Fighting sore back once again


Big Dad

Well-Known Member
May 27, 2011
Reaction score
S.E. South Dakota
Can't seem to get it to go away , chiropractor this time can't help me much looks like .. its upper back , right side, feels like a rib popped out , sure is tender

1 Aleve seems to calm it down for 6-8 hours and ice help

can't do anything when its like this
How heavy are you?
What's your weight?
I was also feeling, having issues, with a "bad back" until i lost 50 pounds off this old mans body, last year.
Went from 230 pounds, down to 180 pounds, where i have been staying.
And i'm 71, and 5' 11" height.
You will be surprised what dropping weight will do.
hemi71x is correct, your weight plays a big factor in the health of your back. I too dropped about 30 pounds and it made a huge difference in how my back feels the days. I'm 72, and 5'7".
I weigh too much , yes I am aware
My weight loss was eating a whole lot less, eating better, eating smarter.
And for my "exercise" routine it was, (still is) walking around my neighborhood three times a day, with each walk being one mile.
Change your daily routine, in regards to loosing weight off your body.
It will be a big plus.
Wishing you well. Good luck.
Can't seem to get it to go away , chiropractor this time can't help me much looks like .. its upper back , right side, feels like a rib popped out , sure is tender

1 Aleve seems to calm it down for 6-8 hours and ice help

can't do anything when its like this
Can Your chiropractor order you a xray or mri? The mri would let you know more of what's wrong. I'm surprised that Aleve helps you but I'm glad that it does
I am just getting old i suppose, still working full time and will continue, I am getting a new office built, where I currently am, the monitors are way up high and I strain to look at them and sit too much, don't get enough exercise, but, yes the Aleve has worked the last 3 days
Can't seem to get it to go away , chiropractor this time can't help me much looks like .. its upper back , right side, feels like a rib popped out , sure is tender

1 Aleve seems to calm it down for 6-8 hours and ice help

can't do anything when its like this
I had a rib out of place on my left side. I swore it was a heart issue. I went to the MD complaining of chest pains. Good to find out what it wasn't. I went to my chiro in the afternoon after all my stress tests and she popped it back in with her activator tool. We still chuckle about that story.
I had a rib out of place on my left side. I swore it was a heart issue. I went to the MD complaining of chest pains. Good to find out what it wasn't. I went to my chiro in the afternoon after all my stress tests and she popped it back in with her activator tool. We still chuckle about that story.
what is an activator tool ?
what is an activator tool ?
I am just getting old i suppose, still working full time and will continue, I am getting a new office built, where I currently am, the monitors are way up high and I strain to look at them and sit too much, don't get enough exercise, but, yes the Aleve has worked the last 3 days
Have them mount the monitors more at eye level, to look up like that isn't good for your neck or back, I know I have a very bad back
Have them mount the monitors more at eye level, to look up like that isn't good for your neck or back, I know I have a very bad back
Monitors that you may need to look through the bottom of your glasses to see are not good. If you have to back up and crook your neck to view them, it can cause issues for sure.
I did have a nice big office , we hired another office person, the plant manager took my office and put me in here and are building a new office for me out back, its close to done

looking forward to that
Can't seem to get it to go away , chiropractor this time can't help me much looks like .. its upper back , right side, feels like a rib popped out , sure is tender

1 Aleve seems to calm it down for 6-8 hours and ice help

can't do anything when its like this
Get a couple of the big gel ice packs off of amazon. They help keep me going with all kinds of back problems. Just getting over spraining my sacroiliac joint again. That one put be down for over a month. Steroid injection in the joint finally gave some relief after chiropractor, ice, and rest didn't resolve it.

Tell your chiro it feels like a rib head is out of place. If so chances are he can adjust it.

Feel better soon.
My back is/can be brutal to put it lightly. Mostly lower, I can feel the bulging discs on either side. I literally was stuck/seized in the bathroom and had to call Lori to bring me in 2 cane's. 5 days later it's just lightening up. Sometimes Diclofenac and Percocets help...sometimes.
Lori is constantly giving me **** as I never sit still and give it a rest.
Good luck, I feel your inversion chair has been on the list.
I do have ice packs ( gel ) in freezer for using this evening , right this moment I'm not doing too bad .. yesterday was a tough day , I did too much
Monitors that you may need to look through the bottom of your glasses to see are not good. If you have to back up and crook your neck to view them, it can cause issues for sure.
Yup. Three screens here at the office, and due to my prescription cheaters (progressive lenses), I have to look-up too high to read some of the smaller print, and many days I drive home with a pretty good neck ache.

@Big Dad I feel your pain, as my lower back went to hell about 20 years ago, and sincerely hope you find relief. And soon!
too soon to celebrate but, went to back cracker today , 1st chance I had .. he worked me over and we believe the rib went back into place , I'm feeling pretty good currently very sore and tender but, hopeful he got me straighten out
too soon to celebrate but, went to back cracker today , 1st chance I had .. he worked me over and we believe the rib went back into place , I'm feeling pretty good currently very sore and tender but, hopeful he got me straighten out
Good to hear!
Two years ago, I was 230@ 5ft8/69 years old. I was the town trash and recycles collector. I hoisted over 5000 pounds over two days, bag by bag, up and over the side, 6ft up.. I was also the landfill attendee twice a week; so, I walked a lotta miles every week.
October 2022 I got covid, and went down hard. I lost 33 pounds in ten days. and over 90% of it was muscle. I used to have this big slab of meat across my shoulders from my neck down half way to my waist, and generous arms and chest. I came out of covid, and that was all gone. Since then, with no real changes in diet, I am now up to 200/202.
Normally, I don't have aches and pains, even at 71 now.
But, I am pretty thick around the middle; not fat, just thick, like my Grandfather was. I seem to have adequate strength and stamina still, and the thickness doesn't seem to be a problem.
Some say it's due to a fatty liver, and you can neither exercise that off, nor diet it off; rather you have to starve it off. Well I'm not ready to go thru that just yet, lol, it was a bugger the last time, lol. I suppose, sooner or later, I'm gonna have to address that.
But you know, I've always been heavy, right from birth at almost 9 pounds IIRC my Mum saying. I was always heavier than I looked. Mum used to say I had heavy bones. There might be something to that, cuz even tho I've bashed them up pretty good over the years, none has ever broken.
For now, Ima gonna let 200 slide.
BTW, I quit that job, due to a total lack of muscle, lost it all in just two weeks; my body cannibalized it for energy cuz everything that I wanted to eat or was offered, smelled and tasted like dogchit, I kid you not. EVEN WATER!
The office replaced me with two guys for a while, but pretty soon they hired an outside firm , two guys with a compactor-truck..... and our taxes went up by $288 per year.......
I shouldda just asked for more money and did some weight-training, lol.
One thing I discovered during covid, was that once the body starts eating itself, I was not hungry anymore........
so, I'm down to one meal a day which I usually take between 4 and 6, sometimes as late as 7pm. No breakfast no lunch. If it seems like it might be a hard thing to do, well it only takes a few days to get used to, and I found that not having a full belly all the time has some benefits. Less tired/sleepy/groggy/grouchy, easier to bend over to tie shoelaces, and NO gastric upset, and it's keeping the weight off. . Good deal
I did wake up with a sore back, neck, and shoulder on Monday, with no idea how that came to be. I asked a Brother, some 15/20 hours away, to petition AlmightyGod for me, since my prayers seemed to have been held up in the Second Heaven. A few hours later, it slipped off like your blanket might, in the night. This AM, everything is "normal" again.
So there's that .........
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