Guns, Dogs and Blades QnA

I used to when I could still see. Frankly I am only good to about 400 now. Maybe six if I had to. My eyes are wore out my hands shake, I can barely breathe . But other than that I am still the same guy!
Ya gotta stop taking those sim-rounds to the head!

Yes but it’s been a while. I was Wisconsin 1000 yard Master class champion in 2009. Had the pleasure of shooting/scoring with Bryan Litz on the same target a couple times. One smart cookie and a really nice person. Very helpful. Now that the kids are less work and I’m retired, I hope to get back in the long range game. Nothing quite as satisfying as hitting a paper plate sized x-ring at 1000 yards, 10 for 10 from slung prone position with a .308 Win and iron sights. Reading the wind is the difference maker.
Yes but it’s been a while. I was Wisconsin 1000 yard Master class champion in 2009. Had the pleasure of shooting/scoring with Bryan Litz on the same target a couple times. One smart cookie and a really nice person. Very helpful. Now that the kids are less work and I’m retired, I hope to get back in the long range game. Nothing quite as satisfying as hitting a paper plate sized x-ring at 1000 yards, 10 for 10 from slung prone position with a .308 Win and iron sights. Reading the wind is the difference maker.
Congrats guy! Wind is key key key. I feel like every long distance event I have won that there were always better shooters there, I just got lucky reading the wind.
Chuck #4 took a dirt nap!!

So we were doing a totally scientific (Hah) experiment deciding on comfort of grip in hand and manipulation of controls plus recoil management on the ever changing line of SIG pistols. Our test subject who generated the questions is a very athletic medium sized female shooter wanting to migrate away from GLOCK to SIG. She is an accomplished shooter and a guest instructor here at Blair Creek Training Center. We sampled everything from the old version 365 to the latest from the custom shop complete with integrated comp. And also 320 platform plus legions both with tungsten and without. Her opinion, and frankly the only one that counts since she is the one rocking them! She decided to go with 365 XL for EDC and a 320 legion with tungsten for a range work/competition rig. It was a lot of fun. Below were the candidates.

PS on SIG day, the more I shoot the Macro the more I like it. They literally designed the magazine first then built the gun around that. It is a bit fatter in hand and since I have gorilla mitts it sure feels good in the hand. It was too fat for the lady shooter but she did like it and shot it well. No surprise she shoots everything pretty darn well!
Think back a ways, banks were only open Monday-Friday and ATMs were just a dream in some computer geek's head. I worked too late on a Friday to cash my paycheck at the banks. Only place we knew of that would cash a paycheck was Fedmart, but you had to make a purchase to do so. I went to the Sporting Goods Dept and there was the 10/22 in the gun rack. Cash, nice new Ruger, it was a good Saturday :lol:
I have went on record saying the Ruger 10/22 may be the best rifle ever and I will do so again! It is iconic. One resides on my four wheeler all day every day! You can’t farm without one!
I’ve always felt like I was missing out not having one. A friend did and it was a decent shooter. Got busy in life and other things took priority. Now I think I need to build a 10/22 with a 16” medium weight barrel to work with the Mask muffler I have on the way. I don’t need it, but it just seems right to have one. Should be able to build one cheaper than replacing the Nylon 66 I never should have let go. Prices on the 66’s have gone through the roof.
Think back a ways, banks were only open Monday-Friday and ATMs were just a dream in some computer geek's head. I worked too late on a Friday to cash my paycheck at the banks. Only place we knew of that would cash a paycheck was Fedmart, but you had to make a purchase to do so. I went to the Sporting Goods Dept and there was the 10/22 in the gun rack. Cash, nice new Ruger, it was a good Saturday :lol:
I never liked they idea of a paycheck, I feel like i allready put in my 40 hours, I shouldn't have to drive all across town to get my money, give me cash or direct deposit it

