Got My Disablity!

Your original statement was that since taxes are deducted from disability payments then you are somehow a positive force in the tax base. From an economic standpoint, that simply cannot be since you aren't producing any goods or services in lieu of receiving that payment.

YouTube - The Most Persistent Economic Fallacy of All Time!

No, not what I said or meant. A lot of people think disability is a tax free ride. It's just not true. I meant only what I SAID and nothing else. YOU inferred the rest, and incorrectly.
You don't pay a penny in taxes on SS disability income , only additional income , pension , spouses income , interest etc.

Really? I sure as hell wish someone would tell the IRS that because I've paid every year I've been on it.
Sorry I said anything about it. Didn't want to open up a can of worms.
I worked for it. I earned it. I deserve it.

It's ok. Opening a can or worms is a normal occurance around here. I feel the same as you. I paid in all those years and got hurt. That's why I paid.
Appiled in sept 09.Turned down nov 09.Appealed in jan 10.Got aproved on march 10 2010.Will be recieving payment from aug 09 till nov.I worked from may 17 1976- aug 19 2010.I missing working i'm 53 years old .
Everybody needs to chill out. You work at a job that is on the books you pay into it, something happens to you you are entitled to it. That simple. Both my wife and I are collecting it. I was tossed out of work cuz I am a hazard to self and others thanks to being bi-poplar with psychotic tendencies. Would you want to work next to some one that if you looked at him cross very well might black out and come after you? Before any body says anything, yes I tried the meds, could not handle the mood stabilzers. And giving anti-depressants to a person with manic epsiodes that turn into violent rage driven black outs just results in them happening.
Appiled in sept 09.Turned down nov 09.Appealed in jan 10.Got aproved on march 10 2010.Will be recieving payment from aug 09 till nov.I worked from may 17 1976- aug 19 2010.I missing working i'm 53 years old .
From what we were to ld by my wifes attorney SS ises different "guidelines" for different age brackets. Closer you are to retirement age the less stringent the rules are. If you hunt around on the SS website all the info you need to get thru is there, more or less. Some of my paper work was a cut and paste right from there own web site...... pretty much tells you what you need to know to get thru it. As far as taxes.....
all depends on how much you make, combined with the rest of your income. It makes me laugh when people ***** about those of us that are disabled. These people probably have no idea what it is like to hurt so bad, mentally or physically that you want to put a gun in your mouth like I did several years ago. Pulling the trigger was the easiest thing I ever did. Go figure, I have thousands of rounds of ammo with out a single mis-fire, except for that one.......
Glad to hear it didn't take forever to come thru, as is often the case. Back trouble can really affect a person's life.

I must say it gets old when people make judgmental comments; without having the facts, which by the way not so long ago, this subject would be considered personal and nobody's business. What I mean is if the person chose to share it, that's fine, but it's not polite to voice one's disapproval of it.

Sorry I hijacked your thead Brian. Sometimes I can be an instigator. At least it got people talking. Glad you got the money coming in, I'm sure it is a relief.
No, not what I said or meant. A lot of people think disability is a tax free ride. It's just not true. I meant only what I SAID and nothing else. YOU inferred the rest, and incorrectly.

"Somebody wants to take a crack at "their" tax dollars supporting people on disability needs to know that we pay taxes outta that disability too. It's not like people on disability aren't still contributiong to the tax base. We are."

From an Economics standpoint, that is just not possible. Did you watch the Milton Friedman video, I think he does a good job of explaining the principle behind the "broken window" theory.

Don't take this as a personal attack, it's just a short lesson in economics.
"Somebody wants to take a crack at "their" tax dollars supporting people on disability needs to know that we pay taxes outta that disability too. It's not like people on disability aren't still contributiong to the tax base. We are."

From an Economics standpoint, that is just not possible. Did you watch the Milton Friedman video, I think he does a good job of explaining the principle behind the "broken window" theory.

Don't take this as a personal attack, it's just a short lesson in economics.

I haven't taken anything as a personal attack...and believe me, I don't need a lesson in economics. My uncle is one of the top economists in the nation......not that that makes me anything, but here I know what I am talking about. I can show you on paper work where I do not get back everything that that I am paid on disability every single year since 2001 when I was awarded it. I PAY taxes on my disability and I have proof. Whether you can understand or not is not really of consequence to me.
Sorry I said anything about it. Didn't want to open up a can of worms.
I worked for it. I earned it. I deserve it.

