Fricken cops!!

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nail those cops to the wall. Call their supervisor. Tell him they were abusive and used foul language. Tell them you're also gonna call the newspapers and tell them all about it
waffle house for me from now on.go to the state employment commission and file a grievance with them and start your unemployment benefits. After 8 years a little time off with the kids cant hurt.
Cudaspaz, My wife works because she wants to. She wanted something to keep her busy once the kids were in middleschool and beyond. She wasn't looking for a career path to the big corporate sky. Over the years she has met and retained alot of friends there. She is a true people person and it makes her very happy to see them keep coming back to visit her. Plus she was the best they had and took pride in the service she offered her customers. Maybe to you it a "deadend job" to her it was just a little more than that and I assume the tears were not for the establishment but the memories. I was going to offer her to read this thread so see she could see how right she was and how wrong they were. Not so sure now. :(

Very sorry to hear this. If the cops were on duty, they have a code of conduct to follow, period. Seating themselves in a public restaurant is violating that code. I would call the police chief and talk to them and see what will be done to reprimand the cops on duty. If that doesn't satisfy you, go up to the safety director or mayor if needed. I had a city cop once threaten to give me a citation for a complaint he never received. Called the dispatcher and talked to his supervisor and the supervisor apologized and said it would never happen again and it didn't. A badge does not enable and specifically excludes special treatment while on duty. Seating themselves could be construed as trespassing as they did not have permission to be seated. Hope things work out for her. Always sucks getting fired, especially from a job you love. As far as the deadend comment, everyone has their own goal in life. Some paths are long and winding. Some get you right where you want to be. No job is a deadend if you receive the gratitude and respect of others.

On a side note, thank you again for the horns.
Cudaspaz, My wife works because she wants to. She wanted something to keep her busy once the kids were in middleschool and beyond. She wasn't looking for a career path to the big corporate sky. Over the years she has met and retained alot of friends there. She is a true people person and it makes her very happy to see them keep coming back to visit her. Plus she was the best they had and took pride in the service she offered her customers. Maybe to you it a "deadend job" to her it was just a little more than that and I assume the tears were not for the establishment but the memories. I was going to offer her to read this thread so see she could see how right she was and how wrong they were. Not so sure now. :(


i completly understand that. my mom worked at a 'deadend' job at a library cuz she wanted to get out lol. she loved it and still has friends from it. i know either lady would take offense to it just bein a 'deadend' job but like you said it is not a career cuz that is not what they want. but if ur wife dose read this she did nothing wrong:) keep your chin up and go work at village inn:) and then ihop will cry when the customers that came to you never show up at their store lol. they will know they screwed up:) im not one for sueing but there comes a time for it and this sounds like a reasonable one lol. o my grandma in law always goes to this place louisis its independantly owned and they couldnt afford to pull this. maby she would get along with that kinda people better for her next place
attitude with a badge an gun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! contact the chief with a letter of the officers names an what went down . report no excuse for that behavioral an im sure the chief would like to no of the incident full details included. it is his responsibility of what the officers represent in the community.
I have to vent, My wife has been working at the local IHOP for over 8 years and has tons of loyal customers that won't even eat if she's not there. Well, last night they got hit pretty hard with customers and my wife had told the manager to call in some help earlier......he said " we should be o.k."
She has never been written up for anything in 8 years. These 3 local cops come in and decide to sit themselves without waiting. Then they start complaining that service is slow. Got into some kind of verbal confrontation with my wife. Wife goes in for a meeting today with the manager and gets fired......because "they were officers on duty" My wife is sitting in the parking lot crying now and just hung up with me. I guess one of the cops called in to complain that the service was bad. Makes me want to go kick some dumb ignorant cop right in the teeth!! My wife is the best person I know in this world and it kills me to see her get treated this way!! ok, I'm done

Well, you have to either go ALL PUBLIC with this or forget about it and move on....Any complaint you make "quietly" will possibly net you more trouble.

You could complain to the IHOP national management I guess and see if that works first. But my guess is you will get the "hiring/firing decisions are up to the local management" form letter.

Me, I would be writing letters to the mayor,chief of police, management of the IHOP in question, the national IHOP management and (most importantly) the SPOUSES of the cops in question..... CCing the local papers and TV and radio stations as well, laying it all out.

If you're gonna make a stink, make it a big one.