But...the idea of getting a gun with my paycheck is very persuasive
I’ve always felt like I was missing out not having one. A friend did and it was a decent shooter. Got busy in life and other things took priority. Now I think I need to build a 10/22 with a 16” medium weight barrel to work with the Mask muffler I have on the way. I don’t need it, but it just seems right to have one. Should be able to build one cheaper than replacing the Nylon 66 I never should have let go. Prices on the 66’s have gone through the roof.
The 66 bring crazy money scratched dented or faded! You can build virtually anything you want out of a 10/22 the after market parts for them are endless.
I know I’ve asked you guys this before but what insurance do you guys carry and what is the appropriate cost per month or year. (Carry and use insurance) Why do you prefer this company. I carry everywhere I go from church to Walmart so I know it’s something I should have. Not sure if I told you guys this but I got pulled over for an expired inspection sticker a couple months ago and hands on wheel
I told him I had a pistol in my right pocket. He thanked me and went on to give me a written warning. He said if more pull-overs went like this the world would be a better place.
I know I’ve asked you guys this before but what insurance do you guys carry and what is the appropriate cost per month or year. (Carry and use insurance) Why do you prefer this company. I carry everywhere I go from church to Walmart so I know it’s something I should have. Not sure if I told you guys this but I got pulled over for an expired inspection sticker a couple months ago and hands on wheel
I told him I had a pistol in my right pocket. He thanked me and went on to give me a written warning. He said if more pull-overs went like this the world would be a better place.
John, there is a multitude of options for carry insurance. But fundamentally there is about three gorillas in the room. By far the largest with the most options is USCCA, you can customize the coverage to exactly what you want, and their training resources is where they really shine. USLawshield is not quite as large but still a big dog. Again you can select the level of coverage you prefer, they do not have anywhere near the training and education resources that USCCA has but arguably if you only want insurance and no education they are a bit more competitive on price point and again arguably better level of coverage if you read the fine print. There is also attorneys on retainer which is a dark horse if you will but growing. It really comes down to what kind of coverage you want and where. Our group of instructors are pretty evenly split between USCCA and USlawshield, edge going to Lawshield. We all have to carry a bit different coverage due to being trainers, than the typical carry insurance guy. With regard to our students I would say USCCA easily wins out as most popular. While I do not sell insurance or get any kind of referral compensation I always and I mean always stress to my students the importance of having the insurance and the education to navigate both a routine traffic stop while carrying and also how to navigate the aftermath of a defensive shooting regardless of who they select. The point here is if you carry you need the insurance. Apologies this got so long winded.
I know I’ve asked you guys this before but what insurance do you guys carry and what is the appropriate cost per month or year. (Carry and use insurance) Why do you prefer this company. I carry everywhere I go from church to Walmart so I know it’s something I should have. Not sure if I told you guys this but I got pulled over for an expired inspection sticker a couple months ago and hands on wheel
I told him I had a pistol in my right pocket. He thanked me and went on to give me a written warning. He said if more pull-overs went like this the world would be a better place.

John, there is a multitude of options for carry insurance. But fundamentally there is about three gorillas in the room. By far the largest with the most options is USCCA, you can customize the coverage to exactly what you want, and their training resources is where they really shine. USLawshield is not quite as large but still a big dog. Again you can select the level of coverage you prefer, they do not have anywhere near the training and education resources that USCCA has but arguably if you only want insurance and no education they are a bit more competitive on price point and again arguably better level of coverage if you read the fine print. There is also attorneys on retainer which is a dark horse if you will but growing. It really comes down to what kind of coverage you want and where. Our group of instructors are pretty evenly split between USCCA and USlawshield, edge going to Lawshield. We all have to carry a bit different coverage due to being trainers, than the typical carry insurance guy. With regard to our students I would say USCCA easily wins out as most popular. While I do not sell insurance or get any kind of referral compensation I always and I mean always stress to my students the importance of having the insurance and the education to navigate both a routine traffic stop while carrying and also how to navigate the aftermath of a defensive shooting regardless of who they select. The point here is if you carry you need the insurance. Apologies this got so long winded.
As John said you have to research and make the best choice for you.

This is like what oil do I use..........................after doing my research this is who I have.

Thank you both. I emailed both of those responses to myself so I can do a little research. I get emails from USCCA so I must have sent the my email or something. A quick check on the ACLDN looked like prices I could afford. Thanks again guys.
I gotta brag on number 17 groundhog (over five years) that I got today. I was ready to heat up some lunch and looked out at my freshly cut grass that I did last night. Small groundhog buy my plastic culvert pipe that is cut open so I call it out once in awhile. Trouble is it’s a quick escape for them. So I grabbed my ex wife’s open site 22 and sneak out the front door. Boom in the pipe. So I sit there for 15 minutes and he comes 1/2 way out, then back it. Getting impatient I said if he comes half way out I’m taking the shot. 5 minutes later his head pops out then half way out. I hit him and he rolled out with blood everywhere that I could see from 155 or so feet away. (guesstimate) as my house is 55 feet and it’s 90-100 to my shop. I did rest on my wooden railing so I did cheat some. I thought he may have rolled into to pipe but he was laying there. He will be someone’s meal tonight and I don’t even move them.





I gotta brag on number 17 groundhog (over five years) that I got today. I was ready to heat up some lunch and looked out at my freshly cut grass that I did last night. Small groundhog buy my plastic culvert pipe that is cut open so I call it out once in awhile. Trouble is it’s a quick escape for them. So I grabbed my ex wife’s open site 22 and sneak out the front door. Boom in the pipe. So I sit there for 15 minutes and he comes 1/2 way out, then back it. Getting impatient I said if he comes half way out I’m taking the shot. 5 minutes later his head pops out then half way out. I hit him and he rolled out with blood everywhere that I could see from 155 or so feet away. (guesstimate) as my house is 55 feet and it’s 90-100 to my shop. I did rest on my wooden railing so I did cheat some. I thought he may have rolled into to pipe but he was laying there. He will be someone’s meal tonight and I don’t even move them.

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Well done! And using the rail is not cheating. We call it moving into a position of tactical advantage. Tack driver right there!
Well some dirt bag dropped a litter of German Shepard pups today on the door of the rescue mission by my Dads house. I drive into town and spend day with my Dad and figure I would just kind of stroll thru the rescue. Nobody ever leaves GSDs. Pups are literally still wet from being deloused after being discarded. They are a bit small, malnourished and wormy, but fundamentally ok. Now I just have to explain to Jodi how I went to lunch with my Dad and came home with a hound. I have already been peed on and man o man have I forgotten just how sharp puppy teeth are. She dropped down between my hip and the console and was asleep before we hit the pavement. No sleep for me tonight I bet.



