From the rusty hardware parts department of WTF



Well-Known Member
May 13, 2010
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Grand Tetons
So I am digging through my magic bolt box and assorted sundries tonight, and I notice I got a hell of a lot of damn lug nuts. Not sure how I ended up with as many as I have. Might be from junkyard trips. Who knows. All I do know is I have (32) 1/2" RH , (5) 7/16" RH , (10) 7/16" LH, some misc stainless capped ones that are probably metric, and 1 what looks like a dirt track race car nut. I am thinking I need to sort out the rest of this stuff. Anybody else got an unintended collection of stuff like this?

I have an unintended collection of fat.
i always thought you had a few screws loose, turns out, you got a few loose nuts
Ya, i have a wheel nut collection too. But never the ones i need. Go figure.
More left hand nuts than i care to count. Dont ask me why.
So I am digging through my magic bolt box and assorted sundries tonight, and I notice I got a hell of a lot of damn lug nuts. Not sure how I ended up with as many as I have. Might be from junkyard trips. Who knows. All I do know is I have (32) 1/2" RH , (5) 7/16" RH , (10) 7/16" LH, some misc stainless capped ones that are probably metric, and 1 what looks like a dirt track race car nut. I am thinking I need to sort out the rest of this stuff. Anybody else got an unintended collection of stuff like this?

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I have an unintended collection of bills. I guess that's what happens when you have health issues, the worst being Mopar Madness, for decades. lol.
I have a big coffee can that's about full of RH 1/2" lug nuts. I have a Planters peanut can full of LH 1/2" nuts and studs in case I ever (wait for it)...........................go completely NUTS and decide to use them again in my lifetime. :realcrazy:
Many years ago I got tired of dumping a 5 gal bucket of bolts out to find what I needed so I took a bunch of 2 1/2 gallon buckets and started one for 1/4", 5/16", 3/8", 7/16' and larger. And one for lug nuts. Made my life a lot easier.
Thats funny because I never have enough nuts and bolts. I am always looking thru my bucket of nuts and bolts and never have enough to finish the job and have to run to the hardware store to buy 2 bolts. Or two nuts. I bought my lugnuts from @SGBARRACUDA and still wound up two short! Lol
Many years ago I got tired of dumping a 5 gal bucket of bolts out to find what I needed so I took a bunch of 2 1/2 gallon buckets and started one for 1/4", 5/16", 3/8", 7/16' and larger. And one for lug nuts. Made my life a lot easier.

I did that w/ big plastic coffee cans , got about 20 setting under the bench, bad thing about it is I spend more time dumping them out on card board than working on most stuff.
Dartfreak75 my bolt box is a 26 year collection of stuff. I had a bigger one when I moved to texas. I gave it to a buddy of mine before I left. 10 years later he also moved here and brought it with him. By then i started a new one. Theres leftover bolts i remember from a 1960 el camino i restored in there too. Even new hardware lol. I'm gonna have to really sit down and sort this stuff.
Dartfreak75 my bolt box is a 26 year collection of stuff. I had a bigger one when I moved to texas. I gave it to a buddy of mine before I left. 10 years later he also moved here and brought it with him. By then i started a new one. Theres leftover bolts i remember from a 1960 el camino i restored in there too. Even new hardware lol. I'm gonna have to really sit down and sort this stuff.
Im starting to get a pretty good collection of parts. Iv bought alot of extra stuff that I found cheap if I thought I could use it later. And some stuff I thought I needed and ended up not. My future projects I should have a good start on lol
Many years ago I got tired of dumping a 5 gal bucket of bolts out to find what I needed so I took a bunch of 2 1/2 gallon buckets and started one for 1/4", 5/16", 3/8", 7/16' and larger. And one for lug nuts. Made my life a lot easier.
4 foot by 8 foot shelf full of 4” square pigeon holes. Im scared its going to fall off the wall.
I did that w/ big plastic coffee cans , got about 20 setting under the bench, bad thing about it is I spend more time dumping them out on card board than working on most stuff.
I have something like a dust pan,v shaped so it will dump back into can easily.
I have something like a dust pan,v shaped so it will dump back into can easily.
I have a dust pan for this stuff. I had a big plastic tub full of non certed aircraft hardware. The companys management went thru everybodies tool box and rounded up all the "scrounge" as we all called it. If it wasnt in a ziplock bag with the material cert paperwork that went with it, it was considered SUP. Suspected Unapproved Parts. In the plastic tub it went.

In the end they had a huge plastic tub full of everything from rivets, to screws, cotter pins, braided grounding straps, brackets, galley latches, etc. You name it hardware wise, it was there. Even a lavatory dump handle lol. I asked them if I could buy it, and it will never come back on site. $40 and that 40 lbs of mixed **** was mine. Then the process of dumping it out and sorting it out began. I bought plastic gladware tubs with snap lids and it took almost a week of evenings to sort it out. For small stuff, this is my go to magic bolt box. I will never have to buy a cotter pin as long as I live. I have hundreds of stainless steel ones about the right size for suspension and wheel bearing work. I am probably going to get some cheapo screw top plastic containers from walmart for this other mess so I can sort it.
I have a dust pan for this stuff. I had a big plastic tub full of non certed aircraft hardware. The companys management went thru everybodies tool box and rounded up "scrounge" as we all called it. Had a big plastic tub full of everything from rivets, to screws, cotter pins, you name it hardware wise, it was there. Even a lavatory dump handle lol. I asked them if I could buy it, and it will never come back on site. $40 and that 40 lbs of mixed **** was mine. Then the process of dumping it out and sorting it out began. I bought plastic gladware tubs with snap lids and it took almost a week of evenings to sort it out. For small stuff, this is my go to magic bolt box. I will never have to buy a cotter pin as long as I live. I have hundreds of stainless steel ones about the right size for suspension and wheel bearing work. I am probably going to get some cheapo screw top plastic containers from walmart for this mess so I can sort it.
A buddy was in the aircraft industry, he brought home what was time x’d.or obsolete. Gave me a screen for a fuel inlet. Fit my fuel pickup perfectly. hes got hundreds of pounds of hardware.
In order to get my Imperial into the garage (2-car, under my house) to do body and paint, I had to reorganize my “storage side” and “work side”. That meant finally emptying all the bins and cans and trays of misc hardware dating back to the 80s in done cases.
I now have a semi-sorted hardware bin, and I have a drawer for lug nuts... it didn’t have any of the Imperial left handers but otherwise I think I’ve got it all covered. Including open ended (tech legal) and uni-lug... lol
I had 20 years of metric hardware from autobody. Every bolt,clip Ect: imaginal . Big plastic heavy duty tub 2'x3'x16" High . Had it in my dad's garage. He threw it out. :BangHead::( . He didn't throw out my 2 5 Gal. pails of standard stuff ( Lots of Dart hardware):)
Many years ago I got tired of dumping a 5 gal bucket of bolts out to find what I needed so I took a bunch of 2 1/2 gallon buckets and started one for 1/4", 5/16", 3/8", 7/16' and larger. And one for lug nuts. Made my life a lot easier.
Took a picture of my bolt sizing system