IMHO, this deserves a big stink.

Thats not right at all.
She sued McDonalds because the coffee gave her severe 3rd degree burns over her groin, thighs and buttocks. The coffee served at McDonalds was found to be a minimum of 20 degrees hotter than any other restaurant's coffee in Albuquerque. It sounded like BS to me until I read the facts of the case and the fact that McDonalds is a giant, morally corrupt corporation that does not give a damn about anything but profit. They just figured, "screw her...she won't win". Watch the movie, "Supersize Me", it's very enlightening.

Public opinion is squarely on the side of McDonald's. Polls have shown a large majority of Americans—including many who typically support the little guy—to be outraged at the verdict. And radio talk-show hosts around the country have lambasted the plaintiff, her attorneys and the jurors on air. Declining to be interviewed for this story, one juror explained that he already had received angry calls from citizens around the country.
It's a reaction that many of the jurors could have understood—before they heard the evidence. At the beginning of the trial, jury foreman Jerry Goens says he "wasn't convinced as to why I needed to be there to settle a coffee spill."
At that point, Mr. Goens and the other jurors knew only the basic facts: that two years earlier, Stella Liebeck had bought a 49-cent cup of coffee at the drive-in window of an Albuquerque McDonald's, and while removing the lid to add cream and sugar had spilled it, causing third-degree burns of the groin, inner thighs and buttocks. Her suit, filed in state court in Albuquerque, claimed the coffee was "defective" because it was so hot.
What the jury didn't realize initially was the severity of her burns. Told during the trial of Mrs. Liebeck's seven days in the hospital and her skin grafts, and shown gruesome photographs, jurors began taking the matter more seriously. "It made me come home and tell my wife and daughters don't drink coffee in the car, at least not hot," says juror Jack Elliott.
Even more eye-opening was the revelation that McDonald's had seen such injuries many times before. Company documents showed that in the past decade McDonald's had received at least 700 reports of coffee burns ranging from mild to third degree, and had settled claims arising from scalding injuries for more than $500,000.
Some observers wonder why McDonald's, after years of settling coffee-burn cases, chose to take this one to trial. After all, the plaintiff was a sympathetic figure—an articulate, 81-year-old former department store clerk who said under oath that she had never filed suit before. In fact, she said, she never would have filed this one if McDonald's hadn't dismissed her requests for compensation for pain and medical bills with an offer of $800.


Not sure what this has to do with the OP's problem but I have to chime in.

You buy a cup of hot coffee because it is HOT.

I have had many many many cups of hot coffee over the years from McDonalds and other places and have managed to not get serious burns or emotional distress over it.

People sue big companies because they know they have a good chance at a bonanza. Some wingnut around here sued Walmart when their kid got hurt while riding a snow sled. THEY WON. ANd to top it off, Walmart around here will no longer sell snow toys.

These same people who sue would be the ones suing if the coffee were cold or if the sled didnt go fast enough.

McDonalds being a money grubbing scumlapping company or not, that doesnt over-ride common sense.

SO to all those who would sue McDonalds for the coffeee being "too hot", I say :bootysha::thebirdm: Those folks are the ones who are partially responsible for our country being in the situation we are in....frivolous awsuits cost EVERYONE.
You don't think she said a few choice words do you?

It would seem it would have to be pretty serious that she lost her job since she had been there that long.
Facts! Write down in detail everything she can remember. Get statements from other employees if she can. Use them for evidence of the Manager's ineptitude. Document everything that she can remember being said as soon as possible.

Lots of good info here... Rio Rancho looks like a good size city, so the small town crap shouldn't affect her.

good luck.
Cudaspaz, My wife works because she wants to. She wanted something to keep her busy once the kids were in middleschool and beyond. She wasn't looking for a career path to the big corporate sky. Over the years she has met and retained alot of friends there. She is a true people person and it makes her very happy to see them keep coming back to visit her. Plus she was the best they had and took pride in the service she offered her customers. Maybe to you it a "deadend job" to her it was just a little more than that and I assume the tears were not for the establishment but the memories. I was going to offer her to read this thread so see she could see how right she was and how wrong they were. Not so sure now. :(

