesn't effect the EPA. It does effect Congress. Vote current crop of idiots out, and maybe the next set will do there job and reign the EPA in. Repeat until they do.
The ballot box doesn't effect the EPA. It does effect Congress. Vote current crop of idiots out, and maybe the next set will do there job and reign the EPA in. Repeat until they do.

congress write the laws according the US constitution

Congress provides the funding for the EPA....the next president can stop the EPA...

By not voting...your are voting for the status quo.....

dont want to turn this into a political debate......Done.
Wow I would be surprised if that got through, too much money involved and it would close a lot of industry there. **** you all will be racing Priuses ! Imagine that MELLO YELLO drag nationals sporting a field of Toyotas.
Thank god my car is regesterd in one of the last non smog locations in CA....
So maybe you american folks can educate us canadians on all your emissions deals? I mean up here in canada (at least where I live) we don't do emissions testing or any crap like that. Guys rip their catalytic converters off all the time. We mod and change our vehicles however we see fit. You don't even need an insurance inspection unless the vehicle is a certain age (7 years for most insurance) and even then some places don't ask for it at all. I registered/insured an 86 truck a few years ago that had a propane conversion no questions asked.

I can go buy a brand new diesel tomorrow, rip off all the DEF and emissions crap. Make it roll smoke. And the most I'll get is a ticket if the cops catch me. Not that I would off course, idiots like that get rags in their exhausts around my neighbourhood.
It's easy to explain,we have a rogue bunch of wackos funded by their victims bent
on appeasing a few like wackos by targeting small groups that don't have the capital
stolen from them to fight back with anymore. And the plant up the creek still has a few
"accidents" every now and again, just like they have for the last 7 decades, and will do
so 'till they piss off the wrong wacko. Then money won't be enuff to save them.
I know people who bragged about paying off customs inspectors so they didn't have
to worry about shipping out of the country,we paid them to do a job,and they paid more
for them not to. Well, the inspector's happy,but wait 'till they wonder how this bug-snake-
fish-bird got here and jacked things up. Hmmm, nobody knows nothin'. Drugs,ISIS? Yeah,
they got this.........
Has anyone found the language where this is being done? I have read thru the proposed rule here


For some reason I can't get it to link so you'll have to copy and paste.

and I believe the part on page 3 "PART 85 Control Of Air Pollution From Mobile Sources" is what maybe the issue.

Quote from above
"PART 85— CONTROL OF AIR POLLUTION FROM MOBILE SOURCES 6. The authority citation for part 85 continues to read as follows: Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401-7671q.
This document is a prepublication version of the EPA regulations, signed by the EPA Administrator, Gina McCarthy, and the Secretary of Transportation, Anthony R. Foxx, on June 19, 2015. We have taken steps to ensure the accuracy of this version, but it is not the official version.
Subpart F—Exemption of Clean Alternative Fuel Conversions From Tampering Prohibition
7. Section 85.525 is revised to read as follows: § 85.525 Applicable standards. To qualify for an exemption from the tampering prohibition, vehicles/engines that have been converted to operate on a different fuel must meet emission standards and related requirements as described in this section. follows:(a) The modified vehicle/engine must meet the requirements that applied for the OEM vehicle/engine, or the most stringent OEM vehicle/engine standards in any allowable grouping. Fleet average standards do not apply unless clean alternative fuel conversions are specifically listed as subject to the standards. (a1) If the vehicle/engine was certified with a Family Emission Limit for NOX, NOX+HC, NOX+NMOG, or particulate matter, as noted on the vehicle/engine emission control information label, the modified vehicle/engine may not exceed this Family Emission Limit."

This appears to me like it would require the vehicle to meet the same standards for emissions purpose as it had from the OEM. Of course I am not a Lawyer and this is not in terms that are fully clear to my simple mind. I did send an email to Sema to see if they will reference a part and subpart in the documents as to the driving force behind this. You can bet once I find out I will be contacting every representative that I can.
Sounds like the late 80's California alcohol fuel / "exemption"/no smog testing,is being applied to include E85/"gasahol" rules. Just my take,on reading it....
i'm not really into politics, BUT when you listen to some of the "debates", when I hear a candidate SAY the fed gov't is too big, has too much power, EPA is totally out of CONTROL, send POWER back to the states, etc they get MY attention.

lets face facts. maybe 98% of the people that RUN our gov't are stupid idiots!!???? now back to arguing if or when we will be racing UGOs....
Shouldn't they keep a closer eye on drinking water, Before they worry about race cars ??

No, cars will kill you faster, water is a slower death...

(They have more time to address the water issues as you die....)
Hell The EPA said the air at Ground zero after 9/11 was fine to breath .....

What a shame, my 72 is not emissions restricted.

they would have to outlaw the car, for it to pass emissions standards. my county does no emissions on vehicles older than 25 years, or that have antique tags.

and there is enough money in the auto restoration/ muscle car industry to stop that on it's head. if they tried to retro force vehicles not built to pass the sniffer, to do so, it would never work. it would cost the economy too much money.

it would be a fun battle to see them try to outlaw old cars. and there really aren't enough of them out on the road to justify a hard battle, imo.

I spent half a decade as a lobbyist, i don't see it happening.
^^^^ Just remember the 'ole timers that said "they can't make you wear a seat belt in your own personal car, that's your choice..." Now it's buckle up....
Many things that happen aren't fought because it literally seems too stupid to consider....
these folks wanted to tax the farmer because a cow poops........ green house gas....

Never underestimate the power of stupid people, especially when they come in large volumes.......