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Went to town Saturday in my daily driver , 1968 Ford Galaxie. On the way home I passed through one of our local speed traps. I know the police sit there all the time, so I wasn't speeding, but the cop pulled in behind me, followed for a while and lit me up. The only thing I was worried about was my vintage tag. You are only supposed to drive back and forth to car shows, mechanics, etc. The cop asked for my liscence and proof of insurance (I think that is the real reason he pulled me over). He then told me that the tag and insurance didn't match the vehicle, the info was for a black ford Galaxie and this was obviously a green CHARGER!!! I regestered it as black because I thought it would be painted by now, but I had to take the guy around to the front of the car to show him the one remaining badge that say's "Ford XL" before he would believe it was not a Charger! I was about to pop the hood and show him the valve covers, but that wouldn't have meant anything either! Maybe I should start posting on FBBO since I have an ultra-rare Ford Charger! Anyway, no ticket, all is good. In the cops defense, the color was wrong and only the XL's have hide-away headlights. I think he was thinking of the Galaxies with stacked headlights. What do you think? Does it look like a charger?