Yes you have briankaplan!! worked for it, earned it, and you deserve it:happy10: and I am proud to know you did not get the run around...... I can count over 50 people just in my family that paid in to it :happy10: and past away giving everyday to make ends meet :angry7:
It's know time to enjoy helping and enjoying your family and friends.

Know you can show your wife the correct why to do laundry :-D
Just Joking buddy :-D
Brian I am glad you are not living on air anymore and wondering how you are going to get by. Oh by the way SSDI is not a huge windfall I get about 30% of what I made working I would rather have my old job back and out of pain. I am gald you got it.
Sorry I said anything about it. Didn't want to open up a can of worms.
I worked for it. I earned it. I deserve it.
I am too glad you got your disability and you do deserve it.
Why does everyone think, people are on a free ride.
I am proud to know that my hard earned dollars are helping yall.
Hell,if the government had not spent the money yall put in,you are just get some of it back,but not all of it.
I am sure all of you would rather be working and sorry due to some problem medically you cant...
Good luck Brian,
I'm glad you got your SSDI, I got mine in 98 when everyone thought I was going to die. I made liars out of them, Bad part out of all this is I am not hire able. I am too high risk since I have several diseases from all the chemo I had to go through. But I am still here and seen my children grow up. One will be getting married soon so I get to walk my future daughter in law down the isle or should I say ride down the isle.
I have had a quadruple bypass,am diabetic,have sleep apnia,high cholesterol,high blood pressure,severe swelling of the lower legs and feet,DAMN I should really look into disability.I drive 165 miles a day to work and it is killing me..Literally.I never even thought about applying.I've always worked hard and at 47 I feel I am "Too Young".
You bet Brian deserves the disability. And you can guarantee he would rather have his health and job. But being sick enough to qualify for the disability tells the whole story right there.

I can tell you from personal experience Brian. DONT spread it around that your disabled. I have been revictimised several times over just because Im helpless to defend myself.It seems like there are a LOT OF VULTURES waiting to pick on weak folk.

Your better off keeping this within your family and circle of friends.

Just some advise from someone who has been there.
You bet Brian deserves the disability. And you can guarantee he would rather have his health and job. But being sick enough to qualify for the disability tells the whole story right there.

I can tell you from personal experience Brian. DONT spread it around that your disabled. I have been revictimised several times over just because Im helpless to defend myself.It seems like there are a LOT OF VULTURES waiting to pick on weak folk.

Your better off keeping this within your family and circle of friends.

Just some advise from someone who has been there.

Well....I'm far from helpless. My trigger finger works real good.
First off, a DISCLAIMER! I dont know any of you personally. I am sure everyone here is a good honest person and nothing I am about to say is aimed at any one person or post individually.

Second, to Brian - congrats on winning your was a long haul for you and I am sure that the win lets you breath a sigh of relief for a change.

That said -- since Brian put this out there, its fair game for comment from all, and comment people did! LOL

I think the way this thread flared up the way it did just shows the overall attitude of the average taxpayer of the US.

"I am tired of people living off of my tax money but if I can get some for myself I will take it"

Dont get me wrong. SDI is a godsend to many. Someone who can no longer ambulate around cant do the same kind of work he or she may be accustomed to.

But does that mean that there is NO kind of work that person can do?

And if they CAN do other work, why shouldn;t we as a people insist they do?

I know a person (know them very well) that is on SSDI and continues to work on cars, work on the house etc. Went on SSDI at age 45. He's now 60 ish.

I asked him about how he can still do that kind of work as a hobby when he is claiming he cant do that kind of work at a job.

He says he gets tired easy.

Well, hell...I get tire every day at work and I muddle through somehow.

He had a minor stroke and now pretty much milks it. Meanwhile there are people out there with crippling pain or disabilities who somehow find a way to work and produce.

But hey, its not my call. Its the gubment's. If you can get it, go for it, I tells him.

Problem is, he has to be sneaky about everything he does so he doesnt get turned in to the SSDI folks.....he says they have agents out there who watch for this sort of thing...not sure if that is true or not.

I couldn't live that way.

I, frankly, take offense at the way he does this.

Yeah, he paid into the SSDI the same way that we all pay into our auto insurance or homeowners insurance. Can you imagine if EVERYONE made a claim on their auto insurance all at once? We could bankrupt an industry.

SSDI is nothing more than a nationalized income insurance plan.

