Got zapped by my Engine !

My sister has a pacemaker/defibrillator now. That's alien technology how they can get a difib that small.
I'm at the end of the current P/M's life. They were showing what they were going to replace it with.
That thing isn't much bigger than a wrist watch. I'll be able to have an MRI as well. Not that I'm looking forward to an MRI, but it would have helped a few years back.
I'm at the end of the current P/M's life. They were showing what they were going to replace it with.
That thing isn't much bigger than a wrist watch. I'll be able to have an MRI as well. Not that I'm looking forward to an MRI, but it would have helped a few years back.
Really? I don't think I would ever trust that, no matter what they said. That sounds kinda risky.
it predated my time at the shop, but the story goes that one of the guys hooked a magneto to a drill and rigged it up to the door knob of the foreman's office.

any and all shenanigans or chicanery was deemed a fireable offense when i did my stint in that joint.

Boss King was a right prick, but i don't think he deserved that.
Have any of yall ever been hit by a welder? So far, I've not had that privilege. lol
How much voltage the body gets zapped with is based on exactly the same principle as the voltage reqd to bridge the air in the spark plug gap. Rarely would the voltage rise to the rated voltage of the coil. Could be a 50kv coil but it only uses 18kv to fire the plug gap. Same with the human body, which the spark sees as resistance to the ground return.
I got zapped by using my fathers old metal cased drill in the yard one day with an extension lead the join dragged into a puddle of rain water that I did not know was there, we have 220 volt single phase as standard here and 3 phase is 480 volt, I could not let go of the drill the sanding disc I had on it ran the rim across my left wrist and 50 years later I still have a slight scar from it, it blew the house fuse eventually then I could finally let go of it, it felt like ages that I was holding it but it was probably something like 20 to 30 seconds all up, now we have an earth leakage system that if any electrical appliance is faulty it switches the power off in 200th of a second or some ridiculously short time.
And yes I have been hit by a Chrysler ignition box and a msd box, and they did hurt but nothing like the first time with household power
Stupid move that i did , the car ran weird and i open the hood and saw that one wire was off its plug but without the copper plug , the spark plug wire was just laying there on the side , didnt shut off the engine just wantes to plug it back to its god , i was electrocuted for the 1st time , ill remember this for a long time , never happenned before , did you guys ever had a similar story , my leg hurts a bit and my back too , but im ok , i guess :)
Yep! My Duster was running weird. I had to keep on the gas pedal nearly all the time just a bit to keep it running. A progressively worsening problem. So on a lightly rainy day, I finally pull over, leave the car running and open up the hood hoping to see a red neon sign saying, I’m the issue right here! With a flashing arrow.

The ground is lightly wet, the hood opens up with water running down, I lean over the drivers fender to look in. I place my hand on top of the distributor and receive multiple sparks jolts racing down my arm. Ouchie! That smarts a little.

Well, that’s how I found out the distributor was loose.

Well, it happened again! About the same story except my feet slipped on the wet ground as I was leaning in and in loosing my balance and footing, my hand didn’t just touch the distributor again it just down right slammed it.
I didn’t just touched the distributor again! The surprise panic of the slip and near fall invoked while slipping I GRABBED the running cars distributor!
What made this worse was the ignition was upgraded to a MSD.
And it’s much more powerful than stock. This made the hand go numb for a few minutes. OUCH! I mean WOW AND OUCH!

I liken the shock to little Thor hammers wacking every nerve ending down the arm down and out to my side laying on the fender from the slip. Man! That hurt.

Heck of a lesson!

Reminded me of my high-school shop class.
Teacher had an artificial leg.
We would get him to test the spark . He would hold the wire & we pull the cord on
Lawnmower engine ! It was funny to see his leg kick out. Think he enjoyed it, he never declined.

A lawn mower has a good spark energy to it. An old landlord of mine was trying to start his mower up. He’s pulling and pulling away like mad getting angry. I walk out the door and ask if I can help. So, I just went through the basics of an engine needs of air, fuel and spark. He had gas, we are breathing through a decent filter, let’s check spark I say. In his enthusiasm, he pulls the cord while I’m holding the spark plug wire.



Well, you got spark so start with getting new gas!
He says, The gas is good, I bought it last summer.
I assured him it was the gasoline and I was right. He grabbed a fresh gallon and presto! He’s cutting grass with a smile on his face.
One of the side flashing lights on the side of our Firetruck wasn't working. Decided to probe the socket for power with a 12v test light. Found out real quick what a capacitor driven light socket feels like.
In 1980 I reached in to pull a leaf or something out from under my Accel super coil. The jolt ran up my arm and jumped off my knee cap to the right front wheel. I jumped and screamed like a little girl. Quickly looked around to verify no one saw or heard my blunder. To this day I usually try to move the vacuum advance mechanism when setting timing. I dont want to touch the wires. But I remember jumping back that day like it was yesterday.....

Zapped so many times I lost count, from as mild as the tingling bite on My fingers & the sweaty arm that touched the Batt.+ taking the lines of the master cyl., to all kinds of ignitions. But I'll never forget My 1st jolt, I was a wee lad in the fluffy 'before-disposable-diapers-were-a-thing' cotton diaper held together with 2 safety pins...well, I took the right safety pin out, looking at the wall outlet I thought "this looks like it'll go right in there", did.....BAM!!!! Oh I was shocked alright, then I cried a little, lololol...