Ever been held hostage at a car show or cruise in?


Kern Dog

Build your car to handle.
FABO Gold Member
May 23, 2010
Reaction score
Granite Bay CA
Sometimes I think that many of the guys I see at these car events are REALLY in need of a friend.
It happens at least twice at every show. It doesn't matter if I have my car there or if I am just a spectator. I'll see some guy looking my way and out of social kindnes, I'll acknowledge him and say hello. It seems hello is MISinterpreted as...TELL ME EVERYTHING YOU KNOW ABOUT EVERYTHING. Most of the time if it is an older guy I'll listen out of respect. Many times I have found that they actually have interesting things to say. I have no problem with those guys. Its the dudes that offer UNsolicited advice on how you should have restored the car. Its the guys that are CLOSE TALKERS with bad breath. Its the guys that think bathing more than once a week is "too fancy for them".
95% of the guys I see are good people. You share a 10 second interchange and go your separate ways. I have learned a few things about my cars and others that I would have never learned otherwise. When the wife joins me at shows, she peels away when someone comes up an blabs on and on while I am stuck with them. I hate to be rude to someone that is unaware that they are annoying. I'll bet that for many of the car guys, the shows are their only social outlet. Such was the case with a guy that was in our car club that looked like a creepy child molester. He wasn't, but being short, bald, greasy and creepy looking made people wary.
I went to a show recently that some guy decides to tell me everything he has ever done to his Ram van conversion. (Freakin camper van)
That was bad enough thanks. :)
Was at a show today a guy spent 30 min telling me about how original his scamp was. It was a nice car but I had seen it and heard it all before from him.


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Been there. Sorry, but face talkers, and BO are two things I can't handle. I make an excuse to get away from them.
I care a lot more when I'm trying to go through the swap section. Then I'm totally ON A MISSION to find whatever it is I need, leave me alone!
You don't need "a wife", LOL or even a call. "it was on vibrate."

'Scuse me, "hello?" "Really?" "Ok, I'm on my way."

'Scuse me, I have to go"

So simple, I have to remember that one.
You said to do it when your wife tries to talk to you right? :D
Sometimes I think that many of the guys I see at these car events are REALLY in need of a friend.
It happens at least twice at every show. It doesn't matter if I have my car there or if I am just a spectator. I'll see some guy looking my way and out of social kindnes, I'll acknowledge him and say hello. It seems hello is MISinterpreted as...TELL ME EVERYTHING YOU KNOW ABOUT EVERYTHING. Most of the time if it is an older guy I'll listen out of respect. Many times I have found that they actually have interesting things to say. I have no problem with those guys. Its the dudes that offer UNsolicited advice on how you should have restored the car. Its the guys that are CLOSE TALKERS with bad breath. Its the guys that think bathing more than once a week is "too fancy for them".
95% of the guys I see are good people. You share a 10 second interchange and go your separate ways. I have learned a few things about my cars and others that I would have never learned otherwise. When the wife joins me at shows, she peels away when someone comes up an blabs on and on while I am stuck with them. I hate to be rude to someone that is unaware that they are annoying. I'll bet that for many of the car guys, the shows are their only social outlet. Such was the case with a guy that was in our car club that looked like a creepy child molester. He wasn't, but being short, bald, greasy and creepy looking made people wary.

Are you from upstate NY? I swear, that's a built in trait for most NY'er's. It's in the genes.

You ask a polite question, like, "How are you?" and the next thing you know, you've been standing there for over half an hour while the person - to whom you were just trying to be polite - is telling you about every hurt, ache, pain, gout, goiter, in grown toe nail, hangnail, and pimple he or she has ever had in his or her life. And how each and every one of them has acted up in the last week.

Amazing how a simple question can lead to a life's story.
at least its just BO and not alcohol breath ......the worst ever is alcohol breath .....i have been backed against the wall with an alcohol breath talking right in my face before and thats real torture ...thankfully someone backed him away and helped me get out.

after that experience a little BO is no big deal ......its still not nice but it can be blocked out.

your just being too nice ....next time just tell him to back away.
at least its just BO and not alcohol breath ......the worst ever is alcohol breath .....i have been backed against the wall with an alcohol breath talking right in my face before and thats real torture ...thankfully someone backed him away and helped me get out.

after that experience a little BO is no big deal ......its still not nice but it can be blocked out.

your just being too nice ....next time just tell him to back away.

Depends on the BO, Rani. I used to work with a guy who'd drink a case of Genny Cream Ale every night, then come to work and sweat it all out. Alcohol BO, from ten feet away, on a hot day on the asphalt...
Depends on the BO, Rani. I used to work with a guy who'd drink a case of Genny Cream Ale every night, then come to work and sweat it all out. Alcohol BO, from ten feet away, on a hot day on the asphalt...

well either one is bad im still not a fan of BO ...its just to me a stinky chatter is less scary and less torture than a carzy drunken......with the drunken its scary bcoz you dont know what he might do .....the stinky chatter just wants attention disgust
try vending at a model car show... lotta earbenders, and many will completely ignore the fact that you have customers who want to spend money..
I forgot to mention that I also sell stuff at swap meets here in California. I've had guys hang around talking while people are trying to either buy my stuff or ask questions. Some get annoyed and walk off. I wonder how much money I lost due to these chatterbox dolts.
This makes me smile...one of those guys turned into my best friend. He doesn't have B.O. or bad breath but can't seem to stop talking once he gets an audience. But he's the kindest person you'll ever meet and someone who will take time to help a friend or a stranger. You just have to learn how to excuse yourself when it gets too much. Sometimes we're too quick to label someone who's different as 'creepy.'
Sometimes we're too quick to label someone who's different as 'creepy.'

So true, so true....Then there are the other times:
LAST year at the Spring Fling in Van Nuys, I was there with my Charger. It was Friday and we were on the Malibu Cruise. There was this guy, mid 30s with red hair in a pony tail. He monopolized every conversation he walked into. I was able to walk away then because he was so obviously indifferent to other opinions. My buddy called him Phil. I asked if he knew him. He said no. He said his full name was Phil A Buster. (Filibuster)
This past weekend at a car show a guy told us just about everything going on with his kids, his rental houses, cars whatever.

Sue ask if they thought I was a priest.

It happens all the time. People just tell us everything. Don't know why, but they must need to tell someone so they must feel comfortable with us.

Hey, we are at a show, sometimes it is very entertaining.
Went to a burger / beer joint Sat night with my wife in the Duster.........lots of hot rods and Harleys. Some guy started telling me all about his Duster he special ordered with a 440 in it, said you could special order a Hemi Duster too. I just nodded my head.........
I was held hostage at WalMart just the other night by a guy that I only knew casually through a job I once had. I hadn't seen him in 20 years or so and he was compelled to tell me everything that had happened since then. I would tell you all about it but you would just stop listening................:D
He made me forget what I went in there for and I had to make another trip to town the next day......another 2 hours wasted. :banghead:
Happens a lot and I'm generally too nice to tell them to piss off.