I know what you mean 63, Just getting out of the house and being around people sure feels good after being at home raising yalls children and keeping the home going.
I sure feel bad for your wife, She sounds like a sweet hart of a lady and is going to miss here customers and the smile's and conversation.
I am retired and it can drive me crazy some times:angry7: I feel for your wife's lose here 63, We have some miss fits in our police department, But they don't last long with complaints from people that take the time to turn them in for there abuse, I say take there guns and badges and put them to work for the fire department, That usually makes them grow up and remember who they are working for. Give your wife a big hug for me and tell her the world ain't as perfect as she is. :love7:
And the manager is just kissing up to the local police :angry7:
I hope she is doing better and can put this behind her soon bud, I sure am sorry for the self absorbed sorry *** cops she had to deal with.:angry7:
Sad bunch of crap. Just my .02 here and probably wont hold a teaspoon full of water but here goes. This should never have gotten this far. It seems this stems from the inadequacies of two non-professionals. The hostess and then the manager. Curious how many years of professional experience either of those individuals have? Does the place have security camers as many do? Was any of this caught on tape? The police chief would be interested in seeing this. The economy is so the we all need to be pulling together, not causing havoc as the public servants have done. Many great ideas have surfaced here and should be executed on behalf of your wronged wife. Post the name of the place and the name of the prick that did the fireing and a phone # and we can all call and let him know that he's about to make the national news and let him know where your calling from. Let him know he has already made a spectacle of himself, across the United States, in a negative way. Let him and national know that he will be the main reason for a national boycott of their establishment nationwide should this issue go unaddressed. Economics is something they understand. Believe me. I did say "UNITED". We can all call national and complain about this guy and he won't believe the bullshit he'll recieve from the main office when that's all they hear of is this joint. I personally think they will fix the problem. I'm in. Let the wife read this and let's get her approval. Phone in hand.....WE'RE WAITING ....and getting madder by the second.

Not sure what this has to do with the OP's problem but I have to chime in.

You buy a cup of hot coffee because it is HOT.

I have had many many many cups of hot coffee over the years from McDonalds and other places and have managed to not get serious burns or emotional distress over it.

People sue big companies because they know they have a good chance at a bonanza. Some wingnut around here sued Walmart when their kid got hurt while riding a snow sled. THEY WON. ANd to top it off, Walmart around here will no longer sell snow toys.

These same people who sue would be the ones suing if the coffee were cold or if the sled didnt go fast enough.

McDonalds being a money grubbing scumlapping company or not, that doesnt over-ride common sense.

SO to all those who would sue McDonalds for the coffeee being "too hot", I say :bootysha::thebirdm: Those folks are the ones who are partially responsible for our country being in the situation we are in....frivolous awsuits cost EVERYONE.

My post that you referred to here was in response to this post:

Originally Posted by scrowe
I think this battle is fought in the court of public opinion. Chances are, she will get her job back. Our society is too litigous, though. Not sure a lawsuit is the first step. Remember when the old lady sued McDonald's and won a mill or two because some kid didn't put the lid on the coffee correctly?

Did you even read the friggin' article????
McDonalds had over 700 reports of coffee burns ranging from mild to third degree, and had settled claims arising from scalding injuries for more than $500,000.

What the jury didn't realize initially was the severity of her burns. Told during the trial of Mrs. Liebeck's seven days in the hospital and her skin grafts, and shown gruesome photographs, jurors began taking the matter more seriously. "It made me come home and tell my wife and daughters don't drink coffee in the car, at least not hot," says juror Jack Elliott.
In fact, she said, she never would have filed this one if McDonald's hadn't dismissed her requests for compensation for pain and medical bills with an offer of $800.

Of course you didn't get to see the pictures of the 3rd degree burns that covered about two square feet of skin or pictures of the skin grafts and you of course don't give a damn about some poor old lady who was hurt like this.:thebirdm:
McDonalds is a scum sucking leach (among many) of a company that does not give a damn about us, just our money.
I am not into sueing people and neither was this woman....until she got screwed around by a bunch of eletist asswipes that work for McDonalds. The fact is, they assumed they would win.
You do realize that these large companies employ actuaries that do the math on liability issues, right? These people's entire job is to determine whether a dangerous product that can hurt people is worth changing to a safer product.....the stipulation is the dollar value, PERIOD!
Let me make it clear, if the company thinks they will net more money while injuring people and paying them off than they would if the product did not injure people...they will go on injuring people.
Ford and Firestone are a great example of this.
So, Shadango :thebirdm:! I wonder if your opinion would be different if it was your Grandma!!!

