Guns, Dogs and Blades QnA

Well sometimes ya win and sometimes ya lose. On plus side there is nothing funnier than a pup with the post bath zoomies on a tile floor!



Those ears.
Ears? O we got ears! This was her first day on the range. Essentially her first exercise day now that she is exhibiting some semblance of puppy energy. Did I mention I hate worms? She shared the day with a local PD SWAT Team leader. We were doing some work from elevated impromptu shooting solutions. And yes we managed to miss our platform but did make some very nice head shots! Range was just under 150 and we were basically replicating about five stories up. You can just barely see the target in the distance due to our elevation change. Got “slope dope” ?




Ears? O we got ears! This was her first day on the range. Essentially her first exercise day now that she is exhibiting some semblance of puppy energy. Did I mention I hate worms? She shared the day with a local PD SWAT Team leader. We were doing some work from elevated impromptu shooting solutions. And yes we managed to miss our platform but did make some very nice head shots! Range was just under 150 and we were basically replicating about five stories up. You can just barely see the target in the distance due to our elevation change. Got “slope dope” ?

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My wife would've lost her mind if I put a shooting bench built into the deck.
Looks like the pup is out of the woods and will live, while I am certainly not a Veterinarian she is putting on weight, and eating voraciously. A bit premature but I say another Shepard saved! I got a resident raptor that has been eyeing her like a yummy treat! She is not exactly top of the food chain material (yet) here on the mountain!



Looks like besties there.
They are getting along pretty good. The little Shepard pup has no reverse gear! She guerrilla attacks Gracie then scurries under the couch in classic hit and run tactics. With full throat ferocious puppy growls! Gracie crushes her, tosses her and bowls her over but the pup dusts off and comes back for more. She is all Shepard, fearless and oblivious to pain.
Deer season started here today. As expected the sound of gunfire was present coming from the ranches across the highway. About 30 minutes after sunset those sounds appeared again :wtf: . Either the ranchers and their guests were doin' a little spot lighting or their neighbors were using their propane cannons to scare off the wildlife cruisin' their berry fields :lol:.
Deer season started here today. As expected the sound of gunfire was present coming from the ranches across the highway. About 30 minutes after sunset those sounds appeared again :wtf: . Either the ranchers and their guests were doin' a little spot lighting or their neighbors were using their propane cannons to scare off the wildlife cruisin' their berry fields :lol:.
Wildlife can decimate a berry field, we grew organic blueberries so it was a constant challenge. One of the just absolute coolest things I ever got to be a part of was hiring a Falconer.
