Everybody, Let it go (minor rant)



Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2008
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and stop looking for trouble. Today's theme is 'let it go' and I'll include myself. Certain members of my family keep resenting things that happened in the past. All it does is make everyone miserable. Life is too short. Seems like everyone gets past it for a while and we have some great times, then it all turns to crap again. I'm the eldest son so I end up being the peace maker. These people need to start communicating with each other like adults. This latest thing could have been averted with one simple phone call for crying out loud! I want to say 'from now on, fight your own battles' but I am afraid if I do they will turn their wrath on me.

Half the stuff they're mad about didn't even happen the way they think it did! It's so f-ing stupid, just let it go, move on, and enjoy this short time we have together! This is something we can all take to heart to a certain degree.....thanks for listening, rant over.
I agree
Life is much better when you can let yesterday go :hello2:
Today is the start of a new way to move forward and don't put anything on your shoulders you can not do anything about...
Word to the wize "as I was told" If anyone has a problem do what has to be dun to fix it... If there is nothing that can be dun, It is not a problem to carry around :hello2:

Some people are not happy unless they are complaining or Bitching goldfish65:binky: Been there a few times with my younger brother's

I hope this good Friday is the start of a happy and sunny Strongend for you :hello2:
Well, I just got back from out of town, 3 day fiasco that caused me to miss my wife' s birthday. Got in late without a card or present in hand. Betcha she won't let it go!:axe:
Hell, most of the time, I can't remember yesterday anymore.
This had to be really bad for you to say f-ing. I told my wife to tell me three simple words when I loose my temper.Lifes to short. I made my self connect these words with 2 friends who passed who had children under 18. Then I think would they have wanted to rant knowing tommorrow wasnt coming. Puts things back into perspective. Ask them to try it.
Life is stort. Enjoy one another! Like the saying go's; Build a bridge and
Get Over it!
Very well said briankaplan, I have never herd it put that way, I like it :glasses2:
I learned this a long time ago, Never tear down any bridges you worked hard to make, things may change and you will always have a way back :thumrigh:
ALL good advice for sure........ BUT we must never lose sight of the fact that WE are to be considered also.... I hope these are not suggestions for one to continually "give in" and "get over it"....
I don't mind compromise, I don't mind bending, hell I don't mind giving in completely now & then , but I will be damned if I set a course to just "accept" whatever someone else thinks I should do or act like, every time! AS adults we must remember that everyone does not always ACT like an adult and therefore "acceptance"( getting over it) must be tempered with judgments and decisions that INCLUDE each of our feelings as well!
YES people die, yes people act like children now & then.....but just because someone dies, does not mean I will base how I feel on the outside chance I will die OR they will die during the process....I refuse to live in that continuous "FEAR ZONE" I do not have the time nor the inclination to "review" everything that comes out of my mouth with the consideration that death may be around the corner!! That is, in the words of Shakespeare ""Cowards die many times before their deaths. The valiant never taste of death but once."
I never want to live my life forever giving in, forever thinking that it may be the last day of the person I am talking to or who talks to me.....so what? if they happen'd to be wrong and they die does that somehow make them right? OF if I happen to be wrong and I die does that make me right? I refuse to accept that guilt and I hope to God so do all of you!..... that kinda guilt can destroy a person and right or wrong I am certain that anyone who once loved loved us or still loves us would want us to bear that burden!!
IF you are anything less than you because of that fear, I have no need to know you....revelations 3:16

compromise yes
open to listening yes
tempering of decisions yes

giving in all the time - hell NO!!

as far as a "grudge" is concerned....AS adults once you have brought yourself to communicate and at the very least understand the other point of view...then it is decision time.... you can agree to disagree or you can embrace the other point of view categoric rejection is a sign of weakness ( unless you are talking political and governmental ideology ie: accepting the NAZI's) point is once you have made your adult decision you must be prepared to live with it and never bring it to bear against those you have selected to be in disagreement with OR those you have embraced!
Carrying a grudge is like carrying guilt it is an un-necessary burden on you and often times more destructive to YOU than to the principles you so strongly defend. Best to assign it to a category of nothing more than a memory, which in time will likely fade.... friends & family are initial / continued choices we make AFTER we realize they ARE our friends and family....hence the value of them to us must be based on MORE than a single incident or a single sentence or even a few of each.....life should not be measured by the number of breaths we take but by the number of things that take our breath away!
(Shing Xiong)..... rant rave say your peace, bend when the wind is strong and stand tall when you feel your position is strong....but never ever be less than who you are!
my 2 cents
and stop looking for trouble. Today's theme is 'let it go' and I'll include myself. Certain members of my family keep resenting things that happened in the past. All it does is make everyone miserable. Life is too short. Seems like everyone gets past it for a while and we have some great times, then it all turns to crap again. I'm the eldest son so I end up being the peace maker. These people need to start communicating with each other like adults. This latest thing could have been averted with one simple phone call for crying out loud! I want to say 'from now on, fight your own battles' but I am afraid if I do they will turn their wrath on me.

Half the stuff they're mad about didn't even happen the way they think it did! It's so f-ing stupid, just let it go, move on, and enjoy this short time we have together! This is something we can all take to heart to a certain degree.....thanks for listening, rant over.

Here's one for ya Goldie:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHnl7jNK6us"]YouTube - Trooper - Here For A Good Time (Lyrics)[/ame]
66cuda, wonderful read and appreciate your time in expressing your thoughts. One needs to stand firm when it comes to their core beliefs otherwise 99% of the world would be slaves to the top 1%..wait a minute!!
Yeah, things have been out of a hand on and off around here. Everyone needs to chill out. Especially on the note of things not going the way you want, it doesn't matter. Things happen, people lie, its whatever. You just gotta let it go. Life is too short to go around holdin' grudges over stupidity
Thanks Mike, Pete, Brian and Dave (great song) and everybody for your helpful words. This will blow over...it just drives me crazy, my family was getting along fine, then Dad's wife starts trouble and he buys into it instead of getting the facts. Repeat ad nauseum...:banghead:
Thanks Mike, Pete, Brian and Dave (great song) and everybody for your helpful words. This will blow over...it just drives me crazy, my family was getting along fine, then Dad's wife starts trouble and he buys into it instead of getting the facts. Repeat ad nauseum...:banghead:

I feel your pain.
Family as much as we love them they can and do drive us crazy, but they are still family and I still love them.......hope thing smooth out for you....

One day at a Time......thats all we have....