I would try and talk to the police officers involved and let them know that your wife lost her job over this incident. Let them know how much she enjoyed working there and is devastated over what happened. Try to pull on their emotions and explain that it was a big misunderstanding.....wrong place, wrong time, sob story, blah, blah.

If the cops involved are worth a sh*t, they'll talk to the IHOP manager and maybe get her job back.

Nobody deserves to lose their job in these times over something so petty. If your wife really likes working there, help her get back what she sooo enjoyed. It would be a great Valentine gift....:cheers:

You guys are great!!! Smallblock, I'll see what I can do for phone # and names. I have to talk with the wife and see where she wants to go with this. It is really sad that a public servant caused my wife to lose her job. Sometimes life is just so unfair to the good in this world.
I'm ready to call the Rio Ranch police chief and let him know i was traveling through his fair city and just happen to observe this hehavior by 3 of his finist while eating at an IHOP and was thinking of bringing my business to his area but will probably be doing some reconsidering due to this conduct by a "Public Servant". Waiting for the go ahead 63.
I'm ready to call the Rio Ranch police chief and let him know i was traveling through his fair city and just happen to observe this hehavior by 3 of his finist while eating at an IHOP and was thinking of bringing my business to his area but will probably be doing some reconsidering due to this conduct by a "Public Servant". Waiting for the go ahead 63.

Probably not the best solution to this problem smallblock unless you would be willing to give a sworn statement at some later date and possibly be called as a witness and perjure yourself in court proceedings.
Dustertogo: You're obviously not a card player and it sounds like you would give the chief your full name and address and SS#.
Interesting reading on IHOP's web site. They are owned by DineEquity Inc. as well as Applebys. A lady as CEO.
They bought Applebys in 07 at $25.50 a share cash and now it's down to $7.62 at close of trading on Friday. Probably don't need anymore bad press. Good reading . All phone and fax #'s are there when we set the move in motion.

Dustertogo: Don't forget a phone # for the chief. Maybe your mothers maiden name. And you'll probably never guess, i wasn't traveling through his fair city. Just jerkin with ya buddy and thanks for your concern. That's the reason for this thread.
Dustertogo: You're obviously not a card player and it sounds like you would give the chief your full name and address and SS#.
Interesting reading on IHOP's web site. They are owned by DineEquity Inc. as well as Applebys. A lady as CEO.
They bought Applebys in 07 at $25.50 a share cash and now it's down to $7.62 at close of trading on Friday. Probably don't need anymore bad press. Good reading . All phone and fax #'s are there when we set the move in motion.

Dustertogo: Don't forget a phone # for the chief. Maybe your mothers maiden name. And you'll probably never guess, i wasn't traveling through his fair city. Just jerkin with ya buddy and thanks for your concern. That's the reason for this thread.

I Gotcha smallblock. Hey I do play Go Fish......does that count? LOL
Sounds like it was more to her than a job and she was comfortable there, more like a lifestyle.

I was just telling you how getting fired from a job like that, for me, was the best thing that ever happened to me.

No disrespect intended, I'm just the type to move on and not stress over things I can't control, and I never look back.
Hey Guys this is 63Dartman's Wife and I just want to say Thank-you for all your support,opinions and backing if needed. Let it be know that I do not plan to stay down quietly. I am a good person and do not feel I did something so wrong. One can only take so much before their breaking point. The officer involved is known to be rude and I have already placed a call to his superviser to let him know his was out of line. I will have my husband keep you all informed. If I have to get nasty that is not generally the type of person that I am but times being what they are that is just what it may take. "If you let the Pidgeons sit on you sooner or later they will **** on you"!Once again Thanks for your Support and May you all have a Very Happy Valentines Day!:angel5::angel5:
See a lawyer , preferably civil rights/labor specialized. Be carefull about contacting the media that can be a double edged sword.
Take it from someone who knows (and I'm sure I'm not the only one) If you don't you'll never forgive yourself.

This is America.!!
No problem Mrs. 63Dartman!

You probably felt like doing this>>>>

Don't let them have any more satisfaction by being upset....mad but calm is a much more effective tool in this situation.
I'm thinkin' your bosses boss might see this situation in a very different light.
Enjoy your time off for now....I think you'll get your job back with a raise!

And Happy Valentines Day everyone! or as I call it, saturday!
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