To me, he is collecting something that he really shouldnt be due.

He is making it so that the legitimate folks who NEED disability cant get it when the yneed it and that sucks.

I have a bad back...hurts like a **** every day. I also have a bad foot.

Still, I figure that if I can find a way to roam around Carlisle looking at parts and cars or that I can work on my car as a hobby, I should be working.

Maybe my outlook will change as I age.

Only the person collecting SSDI can really say if he/she can or cannot honestly work at a job....any job...or if he/she is just looking to collect.

To those of you currently collecting, God speed and hope you feel better.
Did you know if you come into the USA and claim you got addicted to drugs after you came here , you are elidgable for max SSD. You also get a $25000.00 start up check to help you make it through rehab. This is for non citizens only. I met a 23 yr. old cuban collecting this. He is also On Medical marajuana. He drives a new Shelby GT500. He does not need a licence or insurance He claimes diplomatic imunity. Now that is a waist of tax dollars. But you don't see that comming out of the budget. It would ultimately effect those who run this country. This is the trueth and it is sad.
Did you know if you come into the USA and claim you got addicted to drugs after you came here , you are elidgable for max SSD. You also get a $25000.00 start up check to help you make it through rehab. This is for non citizens only. I met a 23 yr. old cuban collecting this. He is also On Medical marajuana. He drives a new Shelby GT500. He does not need a licence or insurance He claimes diplomatic imunity. Now that is a waist of tax dollars. But you don't see that comming out of the budget. It would ultimately effect those who run this country. This is the trueth and it is sad.

Then people like him should be turned in since he is not a American citizen.
First off, a DISCLAIMER! I dont know any of you personally. I am sure everyone here is a good honest person and nothing I am about to say is aimed at any one person or post individually.

Second, to Brian - congrats on winning your was a long haul for you and I am sure that the win lets you breath a sigh of relief for a change.

That said -- since Brian put this out there, its fair game for comment from all, and comment people did! LOL

I think the way this thread flared up the way it did just shows the overall attitude of the average taxpayer of the US.

"I am tired of people living off of my tax money but if I can get some for myself I will take it"

Dont get me wrong. SDI is a godsend to many. Someone who can no longer ambulate around cant do the same kind of work he or she may be accustomed to.

But does that mean that there is NO kind of work that person can do?

And if they CAN do other work, why shouldn;t we as a people insist they do?

I know a person (know them very well) that is on SSDI and continues to work on cars, work on the house etc. Went on SSDI at age 45. He's now 60 ish.

I asked him about how he can still do that kind of work as a hobby when he is claiming he cant do that kind of work at a job.

He says he gets tired easy.

Well, hell...I get tire every day at work and I muddle through somehow.

He had a minor stroke and now pretty much milks it. Meanwhile there are people out there with crippling pain or disabilities who somehow find a way to work and produce.

But hey, its not my call. Its the gubment's. If you can get it, go for it, I tells him.

Problem is, he has to be sneaky about everything he does so he doesnt get turned in to the SSDI folks.....he says they have agents out there who watch for this sort of thing...not sure if that is true or not.

I couldn't live that way.

I, frankly, take offense at the way he does this.

Yeah, he paid into the SSDI the same way that we all pay into our auto insurance or homeowners insurance. Can you imagine if EVERYONE made a claim on their auto insurance all at once? We could bankrupt an industry.

SSDI is nothing more than a nationalized income insurance plan.

To me, he is collecting something that he really shouldnt be due.

He is making it so that the legitimate folks who NEED disability cant get it when the yneed it and that sucks.

I have a bad back...hurts like a **** every day. I also have a bad foot.

Still, I figure that if I can find a way to roam around Carlisle looking at parts and cars or that I can work on my car as a hobby, I should be working.

Maybe my outlook will change as I age.

Only the person collecting SSDI can really say if he/she can or cannot honestly work at a job....any job...or if he/she is just looking to collect.

To those of you currently collecting, God speed and hope you feel better.

If you know this person why hasn't someone turn him in if he can do all the work you say he can he can hold a job? I am in a powerchair and my sons help me do work on my car and around the house they know I can't do it.
All I can say is until YOU are disabled you really have no clue...
Ok guys. I think we beat this thread to death. I'm signing off on the whole
thing. Everybody else should also.
As one man said; Can't we all just get along!
Let talk about Mopars!
Can't wait till the snow is gone. I want to get my car out and do this.
My right foot still works!


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