Going to be an interesting week. Lots of decisions to be made.

Well I’m out for this weekend. It’s going on 2pm and I can’t even stand up straight yet let alone climb under my duster. I’ll take a week or three off so I can get straightened out. I have enough projects that need some attention to keep me occupied.
Well I’m out for this weekend. It’s going on 2pm and I can’t even stand up straight yet let alone climb under my duster. I’ll take a week or three off so I can get straightened out. I have enough projects that need some attention to keep me occupied.
Sorry to hear this John. Take care of yourself and get well soon. We love to hear of your antics and outings and expertise!!
Get well John. Looking forward to more of your car prep and race track adventures.
Just seen a post on Facebook about the race at Keystone this weekend. I don't know Michael personally but know of him and he seems like a good guy, not sure why this race didn't attract racers at $400 entry for a 10K/20K/10K.

Unfortunately, we have an extremely low turnout today. While R/U, Semi, and all Round Money were always guaranteed and will pay 100% as on the flyer, the prorate to Win would be just terrible. We are going to add thousands to the prorate in order to guarantee a minimum of $4,000/win the FRI and SUN races, and a minimum of $10,000/win in Saturday's race. The "Win" will increase as the car count goes over 125. Junior Dragster will pay 100% of entry fees until we hit the 16 car min. We need your help, racers. Come out and support this event.
We will be running BOTH the Sat & Sun races on SATURDAY. There will be one full time trial session for everyone. In the main event, all Double Entries (Doorcar AND Dragster) will be called to the lanes together to provide more turnaround time.
Friday / Sun (to be run SAT)
Min of $4K/Win Guaranteed
$2,500 R/U
$1,000 Semi
$100/Rnd Starting 3rd Rnd Win
Min $10K/Win Guaranteed
$5,000 R/U
$1,500 Semi
$200/Rnd Starting 3rd Rnd Win
Man I’m so sorry I can’t be there to support this great race on a beautiful weekend.

Unfortunately, we have an extremely low turnout today. While R/U, Semi, and all Round Money were always guaranteed and will pay 100% as on the flyer, the prorate to Win would be just terrible. We are going to add thousands to the prorate in order to guarantee a minimum of $4,000/win the FRI and SUN races, and a minimum of $10,000/win in Saturday's race. The "Win" will increase as the car count goes over 125. Junior Dragster will pay 100% of entry fees until we hit the 16 car min. We need your help, racers. Come out and support this event. Major changes were made due to low car count

We will be running BOTH the Sat & Sun races on SATURDAY. There will be one full time trial session for everyone. In the main event, all Double Entries (Doorcar AND Dragster) will be called to the lanes together to provide more turnaround time.

Friday / Sun (to be run SAT)
Min of $4K/Win Guaranteed
$2,500 R/U
$1,000 Semi
$100/Rnd Starting 3rd Rnd Win

Min $10K/Win Guaranteed
$5,000 R/U
$1,500 Semi
$200/Rnd Starting 3rd Rnd Win

Well I’m out for this weekend. It’s going on 2pm and I can’t even stand up straight yet let alone climb under my duster. I’ll take a week or three off so I can get straightened out. I have enough projects that need some attention to keep me occupied.

While you’re sitting at home this weekend, turn on Mecum Auto Auction. Bob George’s SS/AA Dart will be on Saturday.

Also if you’re peeing blood, get to the ER immediately. I was peeing blood a couple weeks ago. My wife dragged me to the hospital. They took me immediately instead of the 4 hour wait. Spent 5 days in St Clair with a catheter in. All good now.
While you’re sitting at home this weekend, turn on Mecum Auto Auction. Bob George’s SS/AA Dart will be on Saturday.

Also if you’re peeing blood, get to the ER immediately. I was peeing blood a couple weeks ago. My wife dragged me to the hospital. They took me immediately instead of the 4 hour wait. Spent 5 days in St Clair with a catheter in. All good now.

Zero interest in mecum auction or Bob George’s car. Seen it. As far as tests I’ve had tubes stuck in every orfice of my body. It moves it hurts for awhile and the pain calms down. I had a catheter in me probably five times and at one point was told I was going to have one for life. I dropped to my knees and had a good talk to the Lord above and three days later it was taken out. That was probably 8 years ago.
Zero interest in mecum auction or Bob George’s car. Seen it. As far as tests I’ve had tubes stuck in every orfice of my body. It moves it hurts for awhile and the pain calms down. I had a catheter in me probably five times and at one point was told I was going to have one for life. I dropped to my knees and had a good talk to the Lord above and three days later it was taken out. That was probably 8 years ago.

I was told once you get a stone you are more prone to them. I haven’t had one in a long time (bonking on my head while saying knock on wood) but those things are a bear.

As long you know the blood is from a stone (evidently you can get blood from a stone) then it’s ok.

If you’re not sure it’s from a stone then that’s a bit scary.

My doctor says mine are mostly from dehydration and I cleaned up my diet and between those two things I haven’t had another one.
I was told once you get a stone you are more prone to them. I haven’t had one in a long time (bonking on my head while saying knock on wood) but those things are a bear.

As long you know the blood is from a stone (evidently you can get blood from a stone) then it’s ok.

If you’re not sure it’s from a stone then that’s a bit scary.

My doctor says mine are mostly from dehydration and I cleaned up my diet and between those two things I haven’t had another one.

A lot of times blood in your urine is hereditary. My Dad had a trace, I had a trace, and when my oldest son was lifeflighted to pittsburgh after having seizures after birth he was found to have more than a trace. When I told the doctor of our history he asked if he could test me and did so then agreed on what I told him. 35 years later my son is doing great.
At least you are only burning boxes instead of being hacked off enough to burn the car...
Out of my 8 stones I only had the catheter once with my last one .. it won't hurt when they remove it ! oooouuuccchhh ! every time they do a " pee " test on me I always have a trace of blood docs say its nothing . Feel better John